Governance Documents

Procedures and Policies

Annual Governance and Accountability Returns

All documents listed below are pdfs unless otherwise noted - contents to be reviewed, updated where appropriate and moved to the new repository, or removed if obsolete

Governance Documents from 2021-22

Earlier documents

Note: Standing Orders (section 2 k) require that most governance documents be reviewed at the Annual PC Meeting in May each year. This review will not necessarily be noted here if little or no change is made)

Asset Register 2021Spreadsheet - Approved 31 March 202182 KB354
Planning Portfolio Holder Terms of ReferenceAgreed 4 September 201876 KB203
Register of Members' InterestsPointer to master copy on the Winchester CC website
This link is currently unavailable (last tested 3 May 2019)
104 KB755
Employers Liability Certificate 2018Certificate of Employers’ Liability Insurance for 12 months ended 30 September 2019123 KB152
Standing OrdersAmended to make the contract value limit in Standing Order 18(c) consistent with Financial Regulations 12.1.b. Approved 2 May 2017, re-approved 1 May 2018, 7 May 2019191 KB331
CSPC Publication Schemeupdated version approved 3 September 2019254 KB771
Media Policyapproved October 2010,
re-approved 8 May 2012, 7 May 2013, 1 May 2018 and 7 May 2019
19 KB659
Financial RegulationsApproved 2 May 2017, 1 May 2018, 7 May 2019144 KB310
Data Protection Policyapproved 8 May 2012,
re-approved with minor amendments 7 May 2013,
re-approved 1 May 2018, 7 May 2019
26 KB650
Complaints Procedureapproved 2 July 2013,
with a typo correction approved 2 September 2013
re-approved 1 May 2018, 7 May 2019
39 KB749
Risk Assessment 2018.19 V1Risk assessment and management reviewed and adopted on 5 March 2019227 KB161
Code Of ConductCode Of Conduct 2012 (PARISH), Updated March 2017129 KB165
Casual Vacancy and Co-option ProcessPaper approved by the Council on 5 March 2013, contents reordered February 201477 KB3472

Audit Documents

YewTreeWoods2 KB681
Yew Tree Woods3 KB88
YewTreeWoods463 B131
Wayside Cross Rededication Service Sheet November 1994120 KB809
Waste Collection FAQ 2019-09170 KB105
Walk Leader Training Jan 2020 Booking Form109 KB164
Village Amenitiesquestions 37-3867 KB170
Village Design Statement For Compton And Shawford Parish 2019689 KB377
ViaductWay3 KB480
ViaductWay2 KB1237
VDS Open Day Agenda14 KB270
ValleyofFields1 KB549
ValleyofFields2 KB1244
Under 18squestions 26-3579 KB175
Twyford Waterworks Family Events 2016306 KB227
TRO Proposal Shawford Road Plan259 KB250
TheKnollBoundary2 KB718
TheKnollboundary178 B107
The Knoll2 KB100
The Code Of Conduct Guide For Members - May 2007138 KB946
Tennis Club Lease with Attachments (Redacted)56 KB1431
PPGT Minutes 2 March 201562 KB348
PPGT Minutes 12 January 201562 KB381
Sports And Leisurequestion 4133 KB132
Sports Club Lease with Attachments (Redacted)636 KB877
Spiritual Welfarequestions 58-61109 KB165
Sparrowgroveboundary283 B97
Sparrowgrove2 KB708
Sparrowgrove2 KB92
SOCCT 2019 AGM Chair's Report44 KB137
SouthWinchesterParkandRide2 KB692
South Winchester Park and Ride145 B95
SouthdownPath2 KB690
SouthdownPath148 B105
Sludgeletter1999-09-1340 KB232
Young Persons' Section 201695 KB222
Show Letter And Schedules 2018 Young Persons Section115 KB142
Show Letter And Schedules 2018212 KB158
Show Letter And Schedules 2017YoungPersons99 KB171
Show Letter And Schedules 2017207 KB250
Show Letter And Schedules 2016200 KB254
Young Persons' Section96 KB566
Show Letter And Schedules 2019YoungPersonSection128 KB120
Show Letter And Schedules 2019Main261 KB152
2015 Summer Show Letter And Schedules180 KB464
Young Persons' Section82 KB298
Show Letter And Schedules 2014117 KB320
Show Letter And Schedules 2013137 KB615
ShawfordDownPermissiveBridleway3 KB446
Shawford Down Car Park3 KB79
Shawford Down Car Park641 B874
Shawford Down boundary703 B104
ShawfordDown3 KB721
Shawford Wayside Cross IMI Completion report 2014102 KB418
Shawford War Memorial IMI Completion report 2014110 KB800
Shawford Parish Hall Sinking Fund Recommendations 2006998 KB304
Shawford Down Task Programme 2014-5395 KB618
Services To Communityquestions 66-68121 KB171
Servicesquestions 69-73100 KB178
Asset Register 2021Spreadsheet - Approved 31 March 202182 KB354
SerendipityTrailRouteLatLong3 KB59
SerendipityTrailRoute5 KB2599
Serendipity Trail KML Route2 KB607
Serendipity Trail GPX Route6 KB801
SerendipityTrailMarkers5 KB57
SerendipityTrailLatLonMarkers5 KB58
SerendipityTrail6Markers171 B65
SerendipityTrail12 KB1927
SDSGolfDayInfo+InviteForm2017128 KB257
Compton School catchment area2 KB1477
2014-09-02 District Councillors Report34 KB420
Affordable Rural Housing: A practical guide for parish councils5.8 MB289
River Itchen Weedcutting 2016226 KB448
Review of the Rural Affordable Housing Study in Compton & Shawford Nov 2012 to Sep 2013118 KB705
QEIIPlayArea2 KB700
QE II Play Area77 B99
QE II Field1 KB86
QEIIBoundary2 KB705
QEIIboundary118 B113
Public Rights Notice 2017-18 CSPC28 KB171
Pre-AshesMenu131 KB135
Poster - Warning Doorstep Callers - Council Tax Bands337 KB161
PointsOfInterestMarkers2 KB61
Planningcurrentmonthtable34 KB53
PlanningcurrentmonthOpenStreetMap Csv7 KB73
Planning Current Month Applications and Decisions3 KB112
Planning Current Month8 KB2212
Winchester City Council on planningWinchester City Council is the planning authority for our parish.
This link to the planning page on the WCC website is a good starting point for all your questions about planning.
28 KB618
Planning Portfolio Holder Terms of ReferenceAgreed 4 September 201876 KB203
Pinkmarker91 KB397
Pinkmarker81 KB412
Pinkmarker71 KB399
Pinkmarker61 KB406
Pinkmarker51 KB380
Pinkmarker41 KB392
Pinkmarker301 KB117
Pinkmarker31 KB386
Pinkmarker291 KB38
Pinkmarker281 KB79
Pinkmarker271 KB108
Pinkmarker261 KB23
Pinkmarker251 KB39
Pinkmarker241 KB89
Pinkmarker231 KB96
Pinkmarker221 KB53
Pinkmarker211 KB55
Pinkmarker201 KB62
Pinkmarker21 KB382
Pinkmarker191 KB44
Pinkmarker181 KB142
Pinkmarker171 KB83
Pinkmarker161 KB78
Pinkmarker151 KB465
Pinkmarker141 KB399
Pinkmarker131 KB411
Pinkmarker121 KB433
Pinkmarker111 KB408
Pinkmarker101 KB426
Pinkmarker11 KB389
Permissive Bridleways Etc5 KB263
Pavilion Planning Permission 1997-10-3085 KB542
Pavilion News Update April 2001172 KB279
Pavilion Information leaflet June 1999145 KB216
Pavilion Circular Walk7 KB358
Parish Toolkit April 2009508 KB1754
Parish Communicationquestions 44-50211 KB180
ParishRoWs389 KB78
ParishMarkers1 KB88
Parish points of interest2 KB429
ParishBoundaries42 KB115
Register of Members' InterestsPointer to master copy on the Winchester CC website
This link is currently unavailable (last tested 3 May 2019)
104 KB755
Parish Mag Jan 2006 - Shawford Down Proposals215 KB573
Parish Mag Dec 2006 - Shawford Down Conservation199 KB299
Guidance for Parish Council Candidates171 KB436
Over the garden hedgeLink to government guidance on how to settle your hedge differences without involving the local authority.
This process must be attempted before a complaint can be made to your local authority.
21 KB336
OpenSpacesMarkers715 B66
Openspaces-kmlfiles1 KB68
Open Day Poster298 KB510
Notice Of Conclusion Of Audit 2017.08.03178 KB307
Notice Of Conclusion Of Audit 2021Official Notice of conclusion of audit for y/e 31 March 2021. Dated 30 September 202199 KB288
Notice Of Uncontested Election - Compton & Shawford - 202164 KB86
Nomination pack 2021 parish council election215 KB99
MPFPlayArea2 KB734
MPF Play Area79 B106
MPFBoundary2 KB760
MPFboundary343 B109
Minutes 2021-05-18 Draft1.4 MB207
Minutes 2021-03-02 Draft242 KB147
Minutes 2021-01-05177 KB154
Minutes 2020-11-03142 KB115
Minutes 2020-09-01144 KB142
Minutes 2020-07-07179 KB153
Minutes 2020-03-03250 KB182
Minutes 2020-01-07111 KB178
Minutes 2019-11-12129 KB170
Minutes 2019-09-03121 KB167
Minutes 2019-07-0297 KB192
Minutes 2019-05-07191 KB193
Minutes 2019-03-05100 KB207
Minutes 2019-01-08174 KB236
Minutes 2018-11-0693 KB197
Minutes 2018-09-0426 KB168
Minutes 2018-07-0347 KB192
Minutes 2018-05-0126 KB210
Minutes 2018-03-0641 KB276
Minutes 2018-01-0948 KB249
Minutes 2017-11-0733 KB240
Minutes 2017-09-0539 KB245
Minutes 2017-07-1133 KB279
Minutes 2017-05-0238 KB390
Minutes 2017-03-0732 KB311
Minutes 2017-01-1030 KB478
Minutes 2016-11-0134 KB285
Minutes 2016-09-0629 KB360
Minutes 2016-07-0536 KB335
Minutes 2016-05-1026 KB368
Minutes 2016-03-0152 KB694
Minutes 2016-01-1247 KB610
PC Shawford Parking policy letter13 KB416
District Ward changes 199924 KB425
Lease Field Plan 2003-04-01699 KB216
Law And Orderquestions 52-56135 KB146
Landscapequestions 94-108361 KB189
Invitation To Dementia Awareness Event 25 June 20141.3 MB532
Internal Audit Report 2019.04.18Annual Internal Audit Report for the year ended 31 March 2019. Signed by the internal auditor 18 April 2019252 KB144
Infrastructurequestions 111-142941 KB323
Hyde Group Review of Shortlisted Exception Sites in Compton & Shawford April 2013297 KB534
Do I need Planning Permission?Link to interactive guidance for householders on the Planning Portal21 KB380
Hockley Viaduct Boundary313 B97
HockleyViaduct2 KB707
HIOW Devolution Newsletter 10213 KB515
Healthquestions 63-65116 KB202
HCCSchoolCatchmentOSM4 KB1160
HCCSchoolCatchmentOSM10 KB80
HARAH Compton And Shawford Affordable Housing Report1.4 MB932
HA0068 S3 External Audit 2020/21External Auditor Report and Certificate for 2020/21. Signed and dated 29 September 2021 162 KB104
HA0068 AGAR 2020/21Annual Governance Statement 2020/21 and Annual Finance Statement 2020/21276 KB106
Ground Source Protection Briefing Note December 2015242 KB413
Greenmarker93 KB2365
Greenmarker83 KB2293
Greenmarker72 KB2361
Greenmarker63 KB2228
Greenmarker53 KB1812
Greenmarker43 KB1656
Greenmarker303 KB766
Greenmarker33 KB2077
Greenmarker293 KB1035
Greenmarker283 KB2437
Greenmarker273 KB2366
Greenmarker263 KB2430
Greenmarker253 KB2394
Greenmarker243 KB2324
Greenmarker233 KB2374
Greenmarker223 KB2399
Greenmarker213 KB2376
Greenmarker203 KB2428
Greenmarker23 KB1623
Greenmarker193 KB2380
Greenmarker183 KB2323
Greenmarker173 KB2386
Greenmarker163 KB2409
Greenmarker153 KB2383
Greenmarker143 KB2399
Greenmarker133 KB2454
Greenmarker123 KB2328
Greenmarker112 KB2367
Greenmarker103 KB2360
Greenmarker12 KB1529
Good Councillor's Guide 2018818 KB128
Good Councilllor's Guide 2017950 KB336
Generalquestions 76-80140 KB175
Affordable Housing comment sheet94 KB770
Exercise Of Public RightsDate of announcement: Wednesday 23rd June 202141 KB102
The Essential Clerk1.7 MB1230
Employers Liability Certificate 2018Certificate of Employers’ Liability Insurance for 12 months ended 30 September 2019123 KB152
EmergencyContactList.202022 KB138
Ditch Maintenance Poster 2018365 KB165
Hampshire and Isle of Wight Devolution Newsletter November 2015345 KB669
Defibrillators272 B57
2019-11 District Councillors Report74 KB128
Children & Young Peoplequestions 14-25139 KB156
CS Parish Plan and VDS Committee Minutes461 KB805
CSPPChildProtectionPolicy19 KB670
Shawford Down War Memorial Inscription477 KB1256
Standing OrdersAmended to make the contract value limit in Standing Order 18(c) consistent with Financial Regulations 12.1.b. Approved 2 May 2017, re-approved 1 May 2018, 7 May 2019191 KB331
CSPC response to LGBCE draft recommendations87 KB657
CSPC Publication Schemeupdated version approved 3 September 2019254 KB771
CSPC Parish Plan Constitution 2006 10 0983 KB428
CSPCMinutes2015114 KB166
CSPCMinutes2014131 KB207
CSPCMinutes2013137 KB703
CSPCMinutes2012130 KB675
CSPCMinutes2011359 KB938
CSPCMinutes2010651 KB821
CSPCMinutes2009482 KB852
CSPCMinutes2008387 KB1103
CSPCMinutes2007450 KB720
CSPCMinutes2006646 KB714
CSPCMinutes2005709 KB1229
CSPCMinutes2004725 KB892
CSPCMinutes2003719 KB1105
CSPCMinutes2002748 KB738
CSPCMinutes2001766 KB929
Media Policyapproved October 2010,
re-approved 8 May 2012, 7 May 2013, 1 May 2018 and 7 May 2019
19 KB659
Annual Internal Audit 2013Performed at the Finance & Admin Committee Meeting 25 November 201330 KB311
Annual Internal Audit 2012approved at PC meeting 4 December 201234 KB481
Annual Internal Audit 2014Performed at the Finance & Admin Committee Meeting 1 December 201474 KB668
Parish Boundary for display18 KB767
Financial RegulationsApproved 2 May 2017, 1 May 2018, 7 May 2019144 KB310
CSPCDefraGrantApplication152 KB524
Data Protection Policyapproved 8 May 2012,
re-approved with minor amendments 7 May 2013,
re-approved 1 May 2018, 7 May 2019
26 KB650
Complaints Procedureapproved 2 July 2013,
with a typo correction approved 2 September 2013
re-approved 1 May 2018, 7 May 2019
39 KB749
CSPC Boundary Review Initial Comments227 KB499
Compton & Shawford Parish Boundary gpx24 KB610
CSPC Parliamentary Constituency Review Final.201676 KB376
CSPC Superfast Broadband Update November 2018706 KB100
Risk Assessment 2018.19 V1Risk assessment and management reviewed and adopted on 5 March 2019227 KB161
CSPC Response To BCE Revised Proposals For The South East Region.2017301 KB200
CSPC AGAR 2020-21Annual Internal Audit Report 2020/21, Annual Governance Statement 2020/21 and Annual Finance Statement 2020/21476 KB120
CSPC Notice Of Public Rights.2020Dated 17 July 202043 KB124
CSPC and HARAH Meeting 18 June 201348 KB611
CS+boundary+SelectedNeighbours2015-01-03232 KB537
CSBoundaryRed20 KB451
Parish Boundary polygon7 KB1521
Compton & Shawford Public Rights of Way 2013-07-23131 KB355
Compton & Shawford Public RIghts of Way (KML)135 KB71
Compton & Shawford Public RIghts of Way576 KB88
CS-PathsandBridleways2014-12-07137 KB518
CS+SelectedNeighbours kmz19 KB859
CS+SelectedNeighbours kml209 KB741
CS+NeighboursRestrictedByways25 KB445
CS+NeighboursFootpaths196 KB455
CS+NeighboursBridleways87 KB439
CS+NeighboursBOATs4 KB451
CS+Neighbours2021313 KB519
CS+Neighbours-kmlfiles527 B66
CS+boundary+SelectedNeighbours2015-01-0328 KB452
Rights of Way and other paths in and immediately adjacent to Compton & Shawford27 KB629
Central Winchester Project update Broadsheet4.0 MB115
Countryside Landowner Deposits - Briefing Note112 KB259
Conclusionquestion 7440 KB154
Compton StreetConservationArea16 KB362
ComptonVillageAppraisalDraft262 KB1136
Map of possible sites in Compton472 KB696
Compton & Shawford VDS 20117.0 MB2415
Compton & Shawford Parish Plan and VDS questionnaire 188 KB879
Compton & Shawford Parish Plan 20082.1 MB1657
ComptonLockboundary133 B106
ComptonLock2 KB707
Compton Lock2 KB84
Compton Half Term Flyer and booking form361 KB401
Compton Easter 2017 Football Coaching Application Form 992 KB390
Compton Street Conservation Area11 KB582
ComptonandShawfordOSM20 KB1248
ComptonandShawfordBoundary20 KB697
Compton And Shawford FP 12390 KB166
Compton Possibly Suitable New Sites429 KB510
Jubilee Pavilion Sinking Fund Recommendations 2007208 KB561
Combinedwalkmarkers8 KB66
Code Of ConductCode Of Conduct 2012 (PARISH), Updated March 2017129 KB165
CoC Mini Guide200782 KB672
ChurchParishBoundaryOSM17 KB1167
Ecclesiastical Boundary of the Parish of All Saints, Compton (kml)16 KB77
Ecclesiastical Boundary of the Parish of All Saints, Compton22 KB105
Church History Booklet192 KB1078
Church Boundary Polygon6 KB1478
Casual Vacancy and Co-option ProcessPaper approved by the Council on 5 March 2013, contents reordered February 201477 KB3472
CASCA Parish Hall Lease 1999-01-01 (Redacted)276 KB451
ButterflyReserve2 KB699
Butterfly Reserve1 KB96
ButterflyReserve73 B106
BushfieldBoundary4 KB151
Bushfieldboundary254 B109
Bushfield2 KB760
Bushfield2 KB87
Bulletin - Removal Of Technology 05 April236 KB110
Buildingsquestions 83-93417 KB200
Boomtown 2017 Public Information Sheet247 KB366
Bluemarker91 KB1303
Bluemarker81 KB1339
Bluemarker71 KB1312
Bluemarker61 KB1432
Bluemarker51 KB1851
Bluemarker41 KB2083
Bluemarker301 KB214
Bluemarker31 KB1589
Bluemarker291 KB50
Bluemarker281 KB27
Bluemarker271 KB53
Bluemarker261 KB75
Bluemarker251 KB86
Bluemarker241 KB116
Bluemarker231 KB50
Bluemarker221 KB85
Bluemarker211 KB85
Bluemarker201 KB51
Bluemarker21 KB2046
Bluemarker191 KB204
Bluemarker181 KB171
Bluemarker171 KB161
Bluemarker161 KB140
Bluemarker151 KB142
Bluemarker141 KB955
Bluemarker131 KB913
Bluemarker121 KB1306
Bluemarker111 KB1273
Bluemarker101 KB1279
Bluemarker11 KB2117
Audit Notice (Appendix 5) 2016Notice that the Council's accounting records for 2015/16 are available for inspection, upon reasonable notice, from 6 June 2016 to 15 July 2016 25 KB219
Audit Closure Notice.2020Annual Governance & Accountability Return for the year ended 31 March 2020 Dated 30 November 2020 Published as required by Sections 20(2) and 25 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 201434 KB293
Audit Closure Notice 2019Published on 2 August 2019 as required by Sections 20(2) and 25 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 201420 KB131
Audit Closure Notice.201819 KB162
AR2016 Section2.2016.05.19 For WebAccounting statements 2015/16219 KB243
AR2016 Section1.2016.05.19 For WebAnnual governance statement 2015/16154 KB244
AR2016 RFO Statement Public Rights.2016.05.19 For WebThe required formal notice that the Accounting Statements for the financial year 2015/2016 are unaudited and may be subject to change58 KB273
April2007ParishMagWrite Up397 KB306
APM2019 Draft Report184 KB179
APM 2019 Annual Report604 KB273
APM 2018 Report34 KB220
APM2018 Annual Report356 KB252
APM2017 Report26 KB237
APM2017 District Councillor Report50 KB418
APM2017 County Councillor Report29 KB298
APM 2017 Annual Report1.3 MB624
APM2016 Report55 KB507
APM2016 Chair's Report79 KB498
APM2015 Report25 KB554
APM 2015 Annual Report606 KB898
APM2014 Report36 KB495
APM2014 Chair's Letter296 KB809
APM2013 Report31 KB577
APM 2013 Annual Report1.7 MB1479
APM2012 Report33 KB706
APM 2012 Annual Report1.6 MB1261
APM2011 Report68 KB539
APM 2011 Annual Report1.3 MB918
APM2010 Report80 KB719
APM 2010 Annual Report1.6 MB617
APM2009 Report31 KB590
APM 2009 Annual Report1.2 MB873
APM2008 Minutes58 KB808
APM 2008 Annual Report1.4 MB732
APM2007 Minutes41 KB1293
APM 2007 Annual Report823 KB854
APM2006 Minutes85 KB596
APM2006ChairmansReport43 KB447
APM 2006 Annual Report1.0 MB671
APM2005 Minutes55 KB648
APM 2005 Chairmans Report14 KB535
APM2004 Minutes110 KB1043
APM 2004 Annual Report1.1 MB845
APM2003 Minutes35 KB758
APM 2003 Annual Report2.1 MB857
APM2002 Minutes32 KB715
APM 2002 Annual Report739 KB898
APM2001 Minutes50 KB912
APM2000 Minutes20 KB594
APM 2000 Annual Report247 KB791
APM1999 Minutes33 KB521
APM 1999 Annual Report205 KB963
APM1998 Report15 KB442
APM 1998 Annual Report222 KB771
APM1997 Minutes37 KB667
APM1996 Minutes33 KB853
APM1995 Minutes34 KB800
Annual Internal Audit 2019Performed at the Finance & Admin Committee Meeting 5 March 2019191 KB182
Annex J EP Plan-External Contacts50 KB223
Analysis of responsesPDF with answers shown graphically184 KB153
All Questionnaire Comments 2008 01 10(Word file)233 KB294
AllSaintstoHockleyViaduct2 KB816
AGAR Section 2 Accounting Statements 2018-19Approved and signed by the Council 7 May 2019237 KB147
AGAR Section 1 Annual Governance Statement 2018-19Approved and signed by the Council 7 May 2019238 KB142
AGAR Section 3.2018.08.29 HA0068 S3 Redacted148 KB147
AGAR Section 3.2018.08.29 HA0068 S3 Redacted74 KB161
Agar Section 3 External Auditor HA0068 S3 2019.07.31Certificate signed by the External Auditor 30 July 201989 KB122
AGAR Sect 3 External Auditor HA0068 29.11.2020External Auditor Report and Certificate for 2019/20. Signed and dated 23 November 2020177 KB103
AGAR Sect 2 Accounting Statements 2019.20Annual Accounting Statement 2019/20 signed and dated 7 July 2020136 KB115
AGAR Sect 1 Annual Governance Statement 2019.20Annual Governance Statement 2019/20 signed and dated 7 July 2020141 KB112
AGAR Internal Audit.2018.04.16 (page 3)Redacted247 KB144
AGAR Annual Governance Statement 2018.05.01175 KB151
AGAR Accounting Statements 2018.05.01157 KB153
A5 Parish Mag Template 2014Microsoft Word template for the A5 parish magazine page layout.33 KB770
A34 Winnall Rbt Closure184 KB462
SPD Comments Form902 KB124
2020-01 District Councillors' Report37 KB153
2020-01 County Councillor Report68 KB132
2019-20 AGAR Sec 1&2Annual Governance Statement 2019/20 and Annual Finance Statement 2019/20319 KB112
2019-09 Parish Charter ProposalParish Charter Proposal for WDALC42 KB111
2019-09 Hampshire County Council Report54 KB83
2019-09 Hampshire County Council ReportCounty Councillor's Report54 KB125
2019-09 District Councillors ReportDistrict Councillors' Report23 KB93
2019-07 Hampshire County Council Report June47 KB120
2019-07 District Councillors Report55 KB160
2017 Audit Notice (Appendix 5) 201725 KB168
2017 Annual Return RFO Declaration.207.06.05 Redacted58 KB185
2017 Annual Internal Audit Report.2017.05.10 Final Redacted168 KB163
2017 Annual Governance Statement 2017.05.02 Pdf Final Redacted173 KB216
2017 Accounting Statement 2017.05.02 Pdf Final Redacted207 KB311
Shawford Parking Proposal Site Notice103 KB239
Compton & Shawford SHELAA sites2.9 MB108
draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for the Central Winchester Regeneration Area (CWR Area)72.1 MB138

Other Documents

  • Constitution of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Committee (approved 6 March 2012)  as a web page and a pdf
  • Register of Members' Interests: Under the newly adopted Code of Conduct we are required to publish the Register of Members' Interests on our website via a link to the City Council's website. The City Council advised us on 23 January 2012 that the Register of Members Interest forms can be found at
  • Code of Conduct (from 1 July 2012)
    • As reported by NALC,

New laws governing the conduct of elected members in local government came into effect on 1 July 2012: with local (parish and town) councils required to have their own local codes of conduct for their 80,000 councillors.

The code of conduct for local councils must be based on the seven Nolan principles of public life: selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership.

Internal Audit Notes

Paragraph 2.73 of the March 2014 edition of  Governance & Accountability in Local Councils: A Practitioner’s Guide states that the work of internal audit should be subject to an engagement letter on first appointment by the Council, setting out the terms of the appointment. Engagement terms may include:

  •  Roles and responsibilities
  •  Audit planning
  •  Reporting requirements
  •  Assurance around independence and competence
  •  Access to information, members and officers
  •  Period of engagement
  •  Remuneration and
  •  Any other matters required for the management of the engagement by the council.