
In this section  
Compton & Shawford Defibrillators

Compton & Shawford Defibrillators

Defibrillators in the Compton & Shawford - listed and marked on the map

Parish Boundary

Map of the parish boundary. Choose between displaying any or all of the boundaries of the civil parish,...

Protected Areas - MAGiC (external site)

MAGiC (Multi-Agency Geographic Information for the Countryside): a public government interactive map...

Schematic map

Schematic map of the parish showing roads and major features
Open Spaces

Open Spaces

Publicly accessible open spaces in the parish listed, categorised and shown on a map.
Points of Interest

Points of Interest

Points of Interest in the parish - listed and marked on the map
Local Rights of Way Map

Local Rights of Way Map

Rights of way in and around Compton & Shawford using Ordnance Survey mapping, provided by

Parish Rights of Way

Hampshire County Council owns the description of all the Rights of Way in the county. On the HCC website,...

Parish Paths Map

Public Rights of Way, permissive paths and unclassified paths in and near Compton and Shawford
Ordnance Survey mapping

Ordnance Survey mapping

Experimental interactive map using the Ordnance Survey OpenSpace tools. Possible uses include showing...

Planning Applications Map

A map showing the 30 most recent planning applications in the parish.

OpenStreetMap of Compton & Shawford

The map on this page comes from the OpenStreetMap project (OSM). What's the advantage of OpenStreetMap?...