Annual Reports

APM 2018 Annual Report

The Annual Review .. is a model for high standard communication with electors

These reports, first produced in 1998, are to let parishioners know what their Parish Council has been doing in their name during the past year, and to look forward to developments which might affect our community in the coming year.

The report is hand delivered to all households in the parish shortly before the Annual Parish Assembly, held in April every year.

The Director of the Hampshire Association of Parish & Town Councils wrote, in June 1999, that "The Annual Review which you prepared for the Annual Parish Assembly makes marvellous reading - and is a model for high standard communication with electors"

Annual Reports

All files are PDFs. You need the free Adobe Reader (or equivalent) to read them.
APM 2019 Annual Report604 KB282
APM2018 Annual Report356 KB262
APM 2017 Annual Report1.3 MB643
APM2016 Chair's Report79 KB505
APM 2015 Annual Report606 KB903
APM2014 Chair's Letter296 KB820
APM 2013 Annual Report1.7 MB1495
APM 2012 Annual Report1.6 MB1290
APM 2011 Annual Report1.3 MB929
APM 2010 Annual Report1.6 MB628
APM 2009 Annual Report1.2 MB879
APM 2008 Annual Report1.4 MB742
APM 2007 Annual Report823 KB865
APM 2006 Annual Report1.0 MB683
APM 2005 Chairmans Report14 KB538
APM 2004 Annual Report1.1 MB856
APM 2003 Annual Report2.1 MB880
APM 2002 Annual Report739 KB929
APM 2000 Annual Report247 KB796
APM 1999 Annual Report205 KB972
APM 1998 Annual Report222 KB780
Note: The Annual Reports have sometimes been called Annual Reviews.