Traffic, Road Safety and maintenance

From June 2000 also see Highways, Byways, Environment and M3 subcommittee and Transport Matters

Table of Contents

January 2000

Traffic Calming

County Councillor Mrs A Bailey reported that Hampshire County Council would be implementing traffic calming measures in Hiltingbury/Hocombe Roads. Eastleigh Borough Council had been asked to fund the proposed lorry ban for this same area.

Traffic safety – flooding

There was a serious flood in Compton Bottom on Christmas Eve, resulting in one accident and a number of breakdowns. Had the new overhead light been working, this might have helped motorists to see the hazard. The Highways and Byways sub-committee was asked to investigate the reasons and ensure HCC undertook any remedial work to prevent a recurrence.

December 1999

Street Lighting – Compton Street

The installation of a street light at the junction of Compton Street and Otterbourne Road proceeds, albeit slowly. To complete this project the contractor is required to reduce the height of the lamp standard by 2 metres and Southern Electricity still have to install the necessary wiring.

November 1999

Prohibition of Heavy Goods Vehicles, Hocombe and Hiltingbury Roads, Chandlers Ford

HCC Roads and Highways development Committee will be resolving the issues of traffic calming for Hiltingbury/Hocombe Roads and the lorry ban at a meeting to be held on 6th December.

Installation of light at junction of Compton Street and Otterbourne Road

Hampshire County Council have advised that the street lighting to be installed on Otterbourne Road and the junction with Compton Street will be delayed whilst BT and Southern Electricity sort out the proximity of their respective sets of cables.

October 1999

Installation of light at junction of Compton Street and Otterbourne Road

The council were advised that Hampshire County Council would be installing the additional street light at the junction of Otterbourne Road and Compton Street very shortly.

September 1999

Provision of Speed Humps in Compton Street

Cllr Mr R Wilmshurst reported that the Tenants Association did not support the installation of speed humps. He had yet to make contact with other interested parties. The Police had been more active of late and  “no parking” bollards had appeared in Martins Field to prevent dangerous parking by users of the play school.. This year funding for lighting at the junction of Compton Street and Otterbourne Road has priority. More evidence of public support would be needed before the Parish Council would consider funding speed humps in a future financial year.


Installation of light at junction of Compton Street and Otterbourne Road

The Parish Council has been pressing for safety improvements in this area for some years. As HCC now have matching funds available immediately the Council decided that we should not miss the chance of installing lighting at this poorly lit junction even though it had not been allowed for in this year. s budget.

July 1999

Prohibition of Heavy Goods Vehicles, Hocombe and Hiltingbury Roads, Chandlers Ford

Both County Cllr Anne Bailey and District Cllr Margaret Campbell-White warned of the possible effects to traffic in Otterbourne and Compton parishes, if this ban was implemented as proposed. Mrs Bailey explained how the ban had come about and gave her reasons and urged the PC to write and oppose. which Cllr Ellis has now done.

Illumination of Traffic Island, Compton Street Turning

The Parish had received an offer under the joint initiative scheme for lighting. both of the bollards and overhead at the junction with Compton Street, as per our proposals recently submitted. The overall cost would be £3489.00 with the PC paying half. The sub-committee recommended acceptance and the matter was generally approved by all present and referred to the finance sub-committee.

June 1999

Sightline junction Compton Street-Otterbourne Road.

Reported that thanks had been expressed to Mrs Schofield, owner of the property, for her prompt attention to cutting back the overgrowth.

Parking on the road at Shawford.

Following complaints regarding the dangers from traffic and parking on Shawford Road, to which there seems no solution , the matter is to be referred back to Shawford Village Residents’ Association for their representations to the Parish Council

Provision of speed humps on Compton Street.

A report is to be made by Cllr Wilmshurst following a meeting to be held of residents to consider the matter.

Street lighting.

A submission has been sent to the County Surveyor, proposing that lighting be provided to the island refuge on Otterbourne Road, opposite Compton Street entrance, and to facilitate safety for pedestrians crossing to and from the southbound and northbound adjacent bus shelters.

May 1999

Provision of speed humps on Compton Street.

ClIr Wilmshurst is to again consult Compton Tenants’ Association, to obtain views of Compton villagers and then collate such views. Romanse Project (Bus Stop Signs). Software problems persist and the solution could be short or long term.

Traffic calming – Otterbourne Road.

A letter had been sent to County Cllr Mrs A Bailey, who has discussed content with Mr J Soutar, County Surveyor’s Dept, who has yet to respond.

April 1999

Provision of speed humps – Compton Street.

Following a letter from a resident and a review of deliberations on this issue in 1991 and 1992, it was decided to raise the matter at the Annual Parish Meeting and obtain views of Compton Village residents and of Compton Tenants’ Association.

Overhanging trees/bushes obstructing pavement – Otterbourne Road.

Further inspection to take place within the next week and remedial action taken by HCC soon after.

Traffic calming – Otterbourne Road.

Letter to be sent to County Cllr Mrs Ann Bailey pointing out that only one of the seven actions that had been discussed with Mr J Soutar, HCC, had been effected, and asking that she please follow up the outstanding six matters with a view early completion.

February 1999

Traffic calming.

It was reported that the issue had not been fully addressed in the Parish and that Cllr Whitaker is to supply County Cllr Mrs Bailey with a list of reported items that had not been attended to.

December 1998

Highways, Byways and Environment:

Overhanging trees/bushes are obstructing the pavement and obscuring sight lines on Otterbourne Road. HCC to be contacted on the matter.

Shawford Down Car Park:

Council to write to HCC to request erection of a height barrier to prevent the use of the car park by high vehicles such as those used by “travellers”. It had been part of the original intention for the car park that such a barrier be installed.

October 1998

Traffic safety.

After discussion of the congestion problems caused by parking near the Bridge Hotel, and the implications of increased traffic speeds if parking were to be banned there altogether, it was agreed that Cllr Threlfall talk to local residents.

September 1998

Problems of parking at Shawford and traffic safety.

No feedback yet from Mr J Soutar, County Surveyor’s Department, following the Council’s meeting with him in June, but City Councillor Mrs M Campbell-White reported that there is money in this year’s budget for traffic safety improvements at the Shawford Road junction with Otterbourne Road.

July 1998

Traffic Calming.

Sub-Committee members, City Cllr Mrs M Campbell-White and CASCA Chairman, Peter Moll met with Mr J Soutar, County Surveyors’ Department, on 10 June, to discuss future traffic calming measures on Otterbourne Road and traffic parking problems at and opposite The Bridge Hotel, Shawford, as follows.

  • Shepherds Lane Bridge. HCC unlikely to alter road layout but to consider moving barrier back to the fence to make grass cutting easier in order to clear the sight line.
  • Speed limits – Otterbourne Road. HCC of opinion that the open character of the road would mitigate against reducing the speed limit to 30 mph but PC of the view that this should be considered.
  • Bus stops opposite to each other to the south of the Otterbourne Road/Shawford Road junction should be offset and set back off the road in a lay-by.
  • Hurdle Way Junction: Drew the attention of HCC to the difficult sight lines in both directions, but particularly looking south of the junction, which makes this a dangerous stretch of road.
  • Shawford Road Junction. As four personal injury accidents have occurred at this junction during the past three years, HCC are to put into effect a signing and road marking scheme of hatching and road narrowing in order to slow traffic down. Mr Soutar, HCC, to discuss further with his road safety staff to see if marking can also include the Hurdle Way Junction. Pedestrian Refuges to be considered for installation on footway routes and to be suitably illuminated.
  • Compton Street Junction area to be examined by HCC and lighting of the pedestrian island recommended by the Parish Council. Whitelining and hatching to be renewed.
  • Shawford Parking. Parking at and opposite The Bridge Hotel can cause significant problems particularly when traffic is parked over the bridge and as far back as the Old Mill. Double yellow lines recommended on the approach road from Twyford left hand side, starting at the Old Mill and continuing over the bridge stopping at the river footpath entrance. The parking sign to be moved to the front where the proposed yellow lines cease.
  • Reflectors – Shepherds Lane Bridge. Following parishioners’ concerns about the removal of the bollards at the junction with Otterbourne Road, and motoring safety, it has been suggested that reflectors would be of help to identify the junction in the dark, which was discussed with Mr Soutar, HCC, when he visited. Cllr R Whitaker has taken the matter up with the Road Safety Engineer who is considering a “best” solution.
  • Grove Road/Otterbourne Road Junction. Cllr R Whitaker to examine the location following a report that sight lines are affected by tall grass and a bush.

June 1998


Members were pleased to appoint Mr Michael Eyre as Parish Transport Representative, and were grateful to Mr R Tice and Group Captain MEH Dawson for their willingness to continue as Representatives of the Parish Council in the current matters of routeing of aircraft and noise. Mr R Tice will now be the main contact for this activity.

Road Safety.

Councillors were concerned that the new roundabout at Poles Lane was “over-engineered” and more expensive than necessary. County Councillor Ann Bailey said that lorries had been timed at 40 mph on the old roundabout and that the new layout was needed to keep speeds down. Following discussion with HCC Road Safety Officer concerning reflectors at Shepherds Lane Bridge/Otterbourne Road junction, no action has yet been agreed as this is not seen as a high priority matter as the junction has remained accident free. There is a reluctance to replace the bollards due to vandalism on a number of occasions and concern that they may be thrown on the motorway; but HCC is to re-examine. The junction of Shawford Road with Otterbourne Road has suffered 4 accidents (injury to person) and is seen as a higher priority and HCC are planning some traffic calming measures at this junction by way of white lining, hatching, road narrowing and signing. Drawings are to be sent to the Parish Council when they have been prepared. It is possible that this measure could also improve the safety aspect of the junction of Hurdle Way and Otterbourne Road.

May 1998

Traffic calming and parking.

A meeting is to be arranged with HCC to discuss traffic calming measures for the parish and parking on the road at Shawford.

April 1998

Parking on the road at Shawford

Concerns about the speed of traffic on the road from Twyford and the parking situation opposite the Bridge Hotel were raised by several parishioners during the public session. It was agreed to invite a speaker from the County Council to address the May meeting of the Parish Council on possible solutions to the problem, and to ask the County Council to carry out a traffic speed survey.

March 1998

Street lighting – bus stops and end of Compton Street.

Following further correspondence on this matter, the County Surveyor wrote stating that unless the night-time accident rate increases dramatically there are no grounds for the County Council to fund a lighting scheme at the junction Compton Street/Otterbourne Road near the bus stops. The matter is to be raised with Mr J Soutar, County Surveyor’s Department, when the council meet with him to discuss traffic calming measures for the parish.

Parking – Martins Field.

Following the provision of a disabled parking bay on the roadway, and the request for another, it was agreed to ask the Area Surveyor, HCC, to look into the whole question of parking on the estate in some detail. One suggestion is for parking to be extended over the grassed area at the end of Martins Field. The Parish Council will liaise with the Martins Field Tenants Association.

February 1998

Traffic fatality – Otterbourne Road.

Cllr. Whitaker reported that he had discussed possible causes with the police the day after the accident. As it is still under investigation the police cannot comment on whether road conditions, surface, lighting or speed were factors in the accident.

January 1998

Traffic Calming.

County Councillor Mrs A Bailey reported that Mr J Soutar of the County Surveyors Department has agreed to meet with the Parish Council, in April, to discuss priorities and low level works for traffic calming. She also reported that the 1st Phase of traffic calming will be works to the roundabout at Poles Lane. Mrs Bailey further reported on the Winchester Southern Route Strategy and that next year’s phase will be to ameliorate dangers at black spots. Cllr Whitaker is to contact Mr Soutar for an early appointment.

City Councillor Mrs M Campbell-White reported on traffic calming measures and that the City Engineer had written to the County Surveyor concerning the effect on Compton as only one route to the Waste and Materials Recycling Facility, Poles Lane, Otterbourne, is being considered for calming.

December 1997

Street lighting

Letters are to be sent to HCC following complaints about the poor lighting on Otterbourne Road at the bus stops near the junction with Compton Street, and to WCC regarding the complaint of Compton Tenants’ Association about the lack of lighting at the far end of Martins Fields.

Traffic Calming in Otterbourne and Compton

County Cllr. Mrs. Bailey reported on the Traffic Calming Public Exhibition in Otterbourne on 13 November, which was also attended by Cllr. Whitaker and Cllr. Ellis. The Parish Council is concerned that any traffic calming measures in Otterbourne are likely to divert traffic through Compton. It was decided to write to Cllr Mrs Bailey to press for a less ambitious traffic calming scheme in Otterbourne in order to leave some funds available for simultaneous traffic calming along the main road through Compton.

September 1997

Grass Cutting.

The M3 consulting engineers, Mott MacDonald, are responsible for grass cutting, twice a year, at the Shepherds Lane Bridge car park, until 1998. Winchester City Council have suggested that it may become a Parish Council responsibility on the assumption that it was the Parish Council who requested provision of the car park. Further investigation required.

Bus Signs – Stopwatch Project.

The Romanse Project Engineer, HCC, has moved the ornamental column for the bus stop “Stopwatch” at Compton Street from the pavement to the grass verge and is to reinstate the column display at Southdown in a more suitable place. Although a number of parishioners were unhappy with the design, the Parish Council felt that the bus information which would be displayed would be useful and welcomed our involvement in the experimental project.

Footpath from Station Yard to Shawford Down.

Following complaints that access to the Down from the Shawford Station area is difficult and dangerous, the matter was raised with HCC, owner of Shawford Down, who advised that the Parish Council must in the first instance raise the matter with Railtrack.

July 1997

Street lighting to garage compound, Martins Fields.

A floodlight has been satisfactorily fixed to the new street light to illuminate the adjacent garage compound.

Bollard Removal.

The bollards marking the junction of Shepherds Lane Bridge and Otterbourne Road have been torn up twice during the month and replaced each time by HCC within 24 hours of being contacted. Any information on who is doing this damage would be welcomed by Cllr Whitaker.

June 1997

Street lighting – Martins Fields

The replaced lighting unit has been connected to the power supply and is working satisfactorily and a floodlight is awaited for fixing to the new unit which will illuminate the garage compound.

Highway Matters

Following wishes of residents, a ‘No Through Road’ sign is be erected on Hurdle Way by HCC in three or four weeks time. Southdown Residents’ Association have turned down the idea of a 30 mph limit in their area as they are unwilling to accept the repeater signs that would have to be erected.

May 1997

Street lighting -Martins Fields

New light awaiting connection by Southern Electric

April 1997

School traffic congestion, Compton Street and Carman’s Lane.

A letter has been sent by residents to the School and to the Parish Council on this subject. Similar problems are common throughout the country. Our County Council has decided it will use its education budget for direct educational purposes and not to improve car parking facilities for parents. The Parish Council is to write to the school to ask them to re-examine the possibility of making a new entrance to the school grounds adjacent to the bus stop. This would allow children to be dropped off in the bus stop area and could cut down traffic in Compton Street. Extra traffic is of course generated by the admission of 4 year olds to the school.

Street lighting to garage compound Martins Fields.

No progress at present due to change of lighting contractor to HCC, but estimate for adapting of street light is anticipated shortly.

Road and Speed Signs.

Southdown Residents’ Association will discuss the impact of 30 mph signs at their Annual General Meeting. Residents of Hurdle Way have asked for a ‘No Through Road’ sign to be erected, and this will be discussed with HCC.

March 1997

Street lighting to garage compound at Martins Fields.

No price has yet been received from the contractor for a floodlight to be attached to the recently erected lamp standard.

February 1997

Street lighting to garage compound Martins Fields.

Now that the street light is installed and working the contractor should soon be able to set up the floodlight to illuminate the garages.

Height of parapet on Shepherds Lane Bridge over M3.

A letter received from the Highways Agency stated that this was not designed as an equestrian bridge and that a normal 1.0 metre height is sufficient. Members expressed dissatisfaction with the letter, and also expressed their continuing concerns for safety. As the heights of parapets seem inconsistent, it was decided to check the heights of parapets to the bridges immediately north and south of Shepherds Lane and, if warranted, write the Highways Agency further.

Speed Restrictions – repeater signs.

Signs erected in Compton village proved to be non controversial, but signs erected in Compton Down were considered unnecessary by some residents and some were unhappy with signs on their grass verges. Following extensive and detailed discussion with HCC and by repositioning two of the signs it proved possible to remove two of the signs. Before pressing the case for speed restrictions in Southdown, the Southdown Residents Association are to be advised that some residents will have repeater signs on their grass verge.

Hurdle Way – proposed No Through Road sign.

The Parish Council has been following up a request for No Through Road signs to be erected. It seems that the views of residents are mixed on this subject. The Parish Council will try to contact the residents’ association to establish the majority view.

January 1997

Height of parapet on Shepherds Lane Bridge over the M3.

The Council has received a letter advising that, because there is a pedestrian pavement, the one metre height of the parapet (railings) does meet applicable safety standards. Nonetheless the Council believes that the parapet is too low, particularly for horses, and will write to the Highways Agency setting out our safety concerns and asking for the height of the parapet to be increased.

December 1996

Street lighting to garage compound Martins Fields.

A letter from HCC advised that the scheme for a street light near the compound is programmed for January 1997, and that once a contractor is appointed he will contact the Parish Council regarding attachment of a floodlight directed to the garage compound area.

Road accident. Safety.

A car travelling towards Winchester, on Sunday 24 November, hit and partially demolished the boundary wall of the property at the comer of Compton Street/ Otterbourne Road, due to the driver being blinded by an oncoming car with lights on full beam with, apparently, with no other contributory causes. The PC advised HCC of the accident and suggested that a temporary reflector sign be installed, also, an appropriate sign be erected due to dangers from debris from the demolished wall.

November 1996

Road Safety.

Following negotiations with HCC, agreement was reached for a reduction in the number of proposed 30 mph speed limit signs without affecting legality. These are in Shepherds Lane, Field Way and Hurdle Way with another sign in Hurdle Way moved 80 metres to the east.

Nameplate ‘Southdown’

Agreed with HCC that the ‘Southdown’ sign near Shepherds Lane Bridge will be removed and replaced with a double sided ‘Southdown’ flag sign opposite Southdown Road.

White Lines – Compton Street.

A resident has requested that the white line marking be extended to the garages at St Patricks, to facilitate access. Cllr Wilmshurst to investigate.

October 1996

Car Park adjacent Shepherds Lane bridge

Members were pleased to learn that HCC propose to erect a height barrier at the car park on the western edge of Shawford Down to be secure against travellers and fly tipping.

Road safety

A letter and plan had been received from HCC with details of positions of new 30 mph speed limit road signs to be erected and of those signs to be removed including the unauthorised 20 mph sign in Hurdle Way, which will be replaced by a 30 mph sign, and the school sign with flashing beacon which will be replaced without a beacon. The effect of the proposals will be an increase of 16 30 mph signs of which 14 repeater signs will be on roads on Compton Down (Shepherds Lane, Field Way, Cliff Way and Hurdle Way) and 2 on Compton Street. The environmental impact of the proposed signing is to be fully considered with regard to unsightliness, position and visual intrusion, also, consideration to the possibility of a less number of signs being compatible with road safety and legislation..

Pavement ramps – junction of Shawford Road/Otterbourne Road

Following discussion with HCC regarding the position of these ramps, which have obstructed sight lines, HCC are to make further investigations and submit fresh proposals to the Parish Council.

Field Close footway

Temporary repairs have been carried out in the interest of safety and the Area Surveyor, HCC, has included re-surfacing in his Special Maintenance Budget for the next financial year.

Street Nameplate – Otterbourne Road/Main Road

Following discussion with Mr A Gutteridge, Engineers Department WCC, and in recognition of the majority view of affected residents, on the matter of names used for the stretch of road from Bushfield Roundabout to Otterbourne, it was agreed that the stretch of road should be continuously named Otterbourne Road and that WCC be advised accordingly. It was also agreed to request that the Southdown sign be moved to avoid giving the impression that it marked the end of Compton village.

September 1996

Street lighting to garage compound Martins Fields.

Hampshire County Council will install a street light facing the garages after checks have been made and design of the lamp standard has been agreed. The proposed lighting is part of the Community Safety Initiative scheme under which the estimated cost of £800.00 will be equally shared between the HCC and PC.

Street Nameplate -Otterbourne Road/Main Road.

In view of past different names for the road from Bushfield Roundabout to Otterbourne, no decision has been made regarding the present names for this stretch of road pending result of researches being carried out by WCC.

Notice boards

at the comer of Compton Street and on the Playing Field are to be repaired.

Field Close footway.

Following complaints about the condition of this footpath, a letter had been sent to the Area Surveyor, HCC, which has resulted in an very early inspection to be made and, if dangerous, emergency repairs shortly after.

Road Safety

Following the decision of the County Surveyor not to provide lighting to the island refuge at Compton Street junction, a further site meeting has been held with members of the County Surveyor’s Department, when they agreed some action could be taken to improve safety on the main road. Signing will be used on the approach from Bushfield Roundabout and additional warning signs will be introduced from the Otterbourne direction. Signing arrangements at other junctions on the main road are to be reviewed as it is considered that additional warning signs will help improve driver awareness and behaviour at the junctions. Also, signing will be shortly arranged to comply with the recently advertised Speed Limit Order in Compton Down, and the possible introduction of a 30 mph limit in Southdown is to be added to the speed limit schemes to be investigated in the future.

Traffic Flows

Information from the County Surveyor regarding traffic flows on the main road through Compton and Shawford, in April 1993, before our section of the M3 was built, revealed that traffic was measured at 15500 vehicles two way flow over a twelve hour period. In October 1995, after completion of the M3 this had reduced to just over 6000 for a twelve hour period.

July 1996

Street nameplate ‘Otterbourne Road’.

Representations have been made to Winchester City Council asking why . Otterbourne Road. nameplates had been erected when WCC had previously agreed our recommendation of . Main Road. for the road from Bushfield roundabout to the Otterbourne boundary. After some discussion the Parish Council referred this matter to the Highways and Byways sub-committee who are also to examine road naming throughout the whole parish.

Road Safety.

Cllr Whitaker reported that he was to meet County Council representatives on 12 July about the crossing at the end of Compton Street and other dangerous junctions in the parish.

June 1996

Road naming

The Parish Council will ask the City Council why our proposals for road name signs have been ignored, especially in view of a letter received from the City accepting our suggestions.

May 1996

Road marking on Compton Street.

The Area Surveyor, HCC, is to be asked to remark the worn white lining across Compton Street at the junction with Attwoods Drove.

Road Safety in Compton and Shawford.

Following the unsatisfactory response of HCC to various matters put by the Parish Council, including unlighted island refuge at the end of Compton Street, visibility at road junctions and traffic calming, the matters are to be further considered by the Highways, Byways and Environment Subcommittee.

Street lighting to garage compound at Martins Fields.

A meeting with a representative of the lighting section, County Surveyor’s Department, revealed that they will not provide a light at the garage compound or install a light on the road nearby. The Highways, Byways and Environment Subcommittee is to consider the issue of street and other lighting and consult with HCC.

April 1996

Speed Limits:

following reconsideration of the speed limits notices submitted to the Parish Council it was decided to check whether the County Council had the authority to impose speed limits on private roads within the parish.

Road Safety in Compton and Shawford:

A letter, written by the chairman to the County Surveyor was circulated, again raising the Parish Council’s concerns at the potential dangers of crossing the road at the unlighted island at the end of Compton Street. The letter referred to a recent serious accident at the end of Compton Street, to HCC plans to look at traffic calming measures, and mentioned that many recent accidents had occurred in the village: and concluded asking that a safety review be carried out urgently to cover all the points specified in the Chairman’s letter together with any other aspects of road safety that may be found.

Relocation of Southdown direction sign:

It was decided to write to Winchester City Council concerning the siting of this recently erected sign asking that it be placed in an appropriate position next to the Shawford/Twyford direction sigh at the junction with Shawford Hill so that it is also visible to traffic approaching from Shawford and Twyford.

March 1996

Speed Limits

Following examination of a proposed HCC Speed Limit Order for effectively all of the roads in the Compton Street and Compton Down areas of the Parish, it was agreed to write asking that speed limits also be imposed in the Southdown area: Southdown Road, Grove Road, Fairfield Road, Cross Way and Pearson Road, Shawford.

Lighting of ‘pedestrian’ island end of Compton Street

Cllr. Wilmshurst reported on the road accident in which a young girl crossing the road at Compton Street had had her leg badly broken. The Parish Council will write to the County Council to repeat our request for the traffic island to be lit in the interests of road safety.

December 1995

Lighting of ‘pedestrian’ island end of Compton Street

Cllr Wilmshurst reported on a letter from the County Surveyor concerning the policy relating to illuminating traffic refuges on roads, with an explanation why the island at the end of Compton Street is not illuminated for pedestrians. The signs on the bollards are of a highly reflective nature to ensure they are conspicuous to night-time traffic and are not intended, or suitable, to enable pedestrians to see their way in the dark. Cllr Wilmshurst expressed dissatisfaction with letter, reiterated his view that the island is a danger spot and put the matter to County Cllr Mrs Bailey, who re-affirmed the HCCs strict policy on lighting and advised that a system of priorities is operated.

October 1995

County Surveyor’s Department Open Day and Seminar re. Signing and Traffic Movement

The Chairman reported that he attended the Open Day on 19th September, and with Cllr Mrs J P Appleton, attended the Seminar on 20th September. Some of the brief conclusions were: that the huge County Surveyor’s Department seem to be successful in competing for central Government funds with very imaginative schemes; many Parish Councils are competing for their attention, a group is actively looking at ways to reduce dependence on the car and will run ‘Headstart’ discussion workshops for schools and parishes and anyone else interested in thinking about traffic problems; in the absence of injuries from road accidents it is difficult, if not impossible, to get funds for traffic calming; Government funds for traffic calming are available but only for sites where there is a record of personal injury accidents that have been reported to the police. The County Council has a ‘Parish Projects’ scheme for improving the look of selected county villages and small towns.

September 1995


Cllrs A D Walmsley and Mrs J P Appleton are to attend a seminar convened by the Hampshire Association of Parish Councils and Hampshire County Council Surveyor’s Department, on 20th September, concerning signing and Traffic Management, which will provide an opportunity to discuss issues about road and other signs in the countryside and towns.

July 1995

Lighting to Garage Compound

It was reported that a letter had been sent to Hampshire County Council seeking information regarding the possibility of providing lights at the garage compound, Martins Fields, Compton, which matter proved abortive in year 1994/95.

June 1995

Hurdle Way

Following concerns regarding the dangerous angle of the new road joining with Hurdle Way, City Cllr Beckett agreed to contact the City Highways Department regarding the provision of appropriate road signing.

School Parking

Concerning the problem of parking on Compton Street, a meeting of representatives of School Governors, School Staff, Parish Council, HCC Education Department and Highways Department had been held, when the idea of a parking and off loading area within the school grounds was fully debated. Highways had no objection but the Education Department was not at all co-operative as the recreation area would be reduced below that required by statute. The suggested use of Church Field as a play area was agreeable to school staff, but the Education Department put up an argument regarding costs of levelling and drainage and were unhappy with a teacher having to supervise children across the road. Also, that the Education Department policy, approved by HCC, was that no money should be spent on parents’ parking problems. The Highways Department promised to investigate the possibility of providing a mini roundabout at Welshers Lane to ease parking problems.

April 1995

The continuing problem of parking by parents of school children on Compton Street has received further consideration and a meeting is to be held with concerned residents. Also, a survey is to be carried out to determine the number of parking places required at peak times. The school is also making enquiries regarding the possible extension of the school car park and how best to provide a safe entrance and exit.

Following a request by the Parish Council, a kerbed hardstanding has teen provided, by the M3 contractors, in front of the post box and noticeboard in Southdown Road

March 1995

It was agreed that the Sub-committee appointed to consider the problem of parking on Compton Street, convene a meeting with all interested parties as soon as possible.

December 1994

Following complaints of traffic speeds past Compton Street, it was reported that County Cllr Mrs A Bailey was already pursuing the issue with County council traffic planners. Measures are being sought to reduce speed along Otterbourne Road through Compton, and particularly down hill from the Shawford Bridge.

In response to representations from a parishioner, it was decided to further investigate the possibility of providing a bus shelter in or near the layby by the new car park, Otterbourne Road.