

From June 2000 also see Highways, Byways, Environment and M3 subcommittee

November 1999

Spreading of Sewage and Sludge

Cllr Mrs Bailey reported on issues associated with the injection of sewage and sludge on to farm land at Compton. The Council asked Cllr Mrs White to approach Hampshire County Council on behalf of the Parish and present our concerns. The Chairman reiterated the Council’s view that raw sewage should not be injected on to land close to human habitation.

September 1999

Spreading of Sewage and Sludge

The Parish Council continues to be concerned about this matter and has written to the Environment Protection officer asking that the practice be stopped. A copy of a letter addressed to the Environment Agency appears elsewhere in this magazine for information. [see below- Ed]

July 1999

Spreading of Sewage Sludge

Members were unhappy with the letters from the Environment Agency and wanted to look further into the matter. All recent correspondence to be circulated to all embers, for a full discussion at the next meeting. The Chairman would like to know of any residents concerns and whether if complaints had been made about smell, traffic nuisance etc, how they had been handled either by HCC or the Environmental Agency.

June 1999

Waste injection into farmland.

City Cllr Mrs Campbell-White reported that a licence had been granted, subject to periodic review, for spoil to be injected into land close to houses and which emitted a strong stench on occasions. Enquiries are to be made as to what exactly is injected, what kind of chemicals are included and why spoil is permitted to be injected into land close to houses.


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