Parish Developments
For several years, successive Parish Councils have been hoping to modernise two keys assets of our parish, the Parish Hall and the Sports Pavilion.
We have recently obtained planning permission (see full text of permission letter – 83K PDF file) for a new pavilion. We should soon be able to apply for planning permission for improvements to the Parish Hall now that we have reached an agreement to sell the adjacent plot. CASCA is to consider taking over management of the Hall at its AGM on 7 January 1998.
We on the Parish Council are doing our best to keep parishioners informed of our plans and progress, and it is with that in mind that I have gathered this set of web pages together.
July 1999
Table of Contents
September 1999 update
Recent developments on the Pavilion
- 1999 Referendum confirms Parish Council mandate to go ahead with the project
- Government Inspector rules in favour of the amended design and grants planning permission
- Application for grant from Sport England Lottery Fund submitted
And on the CASCA/Parish Hall Project
- The refurbishment is nearly complete
- The official opening of the refurbished Hall and extension will be on Friday 15 October.
July 2000 update
Following the elections in May 2000 the new pavilion subcommittee is re-examining alternative pavilion designs, location and funding with a view to firming up several options for wider discussion.
December 2000
Like all Parish Council subcommittees, the new pavilion subcommittee’s meetings have been opened to the public.
After several months listening to all shades of opinion, a consensus emerged which was it seemed was acceptable to all who had attended the meetings.
The agreement was for a block built timber clad building of attractive style situated at the eastern boundary of the field with a car park on the “return land”.
Paul Murray’s offer to convene and chair a Pavilion Building Committee was accepted by the council who gave him a mandate to proceed. See the subcommittee reports for monthly updates on the pavilion project or check the noticeboards for dates of the subcommittee meetings.
April 2001
The Sport England Lottery Grant application has been submitted and we must now wait for about 16 weeks to hear whether we have been successful.
A Pavilion News Update was prepared and distributed.
January 2002 Jubilee Pavilion Update
Extracted from the Parish Magazine February 2002
The plans for the proposed new pavilion have now been submitted to the Winchester City Council with a view to receiving planning permission. This would allow us to commence construction later in the year with completion before the year end.

Inflation as well as additional works and requirements specified by Sport England have increased the cost to £271,000. We are hoping to receive increased grants towards this figure, which would leave about £18,500 to raise locally, of which we have already raised £5,000.
There will be an Auction of Pledges & Promises at the Village Hall on Saturday 23rd February. If you have anything to donate to this event please contact Lyn Brace or John Evans.
We will be writing to every household in the parish soon asking for support and have also asked for donations from the major companies in the vicinity.