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Jubilee Pavilion

Jubilee Pavilion

Progress of the Jubilee Pavilion project from the creation of the Pavilion Building Committee in May 2002.

For earlier reports – see under New Pavilion Committee

July 2007

Use of Tennis Courts by Shepherds Down School

The Parish Council was pleased to note that the Tennis Club had resolved their insurance concerns and that it would now be possible for Shepherds Down School to use the tennis courts, by arrangement.

April 2007

Use of Tennis Courts by Shepherds Down School

Significant discussion took place in respect of Shepherds Down School using the Tennis Courts and associated facilities at Memorial Playing Field. Whilst it was part of the Lottery Funding Bid for the Jubilee Pavilion, that external groups such as Shepherds Down School will be encouraged to use the facilities, an application to make such use of the Tennis Courts has met with significant problems. These problems centre upon the issue of Insurance and it is disappointing that such issues had not been investigated and resolved prior to this very late date, at the time of wanting to commence the proposed activities. The Parish Council, as Landlord, will pursue this matter in order to ensure conformance with the original Lottery Funding Bid proposals.

February 2007

Jubilee Pavilion

The Sports Club have requested of the Parish Council answers to various questions concerning the possibility of the Sports Club hiring out the Jubilee Pavilion on a commercial basis, thereby enabling the Sports Club to achieve some measure of fundraising. The Parish Council applaud this and is keen to encourage such an initiative. A successful increase in the Sports Club finances is expected to lead to the Sports Club being in a position to pay an equitable rent for the premises they occupy and thereby reducing the subsidy provided by the Parish Council. A review of the Lease indicates that such an initiative is in order, providing certain insurance matters are attended to.

January 2007

Pavilion Break in

Councillor Nick Campbell-White reported upon the break-in at the Jubilee Pavilion which occurred just before Christmas. The intruders evidently cut themselves on the broken glass which will assist the police in identifying the culprit through DNA testing. Temporary repairs to the Pavilion were made, pending a permanent repair through the Parish Council’s Insurance Company.

April 2006

Jubilee Pavilion Landscaping

The proposal to proceed with the landscaping of the area surrounding the Jubilee Pavilion Car Park was deferred until the next Parish Council meeting. It was considered incorrect to proceed on the basis of only one quotation for the work, contrary to the Parish Council Financial Regulations. A further two quotations must be sought, however it is appreciated that it may prove to be impossible to obtain the required quotations from suitable Contractors to undertake this work. Should this be the case, the Parish Council will be forced to go with the one quotation already received.

March 2006

Jubilee Pavilion Car Park

A quotation for clearing and tidying up the land surrounding the Jubilee Pavilion Car Park has been received. Further quotations are to be sought, but due to the difficulty in identifying a contractor for this type of work, it was suggested that the current Financial Regulations be suspended in this instance in order to progress with the single quotation. The matter will be reconsidered at the next Parish Council meeting should further quotations not be available.

February 2006

Jubilee Pavilion Car Park

Councillor Mary Shaw reported on her site visit to the Jubilee Pavilion Car Park when discussions were held concerning the clearing and cleaning up of the land surrounding the Car Park. It had been determined that significant scrub clearance and reshaping of the mounds of earth was necessary so that future maintenance would only require rough mowing. Work on this issue will progress by the obtaining of quotations from appropriate contractors.

Councillor Shaw also advised that during her site inspection, significant amounts of rubbish and old equipment lying around the Jubilee Pavilion Car Park had been noticed. The clerk was instructed to write to the Sports Club requesting that the area be tidied.

September 2005

Jubilee Pavilion

Cllr. N.Campbell-White reported that all outstanding issues with the Building Contractor concerning the Jubilee Pavilion have now been finalised. The Building Contractor has now been paid the outstanding Retention monies. The Car Park extension has been completed and only some residual Landscaping remains outstanding

July 2005

Jubilee Pavilion

Councillor Nick Campbell-White reported on the issues surrounding the Jubilee Pavilion. At long last, the outstanding snags with the construction have finally been resolved and the final retention monies will shortly be paid to Wilding Butler Construction Ltd., in settlement of all their work.

The first phase of extending the Car Park has been completed. Unfortunately, despite the Car Park being cordoned off whilst the new surfaces settled, certain members of the Tennis Club decided to remove the cordon barriers and drive onto the Car Park before the surface had settled. It was most disappointing that these members should do this and the Parish Council were grateful to the Contractor who repaired the damage caused.

June 2005

Jubilee Pavilion

Work on the outstanding issues in respect of the Jubilee Pavilion continues. There are now only four outstanding issues and the Parish Council are close to final resolution of these issues with the Building Contractor. Resolution to the Car Park problems has been identified and remedial work together with extending the Car Park is to commence shortly.

New Tennis Court

Work on constructing the third Tennis Court at Memorial Playing Field is to commence within the next few weeks. This will enable the clean up and landscaping work of the area where the old Pavilion used to stand to be undertaken. This will be the final piece of work at the memorial playing field under the Jubilee Pavilion project. It will result in the closing off of the old entrance to the Memorial Playing Field where the old Pavilion used to stand.

May 2005

Jubilee Pavilion

Cllr. Nick Campbell-White reported that the list of outstanding snags in respect of the Jubilee Pavilion had now been reduced to just four issues. These were being actively worked upon and it is hoped that satisfactory resolution can be achieved in a short time. Quotations had been received for work to be undertaken on extending the Jubilee Pavilion car park together with certain remedial work to the existing car park. It is expected that this work will commence within the next six weeks.

March 2005

Jubilee Pavilion

Cllr. Mr. Nick Campbell-White reported upon progress with resolving the few remaining outstanding issues in respect of the Jubilee Pavilion. The list of outstanding snags is being actively worked upon and it is anticipated that all outstanding issues will be resolved in the next few weeks. With regard to the Car Park extension, quotations for the necessary work have been received, these are considered to be excessive, so further investigations are in hand.

The question of additional expenditure on the Jubilee Pavilion, over and above the original £399,225 capped limit was discussed at length. Additional expenditure is required, primarily to cover the cost of the Car Park extension. Whilst it is accepted that it is undesirable to continually raise the question of additional expenditure on this Capital project, it was considered necessary to place a limit on the overall Jubilee Pavilion project cost. Accordingly, it was agreed that any additional Capital expenditure on the Jubilee Pavilion be limited to a maximum of a further £12,000.

February 2005

Pavilion Car Park

Cllr. Nick Campbell-White reported on a successful meeting with the Contractor who had built the Jubilee Pavilion. The meeting centred upon the list of outstanding issues and snags relating to the Building and Car Park, which must be finally resolved prior to the remaining retention monies being paid over to the Builder. There are some 12 issues remaining outstanding, all of which will hopefully be resolved in the next two months.

As a result of the Public Meeting held on the 20th January 2005, at which members of the Public together with the Sports Club expressed their views concerning the Car Park extension at the Jubilee Pavilion, there was significant discussion. The Parish Council accept the Sports Club proposals and agreed to work towards providing the required additional thirty car parking spaces. However, it was also agreed that the Parish Council might not be able to implement the full proposal immediately due to financial constraints. It was agreed, though, that by following a staged approach the full requirement would eventually be achieved. The Parish Council recognises its responsibility to ensure that the likelihood of parking on the roads surrounding the Memorial Playing Field is eliminated as soon as possible.

With the need to increase the Jubilee Pavilion Car Park, it is recognised that the original capped cost of the Jubilee Pavilion together with associated facilities may well now be exceeded. This matter will be considered by the Parish Council and voted upon at the next Parish Council meeting.

January 2005

Pavilion Car Park

Extensive discussion took place with regard to the proposal to extend the Car Park at the Jubilee Pavilion. The original Parish Council proposal on this matter has been withdrawn, as it appears that the Sports Club misunderstood the proposals and a local resident was also unhappy. Whilst the Parish Council do not wish to impose an unacceptable solution, certain restrictions on a possible proposal were documented in preparation for the Public Meeting at which the Sports Club and local Residents may put forward their views and proposals. This Public meeting will be arranged shortly and an ad hoc committee of four Parish Councillors under the Chairmanship of Councillor George Beckett will consider the matter further. Until that Public Meeting, the members of the ad hoc committee are keeping an open mind regarding a solution of this matter.

December 2004

Jubilee Pavilion – Car Park

Extensive discussions took place on the issue of the Parish Council’s plans to rectify problems with the Jubilee Pavilion Car Park, together with plans for its extension. It appears that what was thought to have been previously agreed with the Sports Club and adjacent neighbours of the Jubilee Pavilion, is now understood not to have been agreed. Correspondence from the Sports Club indicates that they had inadvertently misled the Parish Council in their agreement to the plans. Consequently, the project had to be cancelled just as the contractor was due to start his work. To resolve this unfortunate situation, the Parish Council has established an “ad hoc” committee to hold a Public meeting at which all interested parties can make their views known and to agree upon plans that will meet with the wishes of the Sports Club, immediate Neighbours and the Parish Council. The net result of this is further delay in resolving the Car Park issues at the Jubilee Pavilion.

November 2004

Pavilion Bottle Bank

The question of installing a Bottle Bank in the car park at the Jubilee Pavilion was discussed at some length. This was a facility requested by the Sports Club and questions were raised as to whether such a facility was intended for the benefit of the community as a whole or whether it would be purely for the benefit of the Sports Club, being tenants of the Jubilee Pavilion. The problem envisaged is the accumulation of additional rubbish and litter that usually appears around a facility such as a Bottle Bank. At present, Winchester City Council is unable to provide a suitable Bottle Bank, but by a narrow margin the Parish Council voted to pursue the proposal, providing that the Sports Club undertakes to keep the area free from rubbish and litter.

September 2004

Jubilee Pavilion

Councillor Nick Campbell-White reported on progress in respect of correcting outstanding issues that have become apparent subsequent to construction of the Jubilee Pavilion. Most, if not all, internal to the building issues have now been corrected, questions of drainage in the shower rooms having to be monitored during the commencement of the football season. External issues are envisaged to be rectified shortly and progress on the Car Park and its extension are to be addressed. Landscaping will be finalised when construction of the third Tennis Court is completed.

July 2004

Pavilion Update

Cllr. Nick Campbell-White reported that the old Pavilion had at last been demolished and the site cleared. Progress can now be made for the construction of the third Tennis Court and proposals from the Tennis Club can be drawn up.

May 2004

Finance and Admin Committee

The Jubilee Pavilion list of outstanding issues was discussed at length. It was agreed that the Parish Council would not pay for items appearing on this list, which were not part of the specification to construct the Jubilee Pavilion. In order to progress these matters, the Clerk was instructed to review with the secretary of the Sports Club the list of outstanding issues and report back to the next Parish Council meeting.

April 2004

Finance and Administration committee

Councillor Nick Campbell-White reported on the progress of completing the outstanding issues in respect of the Jubilee Pavilion. Work continues with various outstanding items being attended to. However, several new issues have arisen which are being addressed. Councillor Campbell-White advised the meeting that whilst a contingency fund to cover such matters had been budgeted for, that contingency fund had now been consumed. Unexpected issues such as the asbestos removal in the old Pavilion had placed unexpected burdens upon the limited funds available. The matter of landscaping around the Jubilee Pavilion has yet to be undertaken, but it is being left until better weather and drier conditions prevail. The planned demolition of the old Pavilion has been thrown into doubt in that previously agreed plans for Integra to undertake this work by way of a donation to the overall project are now understood to be less certain. Mr. Paul Murray is pursuing this on behalf of the Parish Council.

March 2004

Jubilee Pavilion

Councillor Nick Campbell-White reported on the outstanding issues in respect of the Jubilee Pavilion. He advised the meeting that approximately 90% of outstanding issues connected with matters internal to the Pavilion will be resolved within the next two weeks. External works in respect of landscaping and repairs to the surrounding areas will take a little longer, such activities being dependant upon the weather and ground conditions.

The new Equipment Storage shed is to be installed this week which will enable the old Pavilion and associated facilities to be finally vacated. However, Councillor Campbell-White reported a problem that had arisen in connection with the old Pavilion. This was the finding of significant amounts of asbestos within the fabric of the building. This will have to be carefully removed and disposed of prior to demolition of the old Pavilion. This is not only an unforeseen cost to the project but will also be a cause for delay in completion.

January 2004

New Pavilion Project

Now that the Jubilee Pavilion is open for use by the Sports Club, the “New Pavilion Project” has moved into its final stage. This is the completion of various outstanding issues associated with a project of this nature, such as landscaping of the area on which the Pavilion is built, removal of the old Pavilion to allow construction of a third Tennis Court. Accordingly, there is still much work to be undertaken which is being led by Councillor Mr. Nick Campbell-White.

December 2003

New Pavilion Project

Councillor Mr. George Beckett had been informed by Mr. Paul Murray that the construction of the Jubilee Pavilion is on schedule. Preparations for the opening on the 20th December 2003 are in hand, with a formal list of invitees being prepared. It was made clear that regardless as to whether they are included in the formal list of invitees, the Parish Council would like to see as many people as possible at the opening.

With the opening of the Jubilee Pavilion on the 20th December, it was considered essential that the New Pavilion Building Committee remain operational beyond that date, as it is envisaged that numerous issues will arise subsequent to the opening. These issues will require management and resolution and it is the New Pavilion Building Committee who must see the project through to its conclusion.

Councillor Mrs. Mary Shaw reported that the Ladies Guild are arranging for a number of photographs to be framed and installed in the Jubilee Pavilion. These photographs depict various historical events in the Parish and show the significant involvement of the late Mr. Ray Wilmshurst in these activities. Whilst the photographs are intended to form a memorial in part to Mr. Wilmshurst, a more permanent memorial is to be considered by the Parish Council. Similarly, Councillor Mr Adrian Walmsley reported on the donation of an exterior Clock for the Jubilee Pavilion, by the daughter of the Late Mr. Hartley Honeyman in memory of her father, who was a leading light in the formation of the Tennis Club.

With the completion of the Jubilee Pavilion, the old Pavilion will be demolished, making way for the construction of a third Tennis Court. Accordingly, the Parish Council’s solicitors have been approached with a view to drafting a revising the Lease to include the proposed third Tennis Court.

November 2003

Pavilion Project

Mr. Paul Murray reported upon the progress of the new Pavilion project. It was confirmed that the new Pavilion will be called the “Jubilee Pavilion” and its construction continues to be on schedule. Plans are being formulated for the opening, which is due to take place at 10.30am on Saturday, 20th December 2003. It was agreed that the Chairman of the Parish Council will perform the opening ceremony with brief speeches from the Chairman of the Parish Council and Chairman of the New Pavilion Building Committee. It is anticipated that members of the press together with representatives of Sport England will be in attendance.

October 2003

New Pavilion Project

Mr. Paul Murray reported on the progress of the New Pavilion project. The roof is now on the building and the project is within the schedule for the opening on the 20th December 2003. Whilst some problems have arisen in respect of connecting the services, these are being actively addressed and will be resolved.

September 2003

New Pavilion Project

Mr. Paul Murray reported on the New Pavilion project, advising members that progress is on schedule. Currently the roof trusses are in place and during the coming month the roof will be finished, internal carpentry and plumbing together with the external cladding undertaken. Payment of the phased building costs is being successfully handled with the draw down of the Lottery Grant to meet the tight deadlines of the contract with the Builder.

July 2003

New Pavilion Project

Mr. Paul Murray reported on the New Pavilion Project. Much of the groundwork has been done with the beam and block floor being completed within the next two weeks. After that, it is expected that the Building itself will start to rise.

June 2003

New Pavilion Project

The New Pavilion project continues to progress, Cllr. Mr. G.Beckett reported that Mr Paul Murray had a very successful meeting with the contractors who had now commenced activities on-site. The draft contract with the contractors, with all requested amendments had been received and is to be reviewed and signed shortly. As is usual practice, work on-site will not be delayed pending completion of contractual matters.

May 2003

New Pavilion project

Cllr. Adrian Walmsley reported that the New Pavilion Project is on schedule; construction work is due to commence on the 19th May 2003. To mark this notable event, Mr. Ray Wilmshurst is being invited to “cut the first sod” in a ceremony to mark the commencement of building of the long awaited new Pavilion. This small ceremony will take place on the 19th May 2003 at 7pm.

April 2003

New Pavilion

The main issue that was addressed at this month’s Parish Council meeting was the signing of the new Sports Club Lease and consequently approving the acceptance of the Sport England grant contribution towards the cost of building the new Sports Pavilion on the Memorial Playing Field.

After extensive work by Councillor Adrian Walmsley, in conjunction with the Parish Council’s Solicitor, Mr. John Steel of White and Bowker, agreement was achieved with the Sports Club on the details of the new Lease. Accordingly, the Parish Council meeting was suspended and the new Lease formally signed by both the Parish Council and the Sports Club. This left the way open for the Parish Council to formally accept the generous grant contribution from Sport England for Lottery Funding of the project. The Chairman expressed the Parish Council’s gratitude to all parties who have worked tirelessly on this issue for many months, which has resulted in the pleasing position whereby the Parish Council can now move forward in realising the objectives of the new Pavilion project in the coming few months. It is planned that construction of the new pavilion will commence on the 19th May 2003, with construction taking 29 weeks.

It was confirmed that when contractors commence their building activities, the new access to the site will be established as the first step. This to ensure that there will be minimal construction traffic using Shepherds Lane and thereby causing problems especially at the junction with the entrance road to Shepherds Down School.

March 2003

New Pavilion Project – Sport England award

This month the Parish Council meeting was exceptionally moved to Wednesday 5th March due to a pre-arranged fund raising event in connection with the new Sports Pavilion project. It is pleasing to note that this fund raising event raised approximately £3,000.00, thereby achieving the necessary additional funding for the project. Congratulations and thanks to Mr. Paul Murray were expressed by the Parish Council for all the work that he and his committee have undertaken on this project. It was reported that confirmation had been received from Sport England that the application for Lottery Funding had been successful and that the total funding for the project was now in place. Work can now commence in respect of finalising the details for starting the construction.

February 2003

New Pavilion

Mr. Paul Murray reported upon the progress of the Lottery Grant application for funding the New Pavilion. Unfortunately, the Sport England meeting to discuss this issue had been postponed until next week. Consequently, the Parish Council will have to wait until the 11th February 2003 to hear the outcome of this application. [Editor’s note: on 11th February Sport England deferred the decision again]

Finance and Admin Committee

Preparatory to receiving positive news regarding the Lottery Grant application, Cllr. Mr. Nick Campbell-White put forward two motions enabling the Parish Council to move forward with the New Pavilion Project. With suitable caveats concerning the funding of the project included within these motions, the Parish Council unanimously agreed to motions to arrange for the successful bidder to book a suitable period for building and for the Finance and Administration Committee to oversee the drawing up of a suitable Building Contract. This latter item to be placed before the full Parish Council at the March 2003 meeting.

January 2003

Finance Committee

Councillor Walmsley also advised, in respect of the New Pavilion Project, the expected notification of award from Sport England for funding of the new Pavilion has been delayed. New regulations for such buildings, due to be implemented in 2004, concerning disabled access have to be accounted for. Accordingly, the Architects have been requested to re-work many of the plans for re-submission to Sport England at the beginning of February 2003. These additional changes will entail additional cost, but it is understood (hoped – Ed) that such additional costs will be borne by Sport England.

November 2002

Pavilion Building Committee

Cllr. George Beckett reported that whilst Paul Murray’s Pavilion Building Committee is waiting the outcome of the Lottery bid for funding, further fund raising events are being organised. As one such event falls on the first Tuesday in March 2003, the Parish Council meeting in March 2003 will exceptionally be moved to the Wednesday 5th March 2003. It is hoped that the Lottery Application will be successful and that the Parish Council will be notified of its success on 17th December 2002.

October 2002

New Pavilion Project

Mr. Paul Murray reported upon his continuing activities in respect of the New Pavilion Building Project. Following the unexpectedly high costs quoted by the contractors who had submitted tenders, negotiations on making some savings had been undertaken. This has resulted in significantly reduced quotations, but still in excess of the original anticipated project costs. Discussions with the Lottery Fund indicate that the major part of the shortfall between anticipated costs and the latest quoted costs would be covered by additional funding from that source. A small additional amount would have to be found by fund raising from within the community.

Discussions with the Sports Club concerning a new Lease/Licence, to be operative once the new Pavilion is built, continues. Requirements of the Parish Council have been put to the Sports Club and a response is awaited. It was emphasised that this matter needs to be resolved as soon as possible as contracts with the building contractors cannot be entered into without the appropriate legal agreements with the ultimate users being in place.

September 2002

New Pavilion Project

Cllr. Nick Campbell-White then reported on the New Pavilion Project. It had been hoped that the Council would be able to confirm recommendations concerning the Tendering process recently undertaken. However, significant disappointment was expressed by the Finance and Administration Committee in the fact that all Tenders received were significantly greater in terms of cost, to that which had been anticipated. This disappointment was also tempered with embarrassment in that the professional advice obtained by the Parish Council on the question of cost, had been so misleading.

Despite this setback, Paul Murray and his New Pavilion Building Committee will continue with negotiations with the various parties associated with the project, with a view to reaching a position whereby the project can continue. Accordingly, the results of these further negotiations will be considered by the Finance and Administration Committee during the next month, reporting back to the full Parish Council at the next meeting, hopefully with more positive news.

June 2002

Pavilion Building Committee

Mr. Paul Murray reported on the progress of the New Pavilion Building Committee and advised the meeting that progress is being made towards the sending out requests for Tender to build. It is anticipated that this process will result in the successful Tender being selected in July/early August at which time the Parish Council may need to have a special meeting to ratify the selection. The Parish Council do not normally meet during August, therefore a special meeting may have to be convened in order to prevent any un-due delay in progressing this project.