July 2007 Meeting Report

Report on the Meeting held
Tuesday 3 July 2007, Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall

Police Report

Police Constable Mark Smith submitted a written report which was presented by Police Constable Emma Port. In his report, Mark reported that since the last Parish Council meeting, there had been 2 non dwelling burglaries, two thefts from motor vehicles, 1 criminal damage to a Bus shelter and two “Neighbour Disputes”. In addition, there had been reports of suspicious cars in the Southdown area as both the thefts from works vehicles occurred in the same area. It was emphasised that Residents should “keep their eyes open” and report anything unusual to the Police as it is possible that this area is being targeted.

District Councillor’s Report

District Councillor Eleanor Bell reported on, amongst other matters, the Winchester Town Access Plan, alternate Bin collections, the Local Development Framework and Southampton Airport and Winchester Air Group. Additionally District Councillor Bell referenced various planning issues.

County Councillor’s Report

County Councillor Charlotte Bailey, whilst not in attendance due to a prior engagement, submitted a written report in which she reported on Shawford Down, Four Dell Farm Minerals and Waste Planning Application, Park and Ride and the Tower Arts Centre.


Under the Agenda item concerning Footpaths, the Chairman, Councillor Adrian Walmsley, advised that a letter had been received requesting the Parish Council to support the initiative to have the Footpath from Warners Farm, upgraded to a Bridleway. It was considered that the current state of the footpath would have to be improved significantly by cutting back much of the vegetation and problems are envisaged in respect of horses crossing the bridge. Additionally, it was made clear that the Parish Council does not have the authority to change the status of a Footpath to a Bridleway, such authority lies with Hampshire County Council. However, the Parish Council would have no objection to the requested upgrade, provided that the resultant Footpath/Bridleway is made suitable for horses as well as pedestrians.


Councillor Adrian Walmsley reported on various Planning Applications. Some discussions took place on the Planning Application concerning 1 New Barn Cottages, which concluded there was no planning grounds upon which to formally object, despite various objections being raised by local residents. Also, discussions took place concerning the Planning Application concerning Old Orchard, Compton Street. This is a significant proposed development and it is known that many local Residents have raised objections. The result of this proposed development would put more traffic pressure on the junction of Compton Street with the Main Road, together with increasing traffic congestion in Compton Street outside of the school. The Parish Council will deliberate further on this Planning Application with a view of possibly raising an objection.

Park & Ride

Councillor Adrian Walmsley also advised that Winchester City Council had determined that “No objection be raised” in respect of the Planning Application concerning the South Winchester Park and Ride facility. Councillor Walmsley noted that it was unfortunate that Twyford Parish Council and Coldon Common have continued to raise objections as to the location of the proposed facility, this despite the proposal having gone through extensive democratic consultation processes.

Use of Tennis Courts by Shepherds Down School

The Parish Council was pleased to note that the Tennis Club had resolved their insurance concerns and that it would now be possible for Shepherds Down School to use the tennis courts, by arrangement.

Code of Conduct

A significant issue discussed at the Parish Council meeting was the revised Code of Conduct applicable to all Parish Councillors.

Compton and Shawford Parish Council formally adopted the revised Code of Conduct applicable to Parish and Town Councils in England.