M3 matters, return land

From June 2000 also see Highways, Byways, Environment and M3 subcommittee

January 1995

Following complaints of the type of surface to the footway from Shepherds Lane to Cliff Way, the Council agreed to press for a tarmac surface to be laid.

Residents’ concern that the access steps, just north of Shepherds Lane Bridge to an M3 communications cabinet, would provide easy access to burglars, was referred to the Highways Agency, Department of Transport, who have advised that they are looking into the matter, and are taking into account the reported views of the Police.

February 1995

The M3 landcaping plans have been examined and work should commence shortly.

April 1995

It was reported that Mr John Gay, Chartered Surveyor and Property Consultant, of Messrs Ekins in Woking, has booked the Parish Hall at 8.00pm on Friday l9th May, to address a Public Meeting on compensation for increased M3 traffic noise.

May 1995

Following complaints of the road signposting off M3 south slip road, the matter is to be raised with Mott MacDonald with a view to pressing for plainer and improved signing; also, the matter of graffiti on M3 fencing.

October 1995

M3 surplus Land adjoining the Memorial Playing Field

A letter had been received from the Highways Agency with a proposed covenant and suggested terms, other than price, for disposal of the land to the Parish Council, which was agreed. The next step is for the District Valuer to prepare a valuation of the land and when the sale price is agreed the Council will instruct their solicitors to complete.

November 1995

M3 land adjoining the Memorial Playing Field

Following agreement to the covenants to be imposed on this land by the Department of Transport, a valuer has inspected the property and we hope to agree on a purchase price very shortly. Following agreement for the acquisition we will be able to commence planning the uses of the Playing Field with the Sports Club.

December 1995

M3 Land adjoining the Memorial Playing Field

The Chairman reported that he had met the valuer for the Highways Agency, on site, and following authority given by the Parish Council, hopes to agree a purchase price shortly.

January 1996

Acquisition of M3 surplus land adjoining the Memorial Playing Field

Following authorisation voted at the December meeting, we are accepting the District Valuer’s revised figure of £2,750 (two thousand seven hundred and fifty pounds), to be met from reserve funds. Cllr Wilmshurst expressed his disappointment at this figure.

February 1996

Acquisition of M3 Surplus Land Adjoining the Memorial Playing Field

It was reported that all the terms and conditions have been accepted and agreed by the Highways Agency, including the negotiated reduced purchase price of £2750.00 and that necessary legal formalities should now soon commence.

June 1996

Acquisition of M3 surplus land adjoining Memorial Playing Field

The Chairman reported that there may be a short delay in completing the transaction while two covenants on the land, dating from 1906 and 1911, are discussed with the parish council’s solicitors.

July 1996

Acquisition of surplus M3 land adjoining Memorial Playing Field.

The Chairman is pressing for progress in this matter and will also request that the land be conveyed in reasonable condition.

September 1996

Acquisition of surplus M3 land adjoining Memorial Playing Field.

Reported that all matters concerning terms and conditions are nearing conclusion and the land should be purchased by the Parish Council very soon. Concern was expressed over the state of weeds on the land and the chairman undertook to see that this was addressed before finalising the transfer.

October 1996

Acquisition of surplus M3 land adjoining the Memorial Playing Field

Matter not yet finalised due to delay regarding date for signing Planting Agreement.

November 1996

Acquisition of surplus M3 land adjoining the Memorial Playing Field.

All terms of the transfer having been agreed as acceptable to the Parish Council, and a price reduction to £2,456.25 negotiated to allow for the necessary weedkilling, the transfer documents were duly signed and witnessed.