
Fast Fibre for Compton

Update Late 2021
There were 117 properties in Compton Village where there were no plans to deliver Superfast broadband. In March 2020, a team of local residents signed a Community Fibre Partnership contract with Openreach to supply Full Fibre (Fibre to the Premises).
The service was delivered in early 2021, with the support of the Parish Council.
For details, see the project website at cfp.comptonshawford.uk/

Openreach has recently published outline timetables for their full fibre rollout across the country. See the map at www.openreach.com/fibre-broadband/where-when-building-ultrafast-full-fibre-broadband

Fast Fibre for Compton

Fast Fibre for Compton

Good news for Compton Village Residents

Compton Village has been left behind. The rest of the parish already has Superfast under Hampshire’s Superfast Broadband programme. But now, if we get our act together, we could have full-fibre access in Compton Village within about 12 months.


Compton is eligible for Government (DCMS) Rural Broadband Connectivity grants. They help to bring full-fibre access to rural areas which currently have lower than 30Mbps download speeds.

Who can benefit?

All the properties in Compton Village who can’t yet get fast broadband. That’s Attwoods Drove, Martins Fields and the western end of Compton Street.

What about costs?

If enough properties sign up to take the new service, the cost of bringing fibre to the village could be covered by DCMS grant vouchers.

Otherwise we would need to do some fund-raising.

Ongoing monthly costs for a 30Mbps service look similar to prices for our current, less reliable, not-so-fast broadband.

What do we get?

This would be FTTP (Fibre To The Premises), sometimes called Ultrafast or Full Fibre. Speeds up to 300Mbps are available.

Progress so far

  • We’ve registered a Community Fibre Partnership with BT Openreach, listing all the properties in the affected area
  • Next, Openreach gives us an initial estimate, followed by a final quotation (expected late January 2020).

What’s next?

  • Put together a Q&A to answer questions you might have about the project,
  • Publish the Q&A and as much detailed information as we can find to all households and businesses in the area, by leaflet, letter, email, parish magazine article, social media, and a new website,
  • Hold a public meeting, and/or individual meetings,
  • After receiving the final quotation from Openreach, work out how many householder and small business DCMS grant vouchers we need to cover the cost.
  • If and when enough people have signed up to take the new service, we can commit to and sign the contract, and then Openreach will schedule the installation.

Volunteers to help and/or join a small committee would be welcomed.

What can/should I do now?

Adrian Walmsley
Compton Community Fibre Partnership
supported by the Compton Village Association
15 January 2020


Community Fibre Partnerships

Compton Community Fibre Partnership – cfp.comptonshawford.uk

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