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Four Dells Farm Planning Consultation

Four Dells Farm Planning application

An application has been submitted for a production / storage building for recovery of waste CHP heat and production of ‘AdBlue’ – with the installation of 7 external storage tanks and bund.

Address: Four Dells Farm, Poles Lane, Otterbourne SO21 2DY

You can read the documentation and either support or object to the application online.

County Councillor Jan Warwick writes:

If residents have any particular questions (eg about potential for noise, smell, HGV movements, water usage, groundwater contamination etc then please could they email the Parish Clerk and Planning Portfolio Holder Frances Strange and copy me in).

This Four Dells Farm Planning application has come to Hampshire County Council for decision because of the link to the biomass boiler on site (also permitted via the HCC Regulatory Planning process).

More information and how to comment

Summarised from the HCC website

This application has been submitted in the name of Brooke Additives Ltd

Consultation closes: 28 February 2020

Application no: 20/00187/HCS (map)
Site Reference: WR215
Location: Four Dells Farm, Poles Lane, Otterbourne SO21 2DY
Proposal: 1 no production / storage building for manufacturing of ‘AdBlue’ – with installation of 7no. external storage tanks and bund
Received: 17/01/2020
Validated: 17/01/2020
Start of Public Consultation: 29/01/2020
Public Consultation Expiry: 28/02/2020

For more information, downloadable plans and planning statements, and to make a comment, visit


Site location

CHP = Combined Heat and Power. According to Wikipedia, “Combined heat and power (CHP) plants recover otherwise wasted thermal energy

AdBlue is used by modern diesel cars to reduce nitrous oxide emissions. According to the AA,

AdBlue is an exhaust fluid, not a fuel additive. It’s stored in a separate reservoir and is topped up via a (usually) blue filler cap located either next to your fuel filler, in the boot or under the bonnet.

AdBlue is a trade name registered by the German car manufacturers association, but is the most recognised form of Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF).