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PC Meeting Report January 2020

CSPC logo for PC Meeting Report January 2020PC Meeting Report January 2020

Report of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 7 January 2020 in the Compton Room Shawford Parish Hall.



The two main issues for discussion were the provision of superfast broadband in Compton village and the possibility of constructing a new car park near Shawford railway station.

Superfast Broadband

Councillor Goulding thanked Mr Walmsley for providing the Council with a comprehensive paper on the lack of superfast broadband to 117 properties in Compton village and invited him to address the Council. Mr Walmsley advised that HCC’s Superfast Broadband rollout project does not cover Martins Fields, Attwoods Drove, nor the western part of Compton Street.

There is no prospect of those areas getting superfast broadband except through BT Openreach’s Community Fibre Partnership programme, which will require the affected householders to raise funds towards the cost, currently estimated at £56,097.

A further complication is that some householders are tied to existing long-term (non-superfast) broadband contracts and may not wish to apply for Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) vouchers, under the Government’s Rural Gigabit Connectivity programme (£3500 for business and £1500 for private households).

Supported by the Compton Village Association (CVA) chairman, he wondered whether the Parish Council would be prepared to offer a top-up grant to those householders and small businesses who apply for DCMS vouchers and, to save the cost of creating a new limited company, would be prepared to enter into an agreement with BT Openreach to supply superfast broadband to the affected households.

Following discussion, Councillor Goulding advised him that the Parish Council would not be comfortable with underwriting the cost of the project. It would be useful if Mr Walmsley and the CVA could identify how many households would be prepared to apply for DCMS vouchers. The Council could then revisit the subject at its next meeting in March.

Shawford Station Parking

Councillor Bell briefed the Council on the discussions that had taken place between representatives of Hampshire County Council (HCC), Winchester City Council (WCC) the Parish Council, South Western Railways (SWR), and the Shawford Village Residents’ Association (SVRA). Since the Walcon site is no longer available, SWR and HCC had identified an adjacent site (on the triangle of land immediately to the left of the road leading to the Malms), which could provide additional car parking. However, representatives of the SVRA had expressed concern about the visual impact of a car park on that site. A meeting of all interested parties to discuss detailed plans had been scheduled for 23 January in Shawford Parish Hall. Following discussion, the Council agreed to support the proposed use of the site for additional car parking, subject to a sight of the final plan.

In response to concerns raised by a parishioner about the plans for a new car park near the station, Councillor Goulding issued reassurances that the detailed plans being devised by HCC and SWR would include parking fees and parking restrictions on Shawford roads.


Councillor Bell advised the Council that a new bench, to be installed at the bus stop on the west side of Otterbourne Road, had been ordered. He hoped that installation would take place by 31 March 2020. Councillor Bell also advised that he was in discussions with Councillor Goulding and the Clerk about the need for the Council to develop a policy on the siting of memorial plaques on parish benches.

Footpaths and the Environment

Councillor Wilkinson reported that, on 17 December 2019, HCC had issued the order for the footpath between Southdown Road and the railway station to become a public bridleway. HCC had also been advised of the Council’s priorities for the Countryside Access Area Teams 2020 footpath vegetation cutting programme. Councillor Hunt reported that the Lengthsman was due to visit the parish in February. He proposed to task him with clearing the footpath across Shawford Down to Southdown. Following discussion, it was agreed that he should also task the Lengthsman with cutting back some of the vegetation along the new bridleway.


Councillor Strange reported that WCC had requested more evidence of public involvement in the revision of the Village Design Statement (VDS): this contradicted advice provided by the former Strategic Planning Manager, Jenny Nell. It was agreed that Councillor Strange should seek clarification of the position from WCC. If ‘full public consultation’ was required, then it might be better to await the draft of the revised WCC Local Plan before taking any action.

Councillor Strange advised that Action Hampshire had quoted £5,300 to produce a housing needs survey. It was noted that Community Action Hampshire had undertaken an exercise on affordable housing in 2012. The Clerk agreed to provide Councillor Strange with the relevant documentation.

Councillor Strange had been advised that an application for planning permission, for a permanent building to replace the temporary structure at Shepherds Down School, could be expected within the next month and a decision taken by HCC by the end of March.  Councillor Bell noted that the plans needed to contain adequate parking provisions.

Playing Fields Management

Councillor Wilkinson was pleased to announce that work, on the installation of a replacement multi-play unit (mpu) at the Memorial Playing Fields (MPF), had begun on 6 January 2020. It was agreed that the Council should aim to salvage those parts of the old mpu, which could still be used, e.g. the slide and posts, with the aim of raising funds through online sites, such as eBay. Councillor Wilkinson agreed to speak to the contractor and arrange for the salvaged parts to be stored in the MPF shed.

Councillor Wilkinson advised that the weather had been too cold to apply moss killer to the MeGA and that the latest quarterly play equipment report had listed the risk level of play equipment, at both play areas, as either ‘low’ or ‘very low’.

County Councillor’s Report

It was noted that a new permit system will be introduced later this year for members of the public wishing to use the Household Waste Recycling Centres. Hampshire residents will need to register their vehicles on the following website www.hants.gov.uk/vehicle-registration-hwrc to avoid having to pay a fee of £5 per visit.

Finance and Administration

Following a short discussion, the Council agreed to accept the tender, from James Kimber Landscapes of £185 per cut, for the three-year grass cutting contract, beginning in March 2020.

The Council noted that the Annual Parish Meeting will take place on 21 May 2020. Councillor Bell agreed to contact the Three Rivers Community Rail Partnership to see if the organisation is willing to provide a speaker. The chairman asked for contributions to the Annual Report by 31 March 2020 and agreed that, following feedback from last year, it would be hand-delivered to each household.

The Council noted that a Parish Council election is scheduled for 7 May 2020 and that, despite activities in neighbouring parishes, there were no plans to celebrate VE Day in Compton and Shawford.

Date and Venue of Next Meeting

7.30pm Tuesday 3 March 2020 in the Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall.


David Drake, Clerk


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2020-01 County Councillor Report
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