February 1996 PC Meeting Report

The monthly meeting of the Parish Council was held on 6 February 1996, with Mr A.D.Walmsley in the Chair.


Land adjoining the Parish Hall

The Council decided to defer consideration of the Winchester District Housing Association proposal to allow time to study plans submitted at the meeting by a private developer.


Proposed development of Otterbourne Incinerator Site

It was agreed that a letter of objection be drafted by Cllr NJ Campbell-White for consideration by other members and by City Cllr C. Beckett before submission to Hampshire County Council, the landowners and Planning Authority in this particular matter.


Planning Application re Wytchwood, Highways Road

It was decided to object to this application to demolish the existing house and build two, on the grounds that this would create overcrowding on the site and conflict with the designation in the new Winchester Local Plan which provides for the area to be less dense and well treed.


Future Expansion of Air Traffic/Noise Over the Parish

A consultation document had been received from Eastleigh Borough Council. The document already reflects much of the input submitted by Group Captain MEH Dawson and Robin Tice, who have been acting for the Parish Council on this matter. They are broadly satisfied with the document. We hope that the input from our representatives, which will be of long term benefit to the Parish, will be included in the final Agreement governing routes for aircraft using Southampton International Airport.


Acquisition of M3 Surplus Land Adjoining the Memorial Playing Field

It was reported that all the terms and conditions have been accepted and agreed by the Highways Agency, including the negotiated reduced purchase price of £2750.00 and that necessary legal formalities should now soon commence.


Footpath – Shawford Down

Cllr Hazlitt reported that a minor re-alignment of the footpath across Shawford Down had been made by HCC, with a handrail provided, to allow it to terminate in Shawford Station Yard in the interest of safety to pedestrians. A Wayleave is to be granted by British Rail.


Bus Shelter

The seat has been taken from the new bus shelter near entrance to Compton Street. This is the third time that the shelter has been vandalised. Agreed that the seat be replaced with a hardwood seat with a more secure fixing.


Affordable Housing Scheme – Land at Martins Field, Compton:

The Parish Council is awaiting results of a questionnaire distributed to households in the village.


Parish Hall Centenary Celebration

Cllr Mrs Millar reported on the meeting on 23 January when a draft schedule of events for the centenary week was agreed. Next meeting 27 Feb. Agreed that the matter of the Parish Council contribution to the event be left until after the Parish Council Election in May.


Sports Club Lease negotiation

The subcommittee met the sports club on 30 January and continue to work on a lottery grant application for a new pavilion.


Purchase of equipment for the clerk’s correspondence

  1. The computer, printer and copier have arrived, costs to be shared with Otterbourne. The chairman will be helping the clerk learn how to use them.
  2. Because of the information being stored on the computer, the Parish Council was advised to register under the Data Protection Act. A registration, with statutory £75.00 fee, has been submitted to the Registrar.