
January 1996 Parish Hall Centenary Committee Meeting



Jean Millar (Chairman) Pat Middleton
Jean Ferrington (Secretary) Simone Farrar.
Nick Campbell-White Daphne Meller
R. Wilmshurst. Anne Weaver
Harry Pilbeam Daisy Warne
Monty Dawson Vanessa Smith
Eric Caldwell Adrian Walmsley (later)
Peter Moll

The Chairman – Jean Millar welcomed members to the meeting, hoping that a list of events could be formulated for the Centenary Celebrations to be held in December 1996.

Anne Weaver (Compton Reeves W.I.) said they could organise Cars for anyone who could not get to the Hall and they would also help and provide refreshments for events, if required.

The Chairman mentioned that Spinners, Weavers & Dyers would be at the Hall during the week – perhaps we could make a special meeting with them, to see what they actually do and if they wish to put on a show.

Harry Pilbeam (Shawford Residents’ Assoc.) said they would like to organise a Childrens’ Party say from 3.30pm, followed by a Pantomime in the evening and perhaps the Heathcote Players could take part in this also. Sarah Millar is the President of the Heathcote Players and Sue Forbes has shown interest on the Production side. Janet West and Mike Gordon should also be contacted and it was thought this event could be on Friday 6th December 1996.

Jean Millar asked Peter Moll if the Christmas Village Party could be organized during this week, but Peter thought the Parish Council would be running the Party this year.

Jean Millar said the Festival Choir would like to take part and Daphne Meller said she would find out how much time they can afford to the Village Hall, or whether they would prefer to work in with others.

The Southampton Choir only available during the first week.

Jean Ferrington thought a Bridge afternoon or evening should be organised, probably as a fund-raising event.

Interest shown for Old Time Music Stall and this should be encouraged perhaps Adrian Walmsley should be asked to take part, plus other groups from all Clubs – an Old Time Music Hall with skits.

The Chairman thought that Compton & Shawford W.I. would possibly extend invitations to their Xmas Luncheon or Afternoon Tea.

Peter Moll asked that Exhibitions should not clash with other events and all items be properly adhered to walls safely. Jean Millar assured him that this would be done and already had frames etc. in hand.

Monty Dawson said the Horticultural Society will participate and they hope to organise a Quiz and were also considering other ideas.

Eric Caldwell mentioned that the Orchids Society would be one of the nicest events, but whether the display could be arranged would have to be checked, due to the fragility of the orchids.

Six-a-Side Football also suggested, but to be discussed more fully later.

Firework Display suggested, but Cllr. Wilmshurst thought it would be too costly and of short duration.

Anne Weaver thought a Video of all events would be a wonderful thing.

Mr. Wilmshurst would like people to enter the Oldest photo of the Village, for a competition.

Harry Pilbeam asked if Commemorative Mugs are to be given and if so, are they to be funded? Jean Millar wondered if a Commemorative Badge would be better, to be used for each Function. The Badge could be bought with the Programme and a certain amount of Fund raising could come from this idea. A Souvenir Badge should be thought about.

Pat Middleton wondered if it would be better to leave the last Sunday in abeyance for the time being.

Monty Dawson would like entries for the Parish Magazine, asking if anyone wishes to help in any way.

Jean Millar wondered if anybody knows of a Journalist who would help with events.

Next Meeting – Tuesday 27th February 1996 at 8pm in the Small Hall.



Fri. 6th Dec. Childrens’ Party, followed by Pantomime 3.30pm.
Sat. 7th Dec Spinners, Weavers & Dyers booked 10am – 4pm.
Old Time Music Hall.
Sun. 8th Dec. Sunday Service in the Church, followed by Coffee or Lunch at the Village Hall, possibly including the School.
Mon. 9th Dec Choir evening and Brass Band Display.
Tues. 10th Dec. Bridge 1.30pm – 5pm.
Centenary Party by Parish Council.
Wed. 11th Dec. . Compton & Shawford W.I. 11am – 5pm
Heathcote Players. (This is their normal evening)
Thur. 12th Dec. Winchester Flower Arranging Society 9.30am – 4.30pm
Second Centenary Party
Fri. 13th Dec. Quiz Evening 8pm, with the Horticultural Society. Peter Davies and Terry Wilson to be contacted
Sat. 14th Dec. Buffet 7.45pm with George Beckett playing
Sun. 15th Dec. ? ? ? ? ?