November 1997 PC Meeting Report

The monthly meeting of the Parish Council was held on 4 November with Mr AD Walmsley in the Chair.

District Concillor’s report

City Councillor Mrs. M Campbell-White reported that WCC are obtaining Counsel’s opinion on the situation over planning permission for the grain drier erected at Silkstead Farm. She also reported that Hockley Viaduct may become a public amenity providing a walkway and viewing area.

Sustrans Cycle Route.

County Councillor Mrs. A Bailey had forwarded a report that one of two proposed cycle routes through Shawford will have to be chosen. The two routes converge behind the Bridge Hotel, Shawford. Consultations have commenced and the Parish Council will receive plans and be consulted.

Routeing of Aircraft.

A letter had been sent by the Parish Transport Representative, Group Captain MEH Dawson, to Eastleigh Borough Council, enclosing an article on the considerable rate of expansion of traffic at Southampton Airport expected over the next six or seven years. The noise problems will be discussed at a meeting to be held on 19 November, between the Managing Director, Southampton International Airport, Eastleigh Borough Council and the Parish Council. A group of local volunteers is collecting details of aircraft flying over our village so that we can assess for ourselves adherence to flight path restrictions.


Grp. Capt. Dawson continues to press the County Council over the timing of the 27B bus route to Tesco’s and Sainsbury’s. The County Council have apologised for the lack of consultation before the latest timetable changes, which resulted in too long a wait for the return bus. They have not yet agreed to improve the timing.

Site for affordable housing in Compton.

A letter had been received from Hampshire Voluntary Housing Society, advising that the Parochial Church Council, on 25 September 1997, re-affirmed the policy that the land opposite the Church in Compton Street should not be developed. The Society also advised that HCC have stated that the land originally earmarked at the end of Martins Fields cannot be used for affordable housing because it is in the “strategic gap”. Chairman to write to WCC to seek clarification on the policy covering this matter.

Donation of public memorial bench seat by Mrs. JE Hazlitt.

Cllr. Mrs. Millar to consult Mrs. Hazlitt shortly regarding siting for the seat.

Memorial Playing Field: Trees;

We should soon be able to accept an estimate for replacing the cherry and other trees which had to be removed, and give instructions for the replanting to go ahead as soon as possible.

Lease of proposed pavilion to Sports Club.

A draft lease drawn up by solicitors, which incorporates the Parish Council’s commitments to control noisy events and restrict subletting, had been circulated to members for comments. We hope to reach a final agreement with the Sports Club on the terms of the lease very soon.

Parish Hall:

A long report was submitted by the Parish Hall Management Sub-Committee covering: refurbishment of the hall; progress to date on the transfer of the management of the hall to Compton and Shawford Community Association; names of persons prepared to serve on the new management committee; replacement windows for caretaker’s cottage; discussion of suggested refurbishment plans with Heathcote Players and their stage requirements; definition of the boundary between hall land and the land for sale.

Development plans will be on display at the CASCA party on 5 December.

A working group consisting of Cllrs Whitaker and Campbell-White is to draw up recommendations for the terms of the lease under which CASCA will manage the hall, drawing on similar leases in force elsewhere.

Integra Waste Transfer Station, Poles Lane – vehicle census.

The census of traffic through Compton has been delayed due to present shortfall of volunteers – 10 volunteers, shortfall 4. We need to gather these statistics because we continue to be concerned lest any traffic calming measures imposed in Otterbourne result in an increase in traffic through our village.

Traffic Calming Measures-Otterbourne.

Cllr Whitaker asked members to submit any queries they may have for him to raise at the public exhibition in Otterbourne on 13 November.


The subcommittee will assess the state of the various noticeboards in the village and make a recommendation on whether they should be refurbished or whether, in line with the resolution passed at last month’s meeting, we should plan to replace them.

Dog fouling:

It was reported that the City Council is not likely to take any action on the Fouling of Land Act before consultation with the parishes, which is currently expected to be in early 1998.

