February 2004 PC Meeting Report

Report on the Meeting held
Tuesday 3nd February 2004, Shawford Parish Hall

Co-option of new councillor

With the recent resignation of Mrs. Jude Vallis as Parish Councillor, there was a need to engage a replacement Councillor to the Parish Council. As it is less than six months until the Parish Council elections, there was no need to enter into an election at this time to fill this vacancy. Mrs Jo Ford of Yew Tree Farm expressed an interest in joining the Parish Council and was therefore co-opted as Parish Councillor to serve for the remainder of this Parish Council’s term.

County Councillor’s Report

County Councillor Ann Bailey reported upon the anticipated “regulatory Meeting” being arranged to discuss retrospective Planning Applications covering the Integra site in Poles Lane. Being a Hampshire County Council owned site, it is Hampshire County Council who apply for Planning Permission and it is Hampshire County Council who grant such permissions. The Planning Department of Winchester City Council is only kept informed. Concern was expressed at the expansion of activities at the Integra site that will come about by the granting of these retrospective Planning Applications. The Parish Council will be able to comment at the proposed Regulatory Meeting.

City Councillor’s Report

District Councillor Charlotte Bailey reported upon proposals concerning Waste Collection. It is proposed that “Landfill Waste” will be collected only once every two weeks as opposed to the current once every week and “Recyclable Waste” will be collected every alternate week. In addition, there will be facilities for “Green Waste” collection. The purpose of these changes is to encourage a higher percentage of waste recycling to meet targets set by Central Government. Preparatory to a pilot scheme being introduced in 2005, consultations with Parish Councils are to be undertaken in order to assist in effective publication of these proposals. It is understood that Shawford has been selected as one of the areas involved in the pilot scheme.

Finance & Admin committee

Cllr. Nick Campbell-White reported on the Parish Council’s finances and drew member’s attention that the Parish Council’s reserves are much depleted as a result of building the new Jubilee Pavilion. This depletion was always expected and the Parish Council’s finances are now at a level more appropriate to a Parish such as Compton and Shawford.

With regard to progress on the Jubilee Pavilion, work is actively being undertaken in respect of the various minor issues that are outstanding subsequent to completion of the construction. Many of these issues relate to the car park and surrounding areas, which require landscaping and return to their original state now that the contractors have vacated the site. Cllr. Nick Campbell-White confirmed that these matters are in hand and depended to a great extent upon the weather conditions before they can be finally resolved.


Cllr. Martin Bell reported upon various planning applications and decisions. Most notable being the objection lodged by the Parish Council concerning the latest Planning Application concerning Longacre. It is now understood that this latest Planning Application has been withdrawn by the applicant. However, the previous Planning Application is still being taken to Appeal.

Bird Scarers

The subject of noise nuisance being caused by Bird Scarers was discussed at length. Enquiries with the Environmental Health Department by Cllr. Celia Simmons had revealed that new legislation concerning such matters is shortly to be introduced. Many complaints on this subject had been received from Parishioners and as a consequence discussions with the farmer concerned will be undertaken.