January 2004 PC Meeting Report
Report on the Meeting held
Tuesday 6th January 2004, Shawford Parish Hall
Public Session
Table of Contents
During the Public session, Mrs Gillian Webster requested that attention be given to the repainting of the Double Yellow Lines at the end of Bridge Lane and in the village of Shawford, opposite the Bridge Hotel. Whilst this will be pursued with Traffic & Transport Department, Winchester City Council, Mrs. Webster’s second request for Street Lighting in Bridge Lane will require further consultation with other residents in the area.
Police Report
Although Police Constable Mark Smith was not in attendance, he had submitted a written report in which he referenced a house burglary opposite Shawford Down. Disturbingly, there have been two similar offences occurring in Otterbourne, one of which occurred on Christmas Day. It is hoped that the areas of Compton and Otterbourne will not now be targeted by travelling criminals, and that residents will be vigilant.
Finance & Admin Committee
The Finance and Administration Committee had undertaken much work on determining the Parish Council’s Budgets for the financial year 2004 to 2005. The results of these deliberations was the recommendation to the Parish Council of a Precept of £23,926-00 for the financial year 2004 to 2005. This figure equates to only a 2.70 per cent increase over the previous year. This is considered remarkable in view of the considerable increase in expense relating to the construction the Jubilee Pavilion which was opened last month.
New Pavilion Project
Now that the Jubilee Pavilion is open for use by the Sports Club, the “New Pavilion Project” has moved into its final stage. This is the completion of various outstanding issues associated with a project of this nature, such as landscaping of the area on which the Pavilion is built, removal of the old Pavilion to allow construction of a third Tennis Court. Accordingly, there is still much work to be undertaken which is being led by Councillor Mr. Nick Campbell-White.
Councillor Mr. Martin Bell reported on current Planning issues including the development on land at the rear of Ballakitch and The Merries, Highways Road. This application has been pending for some 18 months and it is now understood that the application has now been refused. It was considered that the applicant has been badly served by the planners at Winchester City Council continually delaying this decision.
Councillor Bell also reported that the Planning Application for Mountain Ash, Tilden Road, is to be taken to Appeal. At the same time, a second new and similar Planning Application for the same site has been submitted to Winchester City Council. As this second application is very similar to the first, the Parish Council will again make objections for the same reasons.
Councillor Bell commented that the planning department at Winchester City Council appear to be in a state of upheaval in that their approach to individual Planning Applications appears to lack consistency. This was evidenced by the recent refusal of applications concerning Beechcroft, Compton Street, and Orchard House, Cliff Way. It was concluded that this lack of consistency might have been occasioned by the replacement of PPG’s (Planning Policy Guidelines) with PPS’s (Planning Policy Statements) as reported by District Councillor Mrs. Charlotte Bailey. Whilst the new PPS’s have not been finalised, the officers in the Planning Department are seen to be in a state of uncertainty whilst their definitive policy is determined.
It was reported by the Chairman, Councillor Mr. George Beckett, that Councillor Mrs. Jude Vallis had resigned as Parish Councillor due to personal commitments. Members expressed regret at this resignation. As it is within six months of the Parish Council elections, it is anticipated that an election to fill the vacancy will not be necessary. It is hoped that a co-option will take place at the February Parish Council meeting, thereby providing the full complement of Parish Councillors for the remaining five-month term of this Parish Council.