
Berry Bridge Closure

Walkers: if you are in the habit of walking from Compton Lock across the water meadows towards Twyford Church please be aware that the bridges at the end of Berry Lane just below Twyford Church have been closed until further notice. You will have to find an alternative route.

The notice below is reproduced from the Twyford Information Email system.

Closure of the two Berry Lane bridges

The pedestrian and the sleeper bridges at the bottom of Berry Lane near Saint Mary‘s Church have been closed with immediate effect. The structures that support each bridge are in an extremely poor state which necessitates their immediate closure. There is every chance that one or both bridges could collapse.

Twyford Information - Berry Bridge Closure
Twyford Information Emails Twyford Parish Council

Twyford Parish Council will be discussing with Hampshire County Council next week how best to proceed. However there is every likelihood that both bridges will have to be removed. There will of course be every effort made to ensure a replacement bridge is erected but this may take some time to accomplish.

I would be grateful if the information about the closure of the bridges is made known as widely as possible and that nobody attempts to walk across them.

Waine Lawton
Chairman, Twyford Parish Council

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Twyford Parish Council
Parish Clerk – J.P. Matthews PO Box 741, Winchester. SO23 3QA

With thanks to the Twyford Parish Clerk for permission to reprint this from the original Twyford Information email.