
Berry Lane Footbridge Reopened

Walkers: The  Berry Lane footbridge is now open again

See also Berry Bridge Closure

The notice below is reproduced from the Twyford Information Email system.

Berry Lane Footbridge

The  Berry Lane footbridge is now open and will be subject to more regular inspections by Hampshire County Council.

The sleeper bridge, adjacent to the footbridge, remains closed and has been cordoned with boarding by the owner for safety reasons. Please do not try to gain entry to bridge. A full survey is to be undertake in the next couple of weeks and its future will be decided depending upon the outcome of the report.

Twyford Information - Berry Bridge Closure
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Twyford Parish Council
Parish Clerk – J.P. Matthews PO Box 741, Winchester. SO23 3QA

With thanks to the Twyford Parish Clerk for permission to reprint this from the original Twyford Information email.