Police Beat Surgery Tuesday 25 February 2020

Hants Constabulary logo for Police Beat Surgery Tuesday 25 FebruaryPolice Beat Surgery Tuesday 25 February 2020

Police Community Support Officer, Darcy Gore, writes:


I am a local PCSO based in Alresford. I am holding a beat surgery Tuesday 25 February at Otterbourne Village Hall 16:00-17:30. Please spread the message and pop along yourselves to talk about any issues in your area. My main focus will be theft from vehicles and how to stay safe! Hope to see you there,

Kind Regards

Darcy Gore | Police Community Support Officer 17652
Hampshire Constabulary
Alresford Police Office
Pound Hill, Alresford, SO24 9BP
Follow us on Twitter; @WinchesterCops

Editor's note
Surgery dates are also advertised on this website’s diary page , and, when timing permits, in the Parish Magazine.