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PC Meeting Agenda 6 March 2018

Compton & Shawford logo - PC Meeting Agenda 6 March 2018Compton and Shawford Parish Council

PO Box 565, Winchester,
Hampshire SO23 3HG
Phone:01962 600198

Members of Compton and Shawford Parish Council are summoned to attend a meeting of

Compton and Shawford Parish Council

7.30pm Tuesday 6 March 2018,
in the Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall

PC Meeting Agenda 6 March 2018


  1. Apologies for absence and declarations of interest.
  2. Minutes.
    • To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 9 January 2018.
    • Matters arising and outstanding actions.
    • From the minutes and not mentioned elsewhere on the agenda.
  3. County & District Councillors’ Reports.
  4. Public Session (maximum of fifteen minutes).
  5. Finance and Administration (Councillor Webster)
    • Financial statement.
    • Note payments made since 9 January 2018.
    • Asset Register.
    • Compton Lock Grant.
    • Sports Club Annual Contribution 2018 – 2022 (inclusive).
    • Annual Report 2017-18 and Annual Parish Meeting 2018.
    • Annual Council Meeting (council appointments).
  6. BT Telephone Kiosks. (Councillor Webster)
  7. Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). (Councillors Goulding & Wilkinson)
    • MPF car park drainage.
  8. Planning (Councillor Jordan)
    • Planning report (including planning applications and decisions).
    • Biomass committee.
    • Planning portfolio holder’s terms of reference.
  9. Playing Fields Management. (Councillor Wilkinson)
    • Maintenance of play area equipment.
    • MPF & QEII Field: vegetation cut back.
  10. Footpaths and Environment. (Councillor Wilkinson)
  11. Highways and Public Transport. (Councillor Bell)
  12. CASCA (Councillor Wilkinson)
    • Business Continuity.
  13. Date & Venue of the Next Meeting.


David Drake
27 February 2018

See also:

Minutes of earlier meetings