
Twyford PPG 2014 AGM

Twyford PPG logoThe Patient Participation Group
of the Twyford Practice

Invite you to its
Annual General Meeting
To be Held in Twyford Parish Hall
On Monday 20 October 2014
Commencing at 7.30 pm Doors Open 7.00 pm
Refreshments available
Speaker: Dr Andrew Isbister GP

 Locality lead Winchester for the West Hampshire Clinical Care Commissioning Group

‘One year on from the establishment of the CCG – Brave New World’

(description of the current organisational structures with general and personal observations and how it links to patients)


Dr Andrew Richard Isbister, MBBS,DRCOG,DCH

Trained at Charing Cross Hospital Medical School 1977-1982
General Practitioner for 27 years working in the NHS for over 32 years
Southampton Medical student Primary Care teacher since 1999
founder Member of Hampshire Medical Audit Advisory Group 1990
Commissioning since 1990
Winchester(City/Rural),Andover Locality Clinical Lead 2014

Representatives/information will also be present from:

  • Winchester Talking Newspaper
  • Winchester Rehabilitation & Exercise Group
  • Dementia Association

Contact for information:  Helen Witt at or telephone: 07831480 453
The AGM of the PPG will follow on after the talk by Dr Isbister