Resurfacing of Compton Street

Updated 16 August 2011

We understand from the County Council that, subject to the normal caveats about weather etc., the work will be undertaken during the week beginning 24 October 2011 (half term week).

The County Council is unable to give us more than two weeks’ notice of the exact starting date.

Note added 29 July 2011

After discussion with the CVA, the consensus view was that night working would cause less disruption than a complete closure of Compton Street during the whole working day.

Hampshire County Council now inform us

Compton Street resurfacing works are [now] programmed as night works, working hours to be restricted between the hours of 19:00 and 07:00

The night works gang have now been re-allocated to schemes needing completion within the school summer holidays. Compton Street no longer falls into this category, as night working should not cause any disruption to the school.

Therefore, the resurfacing of Compton Street is programmed for October when the night works gang recommence.

As soon as we have a definitive date, we will update this web page.

See also: Official Notice of Closure

A letter from the Chairman of the Parish Council

Dear parishioners,

As you will see from the record of the Parish Council meeting held on the 7th June, councillors had a number of concerns relating to access during the period of the works, scheduled to begin on 23rd August. I have now had a meeting with the officers concerned with planning and delivering the works, on behalf of Hampshire County Council.Two proposals have been made and we have been asked to comment on which the residents affected would prefer.

The work will be conducted in shifts, which could either be at night-time, between 19.00 and 5 / 6.00, for three shifts,or during the day, from 9.30 until 16.00. If the preference is for the day time option, the work may tip over into a fourth shift.We also have to allow for a milk van to have access to one of the farms, which may lead to a one day on, one day off working pattern. The first shift will be particularly noisy, while the old surface is being planed off. Thereafter, there will be bleeping noises, as the surfacing machine reverses along the road.

I pointed out to the officers all those who need to be consulted, including the pre-school, but offered to help them in canvassing residents’ preferences. Could you either let the Compton Village Association or the Chairman of the Tenants’ Association know your views, or email them to me (unastevens at As the Chairman of the CVA is away, Peter Ashcroft is also happy to receive your responses.

I have also ensured that there will be access made available for emergency vehicles at all times.

Una Stevens,
Chairman of Compton and Shawford Parish Council

(we apologise that, because of an oversight by the editor, this letter was omitted from the July 2011 issue of the Parish Magazine)