October 2007 Meeting Report

Report on the Meeting held
Tuesday 2 October 2007, Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall


During the session open for members of the Public to make statement, observations or raise questions, Mrs Clay of Martins Fields raised the matter of Horses and Horse Riders using the Footpaths within the Parish. It is apparent that these Horse Riders are using Footpaths illegally as the Footpaths are not designated as Bridleways and should only be used by pedestrians. In some instances, wire fencing has been cut to enable horses to access the Footpath. Additionally, complaints have been made about significant amounts of Horse Droppings being deposited on the Footpaths together with a degree of intimidation by the horses towards pedestrians. It is understood that there are a number of stables keeping horses within the Parish, from which the offending horses originate.

It was determined that there are two issues that need to be considered in respect of this issue. Firstly, it should be determined whether the stables from which the horses originate have the requisite Planning Permission from Winchester City Council to operate as a “Livery Stable”. Secondly, the matter should be referred to Hampshire County Council as it is their responsibility to manage the Footpath/Bridleway question. Cllr. Patricia Caffyn is currently undertaking investigations into these matters and is expected to report back to the next Parish Council meeting.

Police report

Police Constable Mark Smith reported only five offences within the Parish since the last Parish Council meeting, two of these being incidents involving the Railway Transport Police as they occurred on the Railway and Shawford Station. The other three offences consisted of incidents of Criminal Damage within the Parish. Accordingly, it was considered a relatively quiet month.

Police Constable Mark Smith also advised that he is monitoring the situation concerning Car Parking in Martins Fields and Attwoods Drove. It is accepted that there is no easy solution to this problem as the layout of housing in that area does not allow for multiple vehicles being owned by each household.

District Councillors’ reports

District Councillors Eleanor Bell and George Beckett both reported on various issues. Winchester City Council has agreed to fund the maintenance of Hockley Viaduct to prevent any further deterioration. Part of this maintenance will be to make the Viaduct suitable for a pedestrian Footpath together with a Cycleway. It will not be made suitable for Horse Riders. The purpose of this being to allow the possibility for a pedestrian/cycle link to the proposed South Winchester Park and Ride facility. It is hoped to involve Sustrans in this project.

The District Councillors also both reported on the issue of Aircraft Noise. In his capacity as Leader of Winchester City Council, Councillor George Beckett is endeavouring to escalate the involvement of Winchester City Council on the Airport Consultative Committee, which is currently seen to be dominated by Eastleigh and Southampton Councils.

County Councillor’s Report

County Councillor Charlotte Bailey reported on several issues, including the Winchester Transport Forum, Four Dell Farm Minerals and Waste Applications, Flashing 40 signs, Footpaths/Pavements, Shawford Down, The road to the Malms, the Tower Arts Centre and Climate Change. With regard to Shawford Down, complaints had been received about the Highland Cattle congregating at the top of the Down causing the ground to be covered with mud and excrement, together with the cattle being an intimidation to walkers crossing the Down. Cllr. Patricia Caffyn was charged with seeking advice from the Countryside Services, Hampshire County Council, as to how this matter could be resolved. With regard to the Malms Road, which is designated as a Bridleway, Cllr Bailey is endeavouring to bring the various interested parties together to agree on a solution whereby the Road can be repaired and resurfaced.


In his written report, Cllr. Tom Threlfall reported that the overgrown vegetation along the Navigation Towpath is on the appropriate “to do” list and will be attended to in due course.


On Planning issues, Cllr. Adrian Walmsley reported that it had been a quiet month. It is thought likely that the Planning Application for “Old Orchard” will be refused by the Officers and therefore will not come to Committee at Winchester City Council. With Regard to the Planning Applications concerning Ballakitch, it was considered appropriate not to pursue the objection to the Application yet to be determined as it is considered less intrusive than the earlier application which is currently the subject of an appeal.

Dog Faeces

A request for the provision of Dog Bins in Compton Street had been received. The Clerk was charged with investigating this matter with the Dog Warden, Winchester City Council.

It was reported that the Dog Warden has imposed a £50-00 penalty on the owner of two dogs which have been allowed to run free on Memorial Playing Fields in recent months.

Parish Plan

In respect of the Parish Plan Project, Cllr Adrian Walmsley advised that the Questionnaires had be distributed to every household within the Parish and that they would be collected in the next couple of weeks.

Civic Service

Details of the forthcoming Civic Service to be held on the 28th October were discussed. The Reverend Dr. Roland Riem, Cannon Pastor and Missioner, Winchester Cathedral, will be officiating at the Church Service, which will be followed by a Reception at Compton School.