June 2002 PC Meeting Report

Report on the June Meeting
Thursday 6 June 2002 Shawford Parish Hall

City Councillors

With the recent changes in representation on Winchester City Council, the Chairman, Cllr. Mr. George Beckett, welcomed District Councillor Mr. Peter Mason to the meeting. Councillor Mason thanked the Chairman for the welcome and outlined one of his responsibilities on the Licensing Committee. With the increase in giving Entertainment Licences, there is as a result an increase in the granting of late night alcohol licences, an issue that is of particular concern to councillor Mason who considers it necessary to bring to peoples attention.

District Councillor Charlotte Bailey reported on meetings concerning the Winchester District Local Plan, M3 noise and the involvement of Mark Oaten the local M.P., development of The Malms and other planning matters, and the Cultural Strategy being developed by the Winchester City Council.

Pavilion Building Committee

Mr. Paul Murray reported on the progress of the New Pavilion Building Committee and advised the meeting that progress is being made towards the sending out requests for Tender to build. It is anticipated that this process will result in the successful Tender being selected in July/early August at which time the Parish Council may need to have a special meeting to ratify the selection. The Parish Council do not normally meet during August, therefore a special meeting may have to be convened in order to prevent any un-due delay in progressing this project.

Finance Committee

Councillor Mr. Nick Campbell-White reported on the Parish Council insurances, legal matters concerning the extended Tennis Club Lease and S.106 Agreement for the New Pavilion, refurbishment of the Caretaker’s Cottage and the review of the Clerk’s remuneration. The subject of undertaking a Village Appraisal was discussed at length with Councillor George Beckett and Councillor Martin Bell charged with undertaking some investigations into the Statutory requirements and costs of such an exercise. It was concluded that the establishment of a Village Appraisal document would be invaluable to the Village in countering undesirable planning initiatives being pursued by Winchester District Council. It was also concluded that the production of a Village Appraisal must be undertaken by a wide representation of Village interests as possible, sponsored by the Parish Council but not owned by the Parish Council. Councillors Beckett and Bell will endeavour to identify as many volunteers to undertake the task as is possible.


In his capacity as Convenor of the Planning Committee, Councillor Mr. Martin Bell reported on the potential for the “Settlement Boundaries” of the Parish to be extended by the inclusion of “Omission Sites” within the Winchester District Local Plan for the Parish. It was the view of the Council that whilst supporting many of the aspects of the Winchester District Local Plan, it was the council’s view that extension of these Settlement Boundaries must be opposed. Councillor Bell will convene a meeting of the Planning Committee and determine a response to the District Council.

Playing Fields

Councillor Mrs. Mary Shaw reported on the successful completion of the installation of the new Children’s Play Equipment at the Compton Street Play Area. Agreement was reached on the proposal to resite the Football Pitch in the Compton Street Play Area in order to allow the grass in the goalmouths of the existing football pitch to regenerate itself.

Highways and Byways

Councillor Mrs Celia Simmons reported on her investigations into the matter of providing additional street lighting in Martins Field. It was established that whilst six householders requested additional street lighting, seven householders were against the proposal. Accordingly, as there was no overwhelming majority requesting additional street lighting, the Parish Council consider that the matter should not be taken any further. Councillor Simmons will write to the Tenants Association advising them of the Parish Council’s position on this matter.

Proposed South Downs National Park

Councillor Nick Campbell-White advised the meeting that he would be attending a Seminar on the Southdowns National Park proposals on Tuesday 11th June 2002. A consultation document concerning the proposed Southdowns National Park had been received and copies were provided to each Councillor for comment.