November 2000 PC Meeting Report

Report on the November Meeting Tuesday, 7 November 2000, Shawford Parish Hall

Councillor Mr N. Campbell-White was in the chair and welcomed 15 members of the public.

Locum Clerk

The Chairman welcomed Mr. Mike Langford who attended as “acting clerk” to take the minutes of the meeting, pending the appointment of a new clerk.

Questions from the public

Questions were asked by the public concerning the pavilion, the Parish Hall, Shawford Park, the train service and M3 noise.

Finance & Administration Sub-committee

Results of a comprehensive financial review show a reserve of approximately £107.000. There are two major projects to be funded and an emergency reserve to be retained. Concern was expressed that the cash reserves had been moved by the chairman to a bank without a credit rating. A safer account has been found. Progress has been made on replacing the parish clerk.

Planning Sub-committee

It was suggested that planning applications and decisions were posted on the parish notice boards. The Public Enquiry concerning the proposed equestrian centre at Shawford Park takes place from 21 November at the Parish Hall. The parish council is opposed to the development and will be represented at the appeal by Tom Threlfall.

Playing Fields Sub-committee

The committee has accepted a quote for the planting of “millennium trees” funded by the City Council. These will be on the Memorial Playing Fields and the village school. Having circulated detailed plans for the refurbishment of the children’s play equipment and having obtained approval from the City Council, the decision to go ahead has been delayed by a “point of order” raised by the chairman. Concern was expressed about the safety of the play equipment, but some preferred to prioritise the pavilion project.

New Pavilion Sub-committee

Costings are being obtained to see whether a block built, wooden clad building could be afforded from funds available to the project. It is thought that this type of building, whilst more satisfactory, would be slightly beyond budget. Cllr. Wilmshurst expressed disappointment at the lack of progress achieved by the sub-committee and suggested that able parishioners could be co-opted onto the committee to get things moving. He also proposed that the Sport England bid be resubmitted.

Highways, Byways, M3 & Environment Sub-committee

Two replacement notice boards will be put up shortly. Existing positions will be reviewed. Following the recent decision to resurface the A34 passing the Worthys with “quiet surface”, contact will be established to investigate how our “quiet M3” campaign might benefit from their experience. The City and County Councillors are lobbying on our behalf.

Martin Bell