
Parish Hall Site subcommittee

Parish Hall Improvements

February 1999

Parish Hall development site.

Although none of the four houses have been completed it was reported that three had been sold.

November 1998

Parish Hall development site for housing.

Site works and foundations in progress and construction of the retaining wall bordering our car park is to commence in mid-November.

October 1998

Sale of land adj Shawford Parish Hall.

Reported that the realised sum of £162,500.00 had been deposited with the Trustee Savings Bank on 90 Day Notice at 7.5% interest pa.

Parish Hall matters.

A quotation had been received for the construction of the retaining wall, in the sum of £12,000.00, which work will be carried out by Goodall Barnard Ltd at a cost to meet the quote. Cllr Threlfall agreed to supervise construction of the wall. It was agreed to demolish and remove the stage from the large hall on 21/22 November.

Shawford Parish Hall Extensions and Refurbishment.

A submission by CASCA, dated October 1998, for project approval, was circulated to members of the Council who gave qualified approval of CASCA proposals subject to confirmation after studying the report in detail and receiving final costings.

September 1998

Parish Hall development land.

Planning permission has been granted for the erection of two pairs of semi-detached houses on land adjacent to Shawford Parish Hall, and documents signed for transfer of the land to builders and developers, Goodall Barnard Ltd, for the sum of £162,500.00. There was a lengthy discussion about the need for a retaining wall between the Parish Hall car park and the new houses. The retaining wall has to be constructed at a very early stage, and its construction had not been part of CASCA’s financial plans. The Parish Council therefore accepted for safety reasons that it would have to meet the cost of the retaining wall between the development land and the retained land at a cost of approximately £13,000.00, even if the impact on the Council’s capital plans meant that the costs would eventually have to be funded by borrowing.

July 1998

Parish Hall Development Land.

A report from developers Goodall Barnard Ltd stated that they intend to commence building of two pairs of semi-detached houses early in September.

January 1998

Parish Hall Development Site.

Felling and lopping of trees on the site carried out, and following removal of other trees to be cleared, the site is to be marked out and the boundary defined. The Committee has been authorised to approve the developer’s drawings and site boundary.

December 1997

Parish Hall Development Site.

  1. Having reviewed and suggested revisions to the purchaser’s Draft Agreement, the Parish Council are to instruct their solicitors, White and Bowker, to proceed with the Agreement to sell the unencumbered freehold land to Goodall Barnard Ltd for the agreed sum of £162,500.00.
  2. The crown of the protected yew tree is to be lifted and 3 no. trees felled on the front lawn for the sum of £325.00 plus VAT.

October 1997

Shawford Parish Hall Development Land

Following a meeting with Goodall Barnard Ltd., Builders and Developers, it was agreed to accept their offer to purchase the land for the sum of £162,500 and for them to build two pairs of semi-detached houses subject to conditions and agreement reached upon the precise boundary between the land and the retained parish hall land, and the route of and extent of any right of way over the latter.

September 1997

Shawford Parish Hall Development Land and refurbishment of the Hall.

Decided that, subject to an agreement on parking and access, the land adjacent to the hall be sold to Goodall Barnard Ltd for development with four semi-detached houses. It is hoped to be able to agree acceptable terms for the same firm to carry out the parish hall improvements, as having one firm do both jobs would minimise the disturbance.

July 1997

Parish Hall Land.

Interest in developing the site with four residential units has narrowed to two private developers and one housing association, all of whom are presently in correspondence with the Parish Council. It is hoped that costs and disturbance will be minimised if the chosen contractor can carry out the site development and refurbishment works to the hall at the same time.

June 1997

Parish Hall Land

Cllr West reported to the Council on a meeting with a potential developer. It was agreed that the Parish Hall Development Site Sub-Committee should obtain detailed proposals and prices from several possible developers and then arrange a presentation of the most suitable plans to the full council.

May 1997

Parish Hall Land

Following a discussion of a list of options for the development and sale of the site, Cllrs Ellis and West were authorised to talk to potential purchasers regarding their offers.

April 1997

Parish Hall Land.

Cllr Ellis reported that there is little progress in this matter at present with replies only from three developers and two housing associations. It was agreed that the land should be sold for the best price and that the council should employ an agent to handle the sale. The subcommittee was authorised to approach potential agents to discuss terms.

March 1997

Parish Hall Land.

Four Housing Associations have expressed interest. The Council decided to write to commercial developers to assess their interest in developing the site along the lines referenced in the Inspector’s report, so that we can compare options and valuations before taking a final decision.

February 1997

Parish Hall Land

The Inspector’s Report into the local plan has now been published and supports the Parish Council’s position that development should be allowed subject to the normal planning process. After discussions with SVRA members, the subcommittee recommended that the council write to five housing associations to assess their interest in developing the site. The suggestion is that if the development proceeds on these lines it would consist of six units, two of which would be on a shared equity basis.

December 1996

Parish Hall development site.

Agreed to write to the Chief Planning Officer, WCC, seeking the reason for the delay in publishing the Inspector’s Report on the Inquiry of the modified Winchester District Plan, anticipated last month, and which will include the Inspector’s ruling on development on the parish hall site. Parish Hall – possible future development and availability of grants. Following a report from HCCS that since the Parish Hall is owned by the Parish Council, we are not eligible for an ACRE millennium grant for alterations and refurbishment, it was agreed to look once again at whether it would be worthwhile setting up a Village Hall Management Committee with charitable status.

September 1996

Results of Parish Referendum.

The Chairman reported that the result of the postal vote, after the sealed envelopes had been delivered to WCC and the voting papers counted by Electoral Registration Officers, was as follows:

‘Yes to sale of land for housing and proceeds to be spent on modernisation of hall and towards cost of replacement of sports pavilion’: 535; No 168 Abstentions 8 (Total 711)

The subcommittee is to consider what further action to take on this matter pending the publication of the Inspector’s Report (due in November) on the modified Winchester District Local Plan.

Chairman to summarise the results for the Parish Magazine

July 1996

Parish Referendum.

A review of the wording on the draft ballot sheet was undertaken and agreed for a postal vote to be carried out in July/August of all electors on the sale of the land adjacent to the Parish Hall and the development of the Parish Hall and Sports Pavilion. Cllr.Whitaker suggested that Winchester City Council be approached to conduct the count to ensure a secret ballot.

The chairman has written an open letter to the parish magazine to explain the Parish Council’s plans and the reasons for the referendum.

June 1996

Parish Referendum

Following the commitment made at the May meeting to hold a referendum on the sale of land adjacent to Parish Hall and the development of the Parish Hall and Sports Pavilion, it was decided to conduct the referendum by a postal ballot of all electors. The subcommittee was asked to come up with a final version of the ballot sheet in time for the referendum to take place in July. The meeting was closed to listen to the views of two Shawford Village Residents Association members present.

May 1996

The issues raised at the Annual Parish Meeting were discussed. After consideration of whether the distribution of an unsigned leaflet containing several inaccurate statements about the Parish Council’s intentions had prejudiced the issue, the Parish Council decided nevertheless to honour previous commitments and RESOLVED that “A Poll/Referendum/Questionnaire be carried out on whether the Parish Council sell the spare land adjacent to the Parish Hall”. The content and format of the poll was referred to subcommittee.

April 1996

Parish Hall Development Site:

Following the Parish Council’s previous decision to recommend sale of land adjacent to the Parish Hall, it was decided that consultation on the matter of development options will take place at the Annual Parish Meeting on 25 April, afier which the council will decide what further steps to take. The residential development options are to sell the land on the open market to a developer or to sell to a housing association. Particulars will be circulated with notice of Annual Parish Meeting to be distributed to all households.

March 1996

Residential development of land adjoining the Parish Hall

After extended discussion, – from which the public were excluded under the rule concerning land transactions – it was agreed to recommend the disposal of the plot to generate funds for the refurbishment of the Parish Hall and the Sports Pavilion. If the information is available in time, details of the options under consideration – a Housing Association development or outright sale to a developer – will be circulated with notices of the Annual Parish Meeting to be held on Thursday 25 April, in order to allow an informed discussion at the meeting.

February 1996

The Council decided to defer consideration of the Winchester District Housing Association proposal to allow time to study plans submitted at the meeting by a private developer.

January 1996

We are continuing to look at different ways to fund improvements to the Parish Hall by disposing of the adjacent site. The Parish Council is committed to seek public approval before taking any final decision.

The chairman will confirm our policy in an open letter to the parish magazine.

December 1995

The Council agreed in principle to spend approximately £60,000 on improvements to the parish hall, from proceeds of the proposed sale of land adjoining the hall. Enquiries to be made as to eligibility of an improvement scheme for a Lottery grant.

June 1995

It was reported that the Parish Hall Development Committee propose to meet with the Chief Planning Officer shortly, to discuss the possible residential development of the land adjacent to Shawford Parish Hall.

April 1995

The professional valuations provided for various numbers of residential units on the land adjoining the Parish Hall, are to be kept under review.

March 1995

The Council decided to seek professional valuations of the land adjoining Shawford Parish Hall, based on development for various numbers of residential units.

February 1995

Following discussion on the possible residential development of land adjoining Shawford Parish Hall, it was decided to seek various valuations of the site and hold preliminary discussions with the Planning Officer.

December 1994

The Parish Council planning application for development of land adjoining the Parish Hall, with 8 residential units, has been withdrawn, and it is hoped to commence discussion and negotiations with the City Planning Officer shortly, regarding a fresh application.

last updated 01 August 1999 by Adrian Walmsley