June 2011 PC Meeting Report

Report of the meeting held on Tuesday 7 June 2011 in the Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall.

Concerns about vandalism at the Compton Street Playing Fields; the proposed closure of Compton Street to enable resurfacing to take place and the posting of legal notices, inviting representations about the proposed 30 mph extension along Otterbourne Road, were the subject of considerable discussion at this month’s meeting.

Playing Fields Management

Concern was expressed by representatives of the Compton Tenants’ Association about acts of vandalism at the Compton Street Playing Fields, which had been reported to PCSO Gavin Cooper, and the dangerous condition of the gate, which no longer closes properly. Councillor Millar noted that the council was about to award a contract to repair and improve the fencing at the Compton Street Playing Fields. (The council subsequently awarded the said contract to Ernest Pointer Fencing.)

The council agreed that, given his excellent work to date, Bill Goodyear should be asked to continue with his programme of renovating the parish benches, including those at the Memorial Playing Fields.

Councillors Southgate and Wilkinson reported that, at the Shawford Residents’ Association meeting, support for the play area at Shawford Down had been mixed, roughly 50% in favour and 50% against.  Following discussion, the council agreed that the Playing Fields Management Committee should continue with the project, for which planning permission will be required.  [The proposed play area will be located within a site of importance for nature conservation (SINC).]

Highways & Transport

The council discussed Hampshire County Council (HCC)’s proposals to close Compton Street for two to three days in August, to enable the road to be resurfaced during school holidays. It was agreed that County Councillor Bailey should request that HCC Highways make available the option of a continuous working programme (including overnight), since such a programme should help to reduce the period of closure.  A meeting has also been arranged for the chairman of the parish council to meet the head of the Hampshire Council Highways Department, to try to alleviate the difficulties that will be caused by the resurfacing programme.

Following a discussion on HCC’s proposed traffic order to extend the existing 30 mph limit in Otterbourne Road, the council adopted the following resolution:

The Parish Council remains concerned about road safety along Otterbourne Road.  It is not entirely clear that the proposed speed limit would necessarily produce a better outcome than other safety measures. A fuller study would be welcome.

Councillor Southgate briefed the council on transport issues raised at the Shawford Residents’ Association meeting on 6 June 2011. Most people attending the meeting had been in favour of a residents’ parking system.  It was agreed that he should liaise closely with Sara Kendall, Traffic and Transport Engineer, Winchester City Council (WCC), who had recently produced a draft plan, intended to alleviate parking problems in Shawford village.

Councillor Southgate also agreed to seek the views of those attending the forthcoming meeting of the Compton Tenants’ Association on the possible installation of additional street lights in Compton Street and Attwoods Drove. But he added that, following the publication of last month’s parish magazine, he had already received a number of comments from residents opposing such a move.

Queen’s Diamond Jubilee: June 2012

The council considered whether it would be appropriate to provide financial support to the celebrations planned for The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in June 2012.  Following a detailed discussion, it was agreed that £2000 should be set aside from the council’s reserves to provide some financial support to parish events in celebration of The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.  However, individual items of expenditure needed to be approved by the council as a whole.

Planning Committee

Councillor Wilkinson reported that several parishioners had expressed concern about the size of the sign outside the Bridge Hotel. Both she and Councillor Southgate believed that it did not meet the planning conditions approved by Winchester City Council in the summer of 2009.  Both had raised the issued with the manager, who was keen to cooperate.  It was agreed that the clerk should write to the manager expressing concern about the sign not meeting planning conditions.

County and District Councillors’ Reports

Councillor Bailey’s reported that final times had been arranged for the Mobile Library Service.  Notices providing information on the times and dates of visits can be found on the parish notices boards and on the council’s web site.
District Councillor Jan Warwick introduced herself to the council and hoped for a happy working relationship with the Parish Council.

Finance and Administration (F&A)

Councillor Walmsley reported that the text of the Village Design Statement (VDS) had been finalised and will be placed on the Parish Plan website by Friday 10 June 2011.  It was agreed that the six week public consultation period should not be delayed because it coincides with the July/August holiday period.

Councillor Wilkinson mentioned that several parishioners had expressed concern about the poor state of the BT kiosk in Shawford. It was agreed that the clerk should make another attempt to encourage BT Payphones to renovate the kiosk.

Police Report

The clerk advised the council that, due to unforeseen circumstances, PCSO Cooper had been unable to produce a report in time for the meeting.

Date of the Next Meeting

7.30pm Tuesday 5 July 2011 in the Compton Room, Shawford Village Hall.

David Drake