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Bushfield Camp Planning Application

Now open for comments – deadline 7 December 2023

Update from local councillor

An outline planning application has now been submitted to Winchester City Council by the church commissioners to develop the Bushfield Camp site.

An outline application is much less detailed than a full planning application so is often used for larger sites to allow the applicant to find out if the nature of the development is acceptable and if the project is likely to be viable. More specific and important details are confirmed at a later stage and are called ‘reserved matters’.

The application is now open for your comments, whether you support or object, and will close on 7th December  2023 so please do take a look and share your views.

What’s included in the application?

The outline planning application has reserved most matters apart from access and includes the demolition of all existing structures on site and redevelopment to provide a phased employment-led mixed-use scheme, including a knowledge quarter of up to 96,500 square metres gross internal area (excluding car parking). The proposed uses are office, research and development, academic uses and academic accommodation, a hotel, and other complementary/ ancillary uses including a nursery, retail uses including shops, restaurants, cafes, bars, visitor and exhibition space, leisure and sports uses. Landscape and public realm work, including areas for sustainable urban drainage, biodiversity enhancements, foul drainage and water treatment works and new vehicular, cyclist and pedestrian access, are proposed, along with car and cycle parking and other associated works.

Your ward councillors will have the opportunity to represent you at the planning committee hearing for this application so please let us know your views and/or if you believe any aspect of the application has been overlooked.

How to find the application

The application and all associated documents can be found on the Winchester City Council website www.winchester.gov.uk/planning where you can search planning applications using the search term 23/02507/OUT or Bushfield

Cllr Jan Warwick

Hampshire County and Winchester City Councillor

Email: or

Submit your comments online

Responding to the Bushfield Camp Planning Application

Leaflet, prepared by the Badger Farm and Oliver’s Battery Residents’ Community Association and others, which s being distributed to houses in the area.

See also

Bushfield Camp Development Presentation – 10 July 2023