
Delivery Scam Alert

DPD Phishing Scam

Hampshire Alert

Hampshire Alert say:

Please see warning about a delivery scam currently being used to gain entry to bank accounts of victims.

As there has been a lot of publicity about this scam I suspect criminals will modify the messages to come from Royal Mail, Hermes, Yodel, DHL and other widely used delivery services. You may also see communications purporting to be from Amazon, eBay and other online retailers pushing a similar type of scam.

Fraudsters are using fake DPD (parcel delivery) messages to lure victims into a phishing scam. The messages state that the recipient has missed two attempted deliveries of a parcel, and provides instructions on how to arrange another delivery. The links in the messages lead to fraudulent websites that request a payment (£2 – £3) to rearrange the delivery.

If the victim makes this payment, they’ll receive a phone call within a few days from someone purporting to be from their bank to inform them about suspicious transactions on their account. They may also receive text messages, purporting to be from their bank, confirming these transactions. The victim is informed that their bank account may be compromised and is instructed to transfer their money to what they believe is an alternative secure account in order to prevent further losses.

In other cases, suspects have gained enough personal details and security information during the phone call with the unsuspecting victim, to enable them to take out a loan in the victim’s name. The fraudsters then transfer the loan to an account under their control. Fraudsters are able to use a tactic called ‘spoofing’ to make the call or text appear genuine by cloning the phone number, or sender ID, used by the bank.

Other scam warnings

recent warnings include fake:

  • TV Licensing refund emails,
  • Netflix emails
  • fake HMRC or DVLA  emails
  • British Gas refund emails,
  • Amazon emails,
  • texts about your mobile phone bill,
  • ‘user has shared file with you’ Dropbox emails,
  • Santander and NatWest text messages

For more information:

View the original of this item on Hampshire Alert: https://www.hampshirealert.co.uk/da/356686/Sorry_we_missed_you_-Scam.html