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New Refuse Collection Day

Refuse Collection DayRefuse Collection Day Changes

From 1 October 2019, Winchester City Council is changing its refuse collection day timetables.

  • For most of the parish, Refuse Collection Day will be Tuesday instead of Friday.
  • Household waste and garden waste collections continue to alternate with recycling collections.
  • The new glass collection service (for most properties) will be done with alternate recycling collections, that is, every four weeks.

How do I find my new timetable?

In June 2019, WCC wrote in a letter  to residents:

In early September you will also receive your waste and recycling calendar for the next year (1st October 2019 to 30th September 2020). The calendar will clearly show your collection dates for your household waste and dry mixed recycling including kerbside glass and garden waste.

and also

In future to inform residents more quickly of any changes and reduce costs, the waste and recycling calendars will only be made available on the council’s website, where printed copies can be downloaded, or upon request sent by the council.

If you haven’t received your new timetable,

  • visit When are my bins collected?
  • enter your postcode and press Go
  • then click on your house name or number if it’s visible
    • if it’s not visible, enter your street name and house name and press Filter
    • The property database isn’t perfect, so if your house name/number still isn’t visible, choose a close neighbour’s house or try your house’s old name if it was changed
  • You’ll get to a screen which tells you your collection day with a link to download the calendar.

Compton & Shawford Refuse Collection Day timetables

Details are extracted from the “When are my bins collected” page”.

Every effort has been made to make this table accurate at the time this page was published, but we cannot guarantee its continuing validity. The Winchester City Council website should be the definitive source.

Note that although for most of the parish, collection day is now Tuesday, Calendars C31 and C35 are on different cycles. For example, Tuesday 1 October is a recycling collection day for C31. It’s a household plus garden waste day for C35.

Area Calendar Collection Day Notes
Compton (Compton St, Attwoods Drove, Martins Fields, Place Lane C31 Tuesday
Shawford C31 Tuesday
Southdown, Otterbourne Road C31 Tuesday
Compton Down (Hurdle Way, Shepherds Lane, Silkstead, Four Dells etc) C35 Tuesday
Carmans Lane C29 Tuesday No glass collection
Otterbourne Road (properties north of Place Lane) C4 Friday No glass collection
St Cross Road (southern end) C28 Thursday

Waste Collection Questions and Answers

attached below

More on the Winchester City Council website

New waste collection timetable / Free kerbside glass collection

Waste, Recycling, Grounds Maintenance & Street Cleaning – one-stop-shop for everything about waste collections: report missed collections, report fly-tipping,  download your timetable, ask a question

New fleet of refuse vehicles improving waste and recycling collections

Sign up for waste and recycling updates


Waste Collection FAQ 2019-09
Waste Collection FAQ 2019-09
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