
Horticultural Society Summer Show 2019

Reminder: deadline for entries Sunday 25 August
Entry forms for the Horticultural Society Summer Show must be returned to the Secretary, Chairman or a Committee member by Sunday 25th August, together with an entry fee of 25p for each class entered.

Horticultural Society Summer Show 2019Horticultural Society Summer Show 2019

The Shawford & Compton Horticultural Society’s twenty-fifth annual Summer Flower and Vegetable Show will be held on Saturday 31 August 2019 in the Parish Hall.

Details of the competition sections are given in the Schedules which you can download at the bottom of this page.

So why not start planning your entries now?

Who can enter?

Society members can enter as many sections as they wish. (It’s not too late to join the society).

Even if you’re not a member, the Homecraft and Handicraft categories are open to all residents of Compton and Shawford and its neighbouring parishes.

Entry to the Young Persons’ section is open to all young persons normally resident in Compton and Shawford and its neighbouring parishes.

How to enter

  • Your entry forms for the Horticultural Society Summer Show must be returned to the Secretary, Chairman or a Committee member by Sunday 25th August, together with an entry fee of 25p for each class entered.
  • If you haven’t already got a copy of the schedule and entry forms, you can download them using the links below.
  • All exhibits must be brought to the Parish Hall between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. on the day of the show.
  • Judging will be between 10.30 a.m. and 12 noon.

All are welcome to come to the show

The exhibition is open to members and the public between 2.30 p.m. and 4 p.m. with prize-giving taking place at approx. 3.30 p.m. (tea and delicious cakes available)

For full details see the Horticultural Society Show letter, schedules, rules and notes for exhibitors, and entry form below.

The Young Persons Section has its own schedule and entry form (with a different deadline date of Thursday 29th August for entry form submission).

Chairman Elaine Papé says

The Committee hopes that all members will endeavour to make this, our twenty-fifth show, a great success by entering as many classes as possible. Not only does every extra entry mean a better, more interesting competition and an attractive display for all to enjoy, it also gains an additional point counting towards the section and overall show competitions.

Most of us need to pick quite a large quantity of fruit and vegetables to find those ‘identical/perfect’ entries which we’re sure are winners; there can be quite a lot of waste. This year we plan to put aside an area at the end of the afternoon where you can put your excess harvesting and/or entries that you don’t want to take home. These will go to the Eastleigh Food Bank who will make good use of them. This applies to the Vegetable, Fruit and Homecraft section entries. We hope you’ll think this is a good way to avoid waste.

Show Letter And Schedules 2019Main
Show Letter And Schedules 2019Main
Show Letter and Schedules 2019Main.pdf
261 KB
Show Letter And Schedules 2019YoungPersonSection
Show Letter And Schedules 2019YoungPersonSection
Show Letter and Schedules 2019YoungPersonSection.pdf
128 KB