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Walking for Health in Winchester

Walking for Health in WinchesterWalking for Health in Winchester

Walking for Health in WinchesterWant to get more active? Then we’re here to help!
Walking is a great way to get fit, explore what’s on
your doorstep and make new friends.
Join one of our free and friendly short walks today.


Walking for Health in Winchester

Winchester Health Walks

The ‘Winchester Health Walks’ started in November 2008 and there are now 9 weekly walks that take place at different locations around the District.

The Colden Common Health Walk is a 1-hour walk led by volunteers, starting from Colden Common Community Centre, SO21 1UU at 10:30 am on Wednesdays.

For more details and other local health walks, visit  www.walkingforhealth.org.uk/walkfinder/winchester-health-walks

Published at the request of the Winchester City Council Sport and Physical Activity Team 

For more about local walks see our Walking page at  comptonshawford-pc.gov.uk/sport-and-leisure/walking