City and County Councillors’ Report March 2018
Compton and Shawford Parish Council
PO Box 565, Winchester,
Hampshire SO23 3HG
Phone:01962 600198
County Councillor’s Report March 2018
Table of Contents
for the PC Meeting 6 March 2018
County Councillor Grants
This month I have been pleased to support the following local schemes:
- Sparrowgrove and Oakwood Copse £480
- Oliver’s Battery Film Club £500
Update from Hampshire Highways
Travel conditions have largely returned to normal now, but there will be a long tail to the snow, with recovery across our whole road network likely to take many months.
The damage inflicted by the snow and ice across the county, on already fragile roads, will be significant.
We have a massive challenge on our hands.
The first phase is to ensure safety on the network and tackle safety defects.
Given the scale of the damage we’ll need to make extensive use of temporary repairs and will be sending out find and fix gangs and programmed repair teams to do this essential emergency work.
With our revenue budget already under pressure, it is likely to be around 12 months before we can bring back the whole network to the state it was before, and we will need to review and reprioritise our 2018/19 maintenance programme in order to do this.
We are, therefore, calling on the Government to make additional funding available to help authorities who have been badly hit to restore their networks as quickly as possible, for example by an early decision to increase funding available through the government’s ‘Pothole Fund’.
County Councillor Jan Warwick
Winchester Downlands
District Councillors’ Report March 2018
Winchester Sport & Leisure Park
Winchester Sport & Leisure Park Council Leader, Councillor Caroline Horrill, announced a one million pound cash injection from Hampshire County Council for the Winchester Sport and Leisure Park at a Winchester City Council meeting on 22 February 2018.
The financial support from Hampshire County Council demonstrates the City Council’s commitment to working with partners to deliver a first class sport and leisure facility, which will improve the health and wellbeing of residents throughout the District and the wider Hampshire area. Additionally, those in need of specialist treatment will be able to use a new hydrotherapy suite and eight treatment rooms.
Park & Ride Additional Bus
The city council has invested in an additional bus after customers told the council that buses were often full in peak times and therefore couldn’t always stop to pick up passengers.
The extra bus means that from Monday 5 March there will be nine Park and Ride buses serving all park and ride sites, which should ensure more people can use the service when they want to. There will now be buses every seven minutes in the morning from 7.30am until 9.00am and in the afternoon from 3.45pm until 6.00pm
New Council Homes
Winchester City Council has approved ambitious plans to build 600 new council homes by 2020 and also to invest £90m in existing homes over the next ten years.
On 22 February, Winchester City Council approved the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and budget and business plan.
In the next ten years, the Council has set aside more than £100m for new homes, including the £15m scheme for 76 Council homes at The Valley in Stanmore. It has also allocated more than £8m for the Chesil Extra Care Scheme which is due for completion in Spring of this year, and £47m of funding for emerging sites and smaller sites.
The capital programme of £90 million for the next ten years also ensures that major works identified within the Council’s housing stock continue to be dealt with to ensure that homes remain above decent homes standard.
Cllrs Bell, Laming and Warwick