PC Meeting Agenda 1 November 2016

Compton & Shawford logo - PC Meeting Agenda 1 November 2016 Compton and Shawford Parish Council

PO Box 565, Winchester,
Hampshire SO23 3HG
Phone:01962 600198

Members of Compton and Shawford Parish Council are summoned to attend a meeting of

Compton and Shawford Parish Council

7.30pm Tuesday 1 November 2016
Compton Room, Shawford Village Hall

PC Meeting Agenda 1 November 2016


  1. Apologies for absence and declarations of interest.
  2. Minutes.
    • To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 6 September 2016.
  3. Matters arising and outstanding actions.
    • From the minutes and not mentioned elsewhere on the agenda.
  4. County & District Councillors’ Reports.
    • Parliamentary boundary changes.
  5. Casual Vacancy.
  6. Public Session.
  7. Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).
    • Request from the Scout Hall Trustees for financial support towards the cost of refurbishing the Reeves Scout Hall.
  8. Playing Fields Management.
    • QEII Field Additional Fencing.
    • Play Inspection reports: Maintenance work.
    • Jubilee Pavilion: Annual inspection.
    • Grass cutting contract.
  9. Finance and Administration.
    • Financial statement.
    • Note payments made since 6 September 2016.
    • Term deposit.
    • Draft budget 2017/18.
  10. Annual Parish Meeting.
    • Future format and timing.
  11. Footpaths and Environment.
    • Lengthsman: Work Schedule 9 November 2016.
  12. Highways and Transport.
    • Otterbourne road bench.
  13. Planning.
    • Planning applications and decisions.
  14. Shawford Down War Memorial
    • Listed status.
    • Remembrance Sunday.
  15. Web Site.
  16. Date & Venue of the Next Meeting.

David Drake, Clerk
25 October 2016

See also:

Minutes of earlier meetings