
PC Meeting Report 5 July 2016

PC Meeting Report 5 July 2016CSPC logo for PC Meeting Report 5 July 2016

Report of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 5 July 2016 in the Compton Room Shawford Parish Hall

Councillor Portfolios

The chairman confirmed that Mark Jenkins had agreed to liaise with Shepherds Down School on behalf of the council.

County and District Councillors’ Reports

County Councillor Bailey advised the council that, as a result of cost cutting proposals, Hampshire County Council (HCC)’s future traffic management policy is to concentrate on those areas where KSI (killed seriously injured) incidents have occurred. Community led initiatives (e.g. traffic calming measures, such as road humps, lower speed limits, pedestrian crossings etc.) can only proceed where the parish or district is prepared to pay for them. A new patching machine, which is operated by a single person, is being trialled across the county to tackle potholes and edge defects. (Over a thousand potholes were repaired in May 2016.)

In response to questions from the council, Councillor Bailey agreed to speak to officials about the lack of progress on the proposed cycle route through Compton and Otterbourne and advised that a decision, following the review of Adult Services, would be taken in October. He also agreed to ask officials from where ‘surplus stock’ could be collected as a result of mobile library closures.

The chairman noted, from District Councillor Jan Warwick’s report, that the Church Commissioners for England had contacted Winchester City Council and local councillors to inform them that they had instructed Deloitte Real Estate to undertake early stage engagement, with key stakeholders, in relation to land at Bushfield Camp. The council agreed that it should argue that all parish councils with an interest in the site should be included in the consultation. The council also noted that the WCC highways engineer was considering the possibility of extending the time-restricted parking bays outside Shawford’s hairdressing salon and the Sacher & Strudel café. The Shawford Village Residents’ Association is consulting its members on whether three additional bays, towards the railway bridge, would be acceptable to all.

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

The council noted Councillor Jordan’s report on the viability of the project to upgrade the Reeves Scout Hall and Councillor Goulding’s papers on CIL. It also noted that:

“CIL is a levy that local authorities can choose to charge on new developments in their area. The money should be used to support development by funding infrastructure that the council, local community and neighbourhood want.”

It was agreed that organisations within the parish should be advised about the possibility of acquiring funding through CIL. Applications for funding should be supported by documentation detailing the purpose for which the ‘grant’ will be used and its benefit to the community.

In association with Councillors Jordan and Townell, Councillor Goulding agreed to produce a detailed plan, for processing CIL applications and ensuring fiscal probity, by 31 July 2016.


Councillor Stevens reported that she had attended the WCC Planning Committee meeting on 30 June 2016, where, together with DC Warwick and three local residents, she had objected to the proposed developments at Smallwood and Southgate. The Planning Committee had agreed to visit the Smallwood site on 14 July 2016 but the Southgate development had been approved. The chairman thanked her for her efforts and especially for her willingness to change long established plans to attend the meeting.

Playing Fields Management

The council agreed to the purchase of new ‘dog fouling’ signs for the Memorial Playing Fields, which would emphasise the anti-social impact of dog fouling on the playing field and that dogs are prohibited within the play area. The council also noted that Councillor Wilkinson was in discussions with Winchester City Council (WCC) and District Councillor Jan Warwick about replacing the red dog bins with green dual purpose bins at Field Way (i.e. those adjacent to the tennis courts and the play area car park).

The council agreed that, since the wooden fence had, once again, been damaged by people/children using the football pitch, Councillor Wilkinson should obtain quotes for the installation of additional fencing behind the east goal of the QEII Field.

In response to a question from Councillor Jordan about the recent extension to the pavilion car park, the chairman assured him that no further work on trees/saplings in the vicinity of the MPF would be undertaken, without prior permission from the council.

Footpaths & Environment

The council noted that Councillor Wilkinson was in discussion with BT representatives about repairs to the telephone kiosk opposite the Bridge Hotel. It was agreed that she could advise BT that, once repaired, the council would consider taking over the responsibility for the future maintenance of the kiosk. (The telephone equipment to be removed by BT.)

The council also noted that the Tudor Wall information board would be erected at 0930 on Monday 11 July 2016. [Photographs are available on the parish website.] Mr Wilkinson’s efforts in securing the information board and repairs to the Tudor Wall were also recognised.

Finance and Administration

The council approved the financial statement and noted the list of payments made since 10 May 2016. It also noted the Internal Auditor’s letter of 19 May 2016, in which he had stated that he had no matters that he wished to bring to the council’s attention.

Councillor Goulding advised the council that he had provided the clerk with a formal letter offering him participation in a workplace pension. The clerk had subsequently declined the offer in a letter of 5 July 2016.

The council noted that, after many weeks of redirects, people were still using the clerk’s old email address. Since silent rerouting was no longer available, they would now receive a message advising them to use the new email address i.e. .

All Saints School Report

The council noted Charlotte Bailey’s report. Councillor Stevens wondered whether there would be an opportunity to discuss the report with Mrs Bailey. The chairman advised her that Mrs Bailey had offered to meet the council and, if it so desired, he would ask her to attend the September meeting.

Date and Venue of Next Meeting

7.30pm Tuesday 5 September 2016 in the Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall.

David Drake