PC Meeting Report 10 May 2016
PC Meeting Report 10 May 2016
Table of Contents
Report of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 10 May 2016 in the Compton Room Shawford Parish Hall.
Since it was the first meeting of the council, following the Parish Council election of 5 May 2016, much of the meeting was concerned with procedural issues but there was time for the council to hear a request from the Scout Hall committee for financial assistance.
Election of Chairman
Having the unanimous support of the council, Councillor Mike Southgate was elected chairman for the coming year. A decision on whether or not the council required a nominated vice-chairman was deferred.
Council Appointments
It was agreed that the existing convenors should retain their roles. Councillor Wilkinson would also cover Highways & Byways, supported by Councillor Townell. Councillor Goulding would assume the role of Finance and Administration convenor.
The council agreed that Adrian Walmsley should be invited to continue as the parish webmaster, supported, as necessary, by Councillor Goulding. The council noted that the transfer of the web site from HCC had been completed on 30 April 2016. A decision on the appointment of a school governor was deferred until the July meeting.
Councillor Southgate reported that he had alerted the WCC traffic officers to the problem of cars parking near the entrance to the parish hall car park but he was not optimistic that any action would be taken in the near future. The issue would be classified as ‘a low priority’
Annual Parish Meeting (APM)
Councillor Southgate noted that, at the APM, he had forgotten to thank the village hall caretaker, Frank Smith, for his efforts over the past year and for providing the refreshments at the meeting. He would like to correct that omission.
It was agreed that the F&A Committee should consider the future timing of the APM (which can be held between March and June each year) and whether to re-introduce the ‘house to house’ distribution of the Annual Report.
Since the subject had been raised at the APM, Councillor Wilkinson agreed to produce a plan to combat dog fouling on the MPF, and elsewhere in the parish, in time for the next council meeting on 5 July 2016. She also agreed to consider options for the telephone box in Shawford, which had recently sustained significant damage to the door and several panes of glass.
[see Report of 2016 Annual Parish Meeting]
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
The introduction of CIL, which has replaced the Winchester City Council Open Spaces Fund, means that funds acquired from local developers can now be used on a wider range of projects. It was agreed the Councillor Goulding should produce a draft policy on how the income from CIL should be distributed within the parish.
Reeves Scout Hall
Councillor Sadler briefed the council on the need for a major refurbishment of the Reeves Scout Hall and the difficulties its committee was encountering in raising funds. She hoped that the council would be able to provide financial assistance. It was agreed that Councillor Jordan should enter into discussions with the Scout Hall Committee to assess the viability of the refurbishment project and that he should produce a recommendation for consideration by the council on 5 July 2016. Councillor Southgate reassured Councillor Sadler that, should the Scout Hall Committee require emergency short term funding, they should revert to the Parish Council.
Councillor Stevens noted that a developer was taking soundings on the possibility of building houses on the meadow off the Otterbourne Road, to the south of Compton Nursery. Such a development would destroy the settlement boundary. The Parish Council’s position on the matter, in accordance with the Village Design Statement, is that “Any new development within Compton Down or Southdown should be contained within the Winchester District Local Plan Review’s Settlement Policy Boundary”.
Finance & Administration
Councillor Southgate moved that the council should approve the Annual Governance and Annual Accounting Statements for 2015/16.
The council approved the bi-monthly financial statement dated 30 April 2016 and noted the list of payments made since 1 March 2016. It agreed to reduce the potential liability for cycle racks from £750 to £300 but, even though no invoice had been forthcoming from HCC, believed the potential liability of £1000 set aside for the Compton Street bench, should be retained.
Casual Vacancies
Since there had only been seven candidates for the nine positions on the council, at the APM on 21 April, Councillor Southgate had invited volunteers to come forward to fill the two vacant positions. Martin Bell and Richard Webster had subsequently offered to do so. Councillor Jordan considered both to be very suitable. Councillor Southgate thanked them for volunteering and invited them to join the council. Both accepted.
Date and Venue of Next Meeting
7.30pm Tuesday 5 July 2016 in the Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall
David Drake