May 2007 Meeting Report

Report on the Meeting held
Tuesday 1 May 2007, Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall

Election of chairman, vice-chairman and committees

This was the ANNUAL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING at which the chairman, committees and convenors should have been appointed for the coming twelve months, May 2007 to April 2008.

It proved not to be possible to elect a chairman.

None of the potential candidates would accept nomination, either because of other commitments or the inability to find enough members able and willing to act as convenors. This emphasises the need to attract new blood to serve the community as Parish Councillors at the May 2008 elections, and to fill any vacancies that might occur in the meantime.

The outgoing chairman was persuaded to chair this one meeting so that the administrative work of the Parish Council could be conducted.

It was agreed that the 2006/7 committees and vice-chairman would continue in office for another month and that the question of electing a chairman, together with convenors and members of the committees, would be addressed again at the next Parish Council meeting, on 5th June 2007.