March 1996 PC Meeting Report

The monthly meeting of the Parish Council was held on 5 March 1996, with Mr A D Walmsley in the Chair.

Resignation of City Councillor George Beckett

Members expressed their deep regret at the resignation of our City Councillor, and the circumstances under which it occurred. The Chairman reported on the letters of thanks which had been sent to Mr.Beckett personally and to the Editor of The Hampshire Chronicle. A vote of thanks for Mr Beckett’s many years of service to the Parish was passed unanimously, to be recorded in the minutes. The City Councillor for Hursley, Audrey Hobbs, will be asked if she would represent our interests on the City Council until the new City Council elections in May.

Planning Applications

It was, for various reasons, decided to object to the application to demolish one house ‘Wytchwood’, Highways Road, and its replacement with two; and not to object to the application for a two storey extension to 15 Attwoods Drove, but to write to remind the applicants that for the safety of the children, and to prevent any damage to the grass, access for builder’s or other vehicles across the adjoining children’s playing field could not be permitted.

Speed Limits

Following examination of a proposed HCC Speed Limit Order for effectively all of the roads in the Compton Street and Compton Down areas of the Parish, it was agreed to write asking that speed limits also be imposed in the Southdown area: Southdown Road, Grove Road, Fairfield Road, Cross Way and Pearson Road, Shawford. Cllr. Wilmshurst reported on the road accident in which a young girl crossing the road at Compton Street had had her leg badly broken. The Parish Council will write to the County Council to repeat our request for the traffic island to be lit in the interests of road safety.

Otterbourne Incinerator Site, Poles Lane, Otterbourne – planning application

An objection to the proposed development by Hampshire Waste Services Ltd, had been sent to the County Planning Officer. Mr Nigel Hecks, Planning Consultant, had represented the three Parish Councils of Compton and Shawford, Hursley and Otterbourne at the hearing by the HCC Roads and Development Sub-Committee on 4 March, at which, despite his objections, permission was granted for the development. The Parish Council awaits Mr.Hecks’ written report and will then decide what further action to take.


Members agreed that letters be sent to Winchester City Council and Hampshire County Council to ask whether the site of Tarmac and Mott MacDonald offices at Bushfield had been evaluated as a possible site for a park-and-ride scheme.

Provision of a Bowling Green on the Memorial Playing Field

Cllr Wilmshurst reported that a letter had been sent to Mr HWS Ree suggesting that Mr Ree should call a Public Meeting to form a committee to investigate the interest for this activity in the parish, to meet the Sports Club and advise the Parish Council of progress.

Chairman’s Badge of Office

Although some parishes have one, after some discussion it was agreed that it would not be an appropriate use of public money to acquire a badge or chain of office for the chairman.

Parish Project 1996/97

The Council decided to nominate the replacement of the water main to the parish hall and caretaker’s cottage for this year’s “Parish Project” grant from the Winchester District Association of Parish Councils.

Computer Equipment for the Clerk

Purchase and insurance costs have been paid and a 50% contribution received from Otterbourne Parish Council. A training session for the clerk has been arranged.

Residential development of land adjoining the Parish Hall

After extended discussion, – from which the public were excluded under the rule concerning land transactions – it was agreed to recommend the disposal of the plot to generate funds for the refurbishment of the Parish Hall and the Sports Pavilion. If the information is available in time, details of the options under consideration – a Housing Association development or outright sale to a developer – will be circulated with notices of the Annual Parish Meeting to be held on Thursday 25 April, in order to allow an informed discussion at the meeting.