October 1998 PC Meeting Report
The monthly meeting of the Parish Council was held on 6 October with Mr AD Walmsley in the Chair.
Sustrans cycle route through Shawford.
Table of Contents
County Cllr Mrs A Bailey reported that she is to see the Director, Southern Water Services, on the matter and meet with representatives of Shawford Village Residents’ Association and HCC on 14 October.
Cllr TJ Trelfall reported on the meeting of interested parties on 30 September, and expressed concern that the interests of Compton and Shawford villagers were being over-ridden by the “Right to Roam” Group who wish to exercise that right on bikes, with children (and therefore away from major traffic) on private land in the Parish. It appears that the Group have engineered the Parish Council, and others, into a position where we have to argue against what seems a de-facto decision to put the Sustrans cycle-way right through Shawford. The normal practice of contacting individual freeholders to convince them of the virtue of opening up paths through their property as public rights of way has not been done. Discussion with parties is to take place in the Parish Hall on 14 October.
Shepherds Down School.
County Cllr Mrs Bailey reported that the County Council has plans to enlarge the Shepherds Down special needs school and for it to specialise in primary age children (up to 11). While we welcome the success of the school we will need to make sure that traffic and parking are covered by plans for any increase in its size.
Bushfield Camp.
City Cllr Mrs M Campbell-White reported that a development feasibility study of Bushfield Camp is being prepared and that she is to enquire why the consultants engaged by the City Council have not yet consulted the Parish Council.
Police Report:
given by the Chairman with input from by PC Barham via e-mail. Notices are to be displayed on the notice boards seeking applicants for appointment as independent members of the Hampshire Police Authority. A copy of a document “Secured by Design” had been received from our local policeman and forwarded to the architects for new pavilion; the Chairman is to complete a questionnaire regarding issues affecting feelings of community safety which is part of the consultation process in considering the Crime and Disorder Bill which aims to make communities safer.
Traffic safety.
After discussion of the congestion problems caused by parking near the Bridge Hotel, and the implications of increased traffic speeds if parking were to be banned there altogether, it was agreed that Cllr Threlfall talk to local residents.
Public transport.
Group Captain Dawson had submitted a report of the Public Transport Forum meeting on 9 September, where he had repeated our request for a bus stop notice board and proper time table for the 27B Bus Service, and had been promised a reply in writing. There are concerns over the lack of co-ordination of timetables when more than one bus company operates over the same route, and the report went on to suggest that HCC request parishes to carry out a survey to determine requirements for the frequency of services they require and then make budgetary provision to meet the demand. This might raise problems for HCC in Council Tax terms but without adequate public transport we cannot expect to reduce dependence on private cars.
Aircraft Noise Survey.
A report from Group Captain MEH Dawson stated that very few responses had been received covering May, June and July, and that it had been decided to send out a questionnaire to a wide cross section of residents of Compton and Shawford to see if they still feel strongly about the noise levels from aircraft flying over our area. Grp Capt MEH Dawson and Capt R Tice plan to meet with Mr Colin Hobbs, Managing Director, Southampton International Airport, during October/November, when results have been analysed.
Parish Millennium Celebrations.
The Chairman is to talk to various potential contributors before arranging a meeting to follow up that convened in August by Cllr R Wilmshurst. City Councillor Mrs M Campbell-White reported that the City is planning a large Millennium celebration in the Broadway.
Proposed closure of Twyford Sub-Fire Station.
It appears that the efforts of the affected parishes to avert its closure have been unsuccessful. It has been reported in the press that the Fire Station is to close, subject to the approval of the Home Secretary.
Planning Department Parish Open Day.
Cllrs Mrs JM Millar and R Whitaker attended this event on 18 September and reported that it had proved worthwhile and interesting. The Parish Council completed and returned a questionnaire from Winchester City Council about possible future seminars.
New pavilion.
Plans for the new pavilion, having been agreed with the Sports Club, had been submitted by the architects to the City Council for planning approval and were displayed at the council meeting for comments. Note: if anyone would like to see the new pavilion plans, we have several copies. The Planning Subcommittee holds a copy – contact Jean Millar on 712310 or Jo Lockett on 712118 who holds the Tennis Club’s copy. A draft revised Licence for the pavilion and Memorial Playing Fields had been drawn up following a discussion with the Sports Club and was distributed to Councillors for comments. We continue to hold regular meetings with the Sports Club and the architect to keep moving the project forward.
Sale of land adj Shawford Parish Hall.
Reported that the realised sum of £162,500.00 had been deposited with the Trustee Savings Bank on 90 Day Notice at 7.5% interest pa.
Parish Hall matters.
A quotation had been received for the construction of the retaining wall, in the sum of £12,000.00, which work will be carried out by Goodall Barnard Ltd at a cost to meet the quote. Cllr Threlfall agreed to supervise construction of the wall. It was agreed to demolish and remove the stage from the large hall on 21/22 November.
Shawford Parish Hall Extensions and Refurbishment.
A submission by CASCA, dated October 1998, for project approval, was circulated to members of the Council who gave qualified approval of CASCA proposals subject to confirmation after studying the report in detail and receiving final costings.
DWH Richman
Parish Clerk
14 October 1998