March 1999 PC Meeting Report

The monthly meeting of the Parish Council was held on 2nd March with the Vice-Chairman, Nick Campbell-White, in the Chair.

Public attendance

It was pleasing to see so many members of the public at the meeting. Numerous questions were answered, mainly concerning previous precepts, budgets, current precept increase, parish hall retaining wall and the old chestnut of the new pavilion.

Of the issues still of concern: a review of the budget and precept will be made at the next meeting of the council the council is preparing a document to distribute to all parishioners setting out facts and costings concerning the replacement pavilion as proposed and a suggested, smaller alternative.

Police Report

ClIr R Wilmshurst read the report of PC Clive Barham, which listed 8 points of advice which should be followed at all times for the safety of children and others when parking in Compton Street.

Routeing of Aircraft and Noise – Compton and Shawford

Following a letter, dated 15th February to Colin Hobbs, Managing Director, Southampton International Airport. a meeting and further discussions are to follow.

National Spring Clean – April 1999

A Litter Pick is to be undertaken throughout the parish on Sunday 25th April. Letters with detailed information are to be sent to last year’s volunteer helpers seeking their support.

Bushfield Camp Project

ClIrs Mrs J M Millar and R Whitaker attended the meeting convened by WCC on 8th February and reported thereon. The City Council made known their support for sports activities, park and ride with parking for 1,000 cars and some commercial development with an hotel. The PC expressed the need to shield the site from Hurdle Way. City Cllr Mrs M Campbell advised that all possible alternative sites are to be investigated and that any park and ride scheme will be properly managed (no details of these were available from Winchester City Council!).

New pavilion project

Following refusal of planning permission for the revised elevations to the permission that has been granted, it was decided that our architect proceed to appeal against the refusal, as a holding operation, with no expense to the Parish Council. In the meantime the Sports Club and Pavilion Sub-Committee propose to discuss the scaling down of the pavilion building and the grant of £88,000 to be made by the Parish Council.

Parish Hall refurbishment

Construction of the car park and retaining wall etc completed by Goodall Barnard Ltd at a cost of £13,643.00, plus reclaimable VAT, which is in dispute with the contractor. It was agreed to pay £12,000.00 plus reclaimable VAT pending settlement of the dispute. It was agreed (1) to accept Compton and Shawford Community Association’s summary of documented costs and funding and (2) that the contract with South Coast Installations be signed for building works at a cost of £ 167,235.00.

Winchester District Local Plan – Providing for Housing Requirements

A letter had been received from the Chief Planning Officer, WCC, seeking to involve Parish Councils in the process of identifying appropriate sites. This matter will be debated by the PC Planning Committee.

Request for bus shelter opposite Shepherds Lane Bridge

Further support for the project has been received from parishioners and the matter has been discussed with HCC. The Parish Council will have to make a case for the project with the help of local residents in order to attract financial help from HCC.

Cleaning of bus shelters – Compton

Following Hazel Lowe’s move to live in Winchester, the PC were pleased to hear that her daughter, Mrs Janice Russell, will continue with the work. A vote of thanks was unanimously passed for all the excellent work carried out by Mrs Lowe over the years and it was agreed that she be presented with a bouquet of flowers.

DWH Richman
Parish Clerk
20 March 1999