May 1999 PC Meeting Report

The Annual Parish Council meeting was held on 4th May 1999 when Mr N J Campbell-White was elected Chairman and Mr A D Walmsley Vice-Chairman.

A Vote of Thanks

to Mr A D Walmsley for his hard work as Chairman over the last 4 years was carried unanimously with appreciative comments from members.

Matters raised at the Annual Parish Meeting 29 April.

Following submission of Ms A-M McCarthy that she was unaware of any formal decision to have a further referendum on the pavilion issue, it was proposed by Ann Kelly that a referendum be held, seconded by Mr E W Beckett, and carried by 35 in favour and 22 against. Following a proposal by Mr G Beckett, it was also resolved, by a vote of 49 for and 1 against, that the referendum ask parishioners to approve the Parish Council plans of the pavilion as regards size, funding, position and design as advised with a Yes’ or alternative ‘No’ only. An amendment to the proposal by Mr M Bell seeking an option on the size of the pavilion to be stated in the referendum was lost by a clear majority.

Compton Post Office.

City Cllr Mrs M Campbell-White reported that the lessees of the Post Office were leaving and that the new tenants had requested grant of a 15 years lease. Winchester City Council had asked CIlr Mrs Campbell-White’s opinion on this to which she had replied stating that she had no objection provided there was a condition that the premises were always a community shop/Post Office. She also reported on Millennium matters and alerted the Parish Council to watch for the availability of funds particularly for villages.

Routeing of Aircraft and Noise – Compton and Shawford.

Cllr Walmsley reported that volunteers are being sought to monitor aircraft flying on an agreed experimental route, as skilfully negotiated with Southampton International Airport Authorities by Mr M E H Dawson and Mr RH Tice.

Parish Millennium Celebrations.

The ad hoc committee is to liaise with the school and other local bodies. No events are intended for the end of 1999.

Provision of speed humps on Compton Street.

ClIr Wilmshurst is to again consult Compton Tenants’ Association, to obtain views of Compton villagers and then collate such views. Romanse Project (Bus Stop Signs). Software problems persist and the solution could be short or long term.

Traffic calming – Otterbourne Road.

A letter had been sent to County Cllr Mrs A Bailey, who has discussed content with Mr J Soutar, County Surveyor’s Dept, who has yet to respond.

Dog (Fouling of Land) Act 1996.

This discretionary Act will come into force in the Winchester District on 7 June 1999. The intention of the Act is to improve the environment, by education if possible or by coercion if necessary. Encompassed in the Act are all open spaces, playing fields, play areas and verges/highways where the speed limit is 40mph or less. Southdown residents may want a speed restriction in their area in order to come within the terms of the Act, or may wish to see the effect elsewhere before taking such action. It is a matter for their decision.

Tree guards.

The tubular plastic tree guards between the M3 barriers are to be removed this year, others may be removed if trees and bushes mature enough and when landowners agree (mainly HCC).

Bus shelter requirement opposite Shepherds Lane Bridge.

No progress to date. Sight line affected – corner of Compton Street and Otterbourne Road. A bush is obstructing visibility at this junction and Cllr Wilmshurst is to discuss cutting it back with the owner of the property.

Mrs Hazel Lowe – Appreciation.

Following her removal to Winchester, the Parish Council sent a bouquet of flowers to Mrs Lowe in appreciation of her work in cleaning and maintaining the appearance of the Compton bus shelters for many years.

DWH Richman
Parish Clerk
May 1999