July 1999 PC Meeting Report

The monthly meeting of the Parish Council took place on 6th July 1999 with N J Campbell-White in the chair.

Two events dominated the meeting.

Parish Clerk

Dennis Richman, the Clerk, was taken ill half way through the evening with severe chest pains. An ambulance was called and he was taken to hospital, where he still is (as at 1 August 1999 – Ed) and where he could be for some time. He suffered a mild heart attack. has now recovered but is being kept in hospital awaiting an angiogram and a possible by-pass operation, and will not be discharged until at least 29th July.

(He will not be “operational” for some time and is unlikely to be at our September meeting. Please refer any parish matter or enquiries to the Chairman on 713891.)

Pavilion Referendum

The results as provided by the Electoral Returning Officer for Winchester City Council, who arranged the count, were reported as follows:

Number of envelopes received 658
Extra forms in envelopes 35
Yes votes 397
No votes 293
Rejected (no official number on forms) 3
Returned by Royal Mail undelivered 5

D H Cowan, Returning Officer, 6th July 1999

The vote was (just to remind you) “I support the Parish Council’s proposals for a new pavilion in terms of finding, position and design as described in the attached leaflet”.

The poll as approximately 56.5% of the electorate, disappointingly low in view of how easy the PC tried to make it.

Following questions from the floor, asking for the project to be reappraised or at least delayed, until a smaller (unspecified) pavilion be considered, the Chairman proposed that the matter be referred back to the New Pavilion Sub Committee for further consideration. Cllr Wilmshurst however proposed “in view of the yes vote in the referendum, this Council should proceed without any further delay to implement the current plans.” This was voted on and carried.

Prohibition of Heavy Goods Vehicles, Hocombe and Hiltingbury Roads, Chandlers Ford

Both County Cllr Anne Bailey and District Cllr Margaret Campbell-White warned of the possible effects to traffic in Otterbourne and Compton parishes, if this ban was implemented as proposed. Mrs Bailey explained how the ban had come about and gave her reasons and urged the PC to write and oppose. which Cllr Ellis has now done.

Routeing of Aircraft and noise

Robin Tice explained his and Monty Dawson’s policy when dealing with the Southampton International Airport Director. He explained that without precise details of low-flying, noisy or off-course aircraft, their ammunition was limited. In view of the few forms returned for the Aircraft Noise Survey, he wondered whether most residents were tolerant of the aircraft nuisance. If the Parish still wants representation against low flying and off track plans, it is vital hard evidence is provided wither to Monty Dawson (715553) or Robin Tice (713172), the most important information being the precise time of the complaint and whether the plane was taking off or landing. Other details welcomed.

Shawford and Compton Locality and Post Codes

Agreed to write to WCC and support residents and ask that the main Otterbourne Road, centre line, be the dividing line for the boundaiy between Otterbourne and Shawnford post codes. It was illogical and confusing that the lower part of the main road should be included in Shawford, whilst the middle part was in Compton.

Trees, Memorial Playing Field

R Wilmshurst authorised to obtain suggestions and quotations for lopping or possible removal of the 3 large poplar trees at the NE corner of the fields.

Parish Hall

Noted that the first phase of the new build had been handed over and the new Compton Room was now available for use. Building work almost on time and within budget, and the whole result was looking pleasing. Phase 2, refurbishment of the Shawford Hall. demolition of the toilet stack and new build of the Post office is due to complete on 13th July. CASCA take over management of the Parish Hall on 1st August. Thanks given for the particularly onerous work being carried out b the CASCA Hall Committee, in particular Jo Pitt and Mike Matthews.

Spreading of Sewage Sludge

Members were unhappy with the letters from the Environment Agency and wanted to look further into the matter. All recent correspondence to be circulated to all embers, for a full discussion at the next meeting. The Chairman would like to know of any residents concerns and whether if complaints had been made about smell, traffic nuisance etc, how they had been handled either by HCC or the Environmental Agency.

Illumination of Traffic Island, Compton Street Turning

The Parish had received an offer under the joint initiative scheme for lighting. both of the bollards and overhead at the junction with Compton Street, as per our proposals recently submitted. The overall cost would be £3489.00 with the PC paying half. The sub-committee recommended acceptance and the matter was generally approved by all present and referred to the finance sub-committee.

Next PC Meeting

Please note there is no meeting in August. The next meeting is 7th September 1999.

N Campbell-White
July 1999