March 2001 PC Meeting Report

Report on the March Meeting
Tuesday 6th March 2001, Shawford Parish Hall

The Chairman, Cllr. N.Campbell-White welcomed 20 members of the public to the meeting. In addition, he also welcomed Cllr. George Beckett as the newly elected Parish Councillor, commenting upon the valuable expertise he brings to the Parish Council.

County Councillor’s report:

Although County Councillor Ann Bailey could not attend the meeting, her report detailed her efforts in getting the verges along Otterbourne Road reinstated, subsequent to the recent Cable Laying work. It was generally agreed that the situation had been improved.

City Councillor’s report

District Councillor Charlotte Bailey reported on Planning Applications relating to “Longacre”, Hurdle Way, Options for the Organisation of W.C.C., Telecommunication Masts, W.C.C. Budgets for 2001/2002 and activities relating to the M3 Noise levels. Of particular interest to the Parish Council was the issue of the Planning Applications relating to “Longacre”, Hurdle Way. As City Councillor Tate was attending the meeting, he was asked to explain his reasons for involving himself in this individual Planning Application, as he was neither a resident in, or a representative of, the Parish. Two applications had been comprehensively refused by W.C.C. officers under delegated powers, but now a third application was to be submitted, it was understood, for 6 dwellings. After extensive questioning and discussion, the Chairman concluded by stating that the Parish Council would strongly oppose any Planning Application that deviated from the “EN1” designation that had been allocated by the Winchester District Plan to the area in question. In other words, only a single dwelling would be acceptable upon the “Longacre” site, any sub-division of the plot would be opposed.

Transport Representative

The Parish Transport Representative’s report resulted in agreement that the Parish Council will donate £100-00 to Eastleigh Borough Council in support of the Sunday Bus Service – Route 29/29a.

Highways and Byeways

Discussions concerning the proposal to reduce the speed limit along Otterbourne Road from 40mph to 30mph resulted in the view that it would be desirable, but un-enforceable.


The major issue with regard to Footpaths is the potential outbreak of Foot and Mouth disease. Cllr. Stuart Jennings advised the Hampshire County Council had printed and distributed Footpath Closure Notices, which he had arranged to put up. The Downs and car parks had been barrier taped. Farmer Venn had telephoned to express his thanks that the public had heeded the notices by keeping away from his land.

With the closure of Footpaths and some open spaces, a problem had arisen with the dog-walking community. With limited areas where dogs can be exercised, a concentration of Dog Fouling has been evidenced around the Parish. This is particularly so in Compton Street in the area of the Primary School. Various initiatives are to be pursued to encourage Dog Owners to clear up any mess their dogs make, with notices put up near the School and around the playing fields.

Cycle routes

Cllr Tom Threlfall reported upon his meeting with Sustrans and the proposal for the Cycle Route between the bottom of Otterbourne Hill to Winchester. Nick Farthing of Sustrans had been very receptive to concerns raised by the Parish Council, and it has been made evident that Sustrans will take on board the suggestions made. Sustrans will communicate direct with any Parishioner who may be affected by the Sustrans proposal with a view to achieving a solution, acceptable to all concerned, whilst at all times keeping the Parish Council involved.

New Pavilion subcommittee

The New Pavilion project continues to make progress, the Sport England Bid has been completed in draft form and is to be reviewed by all councillors prior to submission at the end of March 2001.

Memorial Playing Field

Installation of the new Children’s Play Equipment at Memorial Playing Field is to commence during the next week. Cllr. Mary Shaw’s efforts in obtaining donations for phase two of the project covering the Compton Street Play Area are bearing fruit in that donations totalling £850-00 have already been received.

Annual Parish Meeting

The Annual Parish Meeting had been moved from a Thursday to a Friday evening (27/04/01) to avoid displacing a regular Shawford Hall user.

Michael Langford, Clerk