
March 2001

Cycle routes

Cllr Tom Threlfall reported upon his meeting with Sustrans and the proposal for the Cycle Route between the bottom of Otterbourne Hill to Winchester. Nick Farthing of Sustrans had been very receptive to concerns raised by the Parish Council, and it has been made evident that Sustrans will take on board the suggestions made. Sustrans will communicate direct with any Parishioner who may be affected by the Sustrans proposal with a view to achieving a solution, acceptable to all concerned, whilst at all times keeping the Parish Council involved.

February 2001

Cycle routes

Sustrans, with a new negotiator, had, after a break of three years, approached the Parish Council to discuss continuing the Cycle Route, already agreed from Southampton to the bottom of Otterbourne Hill, through our Parish and onwards to Winchester. Councilor Tom Threlfall was again charged with dealing with matters on behalf of the Parish, as before. Proposals this time seemed much more acceptable and practical.

November 1998

SUSTRANS cycle route through Shawford.

A report on the meeting with interested parties on 14 October revealed that the Parish Council would be happy to approve the SUSTRANS main route and option one through Shawford and down to Otterbourne, provided local objectors’ problems have been satisfied, in particular those of the Malms and adjacent farmers.

October 1998

Sustrans cycle route through Shawford.

County Cllr Mrs A Bailey reported that she is to see the Director, Southern Water Services, on the matter and meet with representatives of Shawford Village Residents’ Association and HCC on 14 October.

Cllr TJ Trelfall reported on the meeting of interested parties on 30 September, and expressed concern that the interests of Compton and Shawford villagers were being over-ridden by the “Right to Roam” Group who wish to exercise that right on bikes, with children (and therefore away from major traffic) on private land in the Parish. It appears that the Group have engineered the Parish Council, and others, into a position where we have to argue against what seems a de-facto decision to put the Sustrans cycle-way right through Shawford. The normal practice of contacting individual freeholders to convince them of the virtue of opening up paths through their property as public rights of way has not been done. Discussion with parties is to take place in the Parish Hall on 14 October.

February 1998

Sustrans – The National Cycle Network in Hampshire.

Following discussion of the Sustrans document submitted to Cllr Mrs Millar, and having regard to points raised by members of the public, it was agreed to write HCC in broad support of the National Cycle Network but drawing attention to the need for public consultation and fact that one of the routes identified appears unfeasible as there is no footpath or public right of way over The Malms Drive.

January 1998

Sustrans – The National Cycle Network in Hampshire.

The Chairman reported that the residents of Shawford had expressed unease with the proposed route(s) and with inaccuracies in the HCC Feasibility Study. The matters were noted for the attention of the Parish Council when they make a submission on the proposed scheme not later than 13 February.

November 1997

Sustrans Cycle Route.

County Councillor Mrs. A Bailey had forwarded a report that one of two proposed cycle routes through Shawford will have to be chosen. The two routes converge behind the Bridge Hotel, Shawford. Consultations have commenced and the Parish Council will receive plans and be consulted.