February 2001 PC Meeting Report
Report on the February Meeting
Tuesday, 6th February 2001, Shawford Parish Hall
Councillor N.Campbell-White was in the chair and was pleased to welcome eight members of the public to the meeting.
County Councillor’s report
Table of Contents
County Councilor Mrs. A.Bailey Reported on the Cable laying that had been set in the length of Otterbourne Road/Main Road, Compton. She had written to the County Surveyor concerning unsatisfactory disruption, rubbish left on the verges, and the overall finished result. She had also had a meeting with the Highways Engineer concerning the new Shepherds Down School access, and had re-emphasised the Parish Council view that access improvement had to be complete before the developers commenced.
City Councillor’s report
District Councilor Mrs.C.Bailey reported on the problems caused by the road works, a meeting with the Compton Tenants Association, The Planning Appeal resumption re Shawford Park Polo Centre and that suitable sites had been identified for monitoring M3 noise levels. The major issue was the Planning Application at Longacre, Hurdle Way, that two applications had been refused, yet a third, virtually identical application was being submitted. The many previous objections would only be considered by Winchester City Council if they were submitted afresh, objecting to this third application.
Police report
P.C. Clive Barham reported on 8 crimes within the Parish, covering burglary, theft, graffiti and vandalism, as well as break-ins to several cars.
Cycle routes
Sustrans, with a new negotiator, had, after a break of three years, approached the Parish Council to discuss continuing the Cycle Route, already agreed from Southampton to the bottom of Otterbourne Hill, through our Parish and onwards to Winchester. Councilor Tom Threlfall was again charged with dealing with matters on behalf of the Parish, as before. Proposals this time seemed much more acceptable and practical.
Finance Subcommittee
The Finance Sub-committee reported that the Accounts for 1999/2000 had been successfully audited by the District Auditor. These accounts had been computerised and re-formatted; this format would now be adopted for the current and future years. It would also enable summary accounts to be available for each future Parish Council meeting.
New Pavilion Subcommittee
The Parish Council ratified the report from the New Pavilion Sub-committee, concerning Paul Murray’s Committee’s efforts to date. A new scheme, overall cost £220,000, had been drawn up. Funding proposed was £100,000 from the Parish Council, £20,000 from the Sports Club, £10,000 from W.C.C. Open Spaces and £90,000 from the Lottery commission. The Parish Council authorised the Pavilion Building committee to prepare a grant application for submission to Sport England via the Parish Council, and also voted to contribute £100,000 from reserves to the Sport England Pavilion Project, and ask W.C.C. to contribute £10,000 from the Open Spaces Fund.
Playing Fields
The Playing Fields subcommittee had started on the second phase of Play Equipment replacement by sending out Grant Applications and letters for financial support for the Compton Street Play Area up-date. Rather than take out of service the swings on the Memorial Playing Field as reported last month, temporary repairs have been made until the new equipment is installed later this spring.
Michael Langford, Clerk