April 2001 PC Meeting Report

Report on the April Meeting
Tuesday 3rd April 2001, Shawford Parish Hall

The Chairman, Cllr. N. Campbell-White opened the meeting at 7.15pm and welcomed four members of the public to the meeting.

Public Participation

After consideration by the Finance and Admin. Sub-committee, and further discussion within the Parish Council meeting itself, it was agreed to change the procedures with regard to Public Participation at the Parish Council meetings in the future. This was done to encourage greater Public participation during the “Question and Answer” sessions and to ensure adequate opportunity for obtaining comprehensive answers to questions are received by the attending Public.

County Councillor’s report

County Councillor Ann Bailey reported on the proposed Structures of Hampshire County Council, Project Integra (Waste Management) and M3 noise levels. It was noted that the resurfacing of the M3 through the Parish with a quieter surface is not scheduled until the year 2011 at the earliest.

City Councillor’s report

City Councillor Charlotte Bailey reported upon the proposed Telecommunication Mast to be erected at Compton Nurseries, M3 noise and the Bushfield Camp development, plans for which have now been deferred. Mrs. Bailey also referenced Winchester City Council’s “Best Performance Plan 2001”, a copy of which has been distributed to every household.

Transport Representative’s report

The temporary Transport Representative reported that the planned Hampshire Rail Forum had been cancelled due to a lack of Speakers. This was unfortunate as it is considered within the Parish that the current problems at, and need for increased use of, Shawford Station needs to be raised with the train operator. This issue will be addressed at the forthcoming Annual Parish Meeting.

Finance subcommittee

The Finance and Admin Sub-committee are currently working on revised/additional leases for the Compton and Shawford Sports and Tennis Clubs, which will be necessary once the New Pavilion and Tennis Court are built.


Planning issues discussed were the appeal against Winchester City Council’s rejection of the Planning Application submitted by Shawford Park for a Stable Block and accommodation. The Planning Inspector has now rejected this appeal. Further Planning Applications in respect of Longacre, Hurdle Way, have not been submitted to-date. Similarly, Planning Applications for expansion of Southdown School have not as yet been submitted.

New Pavilion

The New Pavilion Project progresses with the completion of Sport England Grant Application, which has been submitted to Sport England for review before final submission. A “News Update” leaflet has been produced by the Sub-committee which details the progress of the project. These leaflets will be distributed to all households within the Parish, together with notices for the Annual Parish Meeting. The Chairman expressed the Parish Council’s thanks to Paul Murray for his extensive work on the project so far.

Playing Fields

With the unusually wet weather recently, work on replacing the Children’s Play Equipment at Memorial Playing Field has been delayed. The ground condition being so poor, has prevented the installation from being undertaken in accordance with planned schedules. Similarly, grass cutting on the Memorial Playing Field has not been possible due to the ground being waterlogged.


With the restrictions on use of Public Footpaths [because of Foot & Mouth – Ed], the problem of Dog Fouling on the roads and verges around the Parish has become more apparent. Further notices are to be put up informing dog owners that it is their responsibility to clear any mess their dogs make.

Annual Parish Meeting

Preparations for the Annual Parish Meeting are underway, the date for this meeting being 27th April 2001. The meeting will commence at 7.30pm and will be held in Shawford Parish Hall. It is hoped that as many Parishioners as possible will attend.