December 2003 PC Meeting Report

Report on the Meeting held
Tuesday 2nd December 2003, Shawford Parish Hall

Public Session

During the session open to Members of the Public, Councillor Mrs. Jean Millar introduced the Reverend Paul Baird, the new Priest in Charge, to the Parish Council.

Police Report

Police Constable Mark Smith reported that there had only been three offences within the Parish since the 1st November 2003. These consisted of one instance of damage to fences and two of thefts from motor vehicles in the car park of the Bridge Hotel and The Captain Barnard.

New Pavilion Project

Councillor Mr. George Beckett had been informed by Mr. Paul Murray that the construction of the Jubilee Pavilion is on schedule. Preparations for the opening on the 20th December 2003 are in hand, with a formal list of invitees being prepared. It was made clear that regardless as to whether they are included in the formal list of invitees, the Parish Council would like to see as many people as possible at the opening.

With the opening of the Jubilee Pavilion on the 20th December, it was considered essential that the New Pavilion Building Committee remain operational beyond that date, as it is envisaged that numerous issues will arise subsequent to the opening. These issues will require management and resolution and it is the New Pavilion Building Committee who must see the project through to its conclusion.

Councillor Mrs. Mary Shaw reported that the Ladies Guild are arranging for a number of photographs to be framed and installed in the Jubilee Pavilion. These photographs depict various historical events in the Parish and show the significant involvement of the late Mr. Ray Wilmshurst in these activities. Whilst the photographs are intended to form a memorial in part to Mr. Wilmshurst, a more permanent memorial is to be considered by the Parish Council. Similarly, Councillor Mr Adrian Walmsley reported on the donation of an exterior Clock for the Jubilee Pavilion, by the daughter of the Late Mr. Hartley Honeyman in memory of her father, who was a leading light in the formation of the Tennis Club.

With the completion of the Jubilee Pavilion, the old Pavilion will be demolished, making way for the construction of a third Tennis Court. Accordingly, the Parish Council’s solicitors have been approached with a view to drafting a revising the Lease to include the proposed third Tennis Court.


During the session on Planning Applications, there was much discussion concerning the request from Mr. John Venn for the Parish Council to support him in his request for the removal of the restrictions on the hours of use of the Grain Dryer at Silkstead Farm. Since the last Parish Council meeting, further information had been received by the Parish Council from the Enforcement Officer, Winchester City Council, concerning the procedures which may be followed by Mr. Venn if he determined there is an emergency need to operate the Grain Dryer outside the hours stipulated in the Planning Permission granted. In view of this information, the Parish Council saw no need to revise its previously determined position. However, if Mr. Venn could show in future that the procedures detailed by Winchester City Council were not satisfactory, then the Parish Council will make suitable representations.

Memorial Playing Field

Councillor Mrs Mary Shaw raised the issue of members of the public undertaking Golf Practice on the Memorial Playing Field. It was considered by some that such activities were a danger to the public in general and should not be allowed. However, there are no signs on the Playing Fields, which indicate that Golf Practice is prohibited. Accordingly, the Clerk was asked to make enquiries of the appropriate authorities seeking guidance as to what the Parish Council’s position should be on this issue.


Councillor Mr. Tom Threlfall, having been approached on numerous occasions in the recent past by Parishioners complaining of the lack of water in the Bishops Drain and related waterways, was pleased to report that the Footpath from Compton Lock to Twyford is now flooded.