Queen’s Diamond Jubilee
September 2011
Table of Contents
Queen’s Diamond Jubilee
Councillor Stevens advised the council that the Queen’s Jubilee committee had already raised £1200 in sponsorship for next year’s celebrations. She anticipated that outgoings on an entertainer and falconer would cost around £375 but funding still needed to be secured to cover the cost of the marquee, which will be needed for the Community Ball on the Saturday and for the family events planned for Bank Holiday Monday. The Sports Club had agreed to meet 50% of the cost of hiring the marquee (approximately £3000) and she recommended the council should be prepared to meet the remaining 50% from the £2000 already set aside for the jubilee celebrations. All agreed.
July 2011
Queen’s Diamond Jubilee
The chairman, Councillor Stevens, advised the council that she would be meeting representatives of the Sports Club, local headmistresses and other local organisations in the coming days. Following discussion, it was agreed that the chairman should present a draft budget for The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations at the September council meeting.
Councillor Walmsley noted that, should the council be prepared to provide funding for the hire of a marquee for the Diamond Jubilee celebrations, it will need to be solely in support of village festivities, open to all; otherwise VAT can not be reclaimed.
June 2011
Queen’s Diamond Jubilee: June 2012
The council considered whether it would be appropriate to provide financial support to the celebrations planned for The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in June 2012. Following a detailed discussion, it was agreed that £2000 should be set aside from the council’s reserves to provide some financial support to parish events in celebration of The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. However, individual items of expenditure needed to be approved by the council as a whole.
May 2011
Queen’s Diamond Jubilee: June 2012
The chairman provided a briefing on developments since the APM, where two volunteers had come forward. She had had a very good meeting with the Sports Club and was close to forming a committee of fourteen, which she considered to be an ideal number. Unfortunately, she had yet to find a treasurer. [Should you be willing to volunteer, please give me a call on 01962 600198.] The key dates for activities will be Saturday 2 June, the Sports Club Ball, and Monday 4 June, when there will be a celebration for people of all ages at the Memorial Playing Fields.
April 2011
The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee
The chairman reported that, since the Scouts had indicated a willingness to participate in plans for the Queens Diamond Jubilee, it was time to consider organising a planning committee. The clerk was asked to organise a meeting of all interested parties at the Sports Club.
February 2011
Queen’s Diamond Jubilee
The chairman, Councillor Stevens, reported that Shepherds Down School and the WI had already responded positively to the letter about the possibility of organising a joint celebration of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in June 2012. The deadline for replies was 28 February.
January 2011
Queen’s Diamond Jubilee
It was agreed that the clerk should write to those organisations within the parish (e.g. schools, scouts, sports club, WI etc.) that might be interested in organising an event to commemorate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in June 2012. But it should be clearly understood that, while the council would be prepared to facilitate such an event, and some councillors would be prepared to help, it could not play a leading role in its planning. [Should any parishioner be interested in helping with the planning of a Queen’s Jubilee event, please email the clerk.]
December 2010
Community Activities
The chairman advised the council that, while reviewing old parish documents, she had discovered several programmes including those for Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee and Queen Elizabeth II’s Coronation celebrations. She hoped that the parish would be able to organise similar celebrations for The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in 2012. The documents include details of the Fancy Dress and Sports Competitions that took place on the Recreation Ground on 2 June 1953.[Should there be anyone still resident in the parish, who participated in those competitions, the clerk would be delighted to hear from you.]
The chairman also believed that next year’s national tree planting scheme offered an opportunity for the Parish Council and Compton Primary School to work together on several environmental projects.