April 2004 PC Meeting Report

Report on the Meeting held
Tuesday 6nd April 2004, Shawford Parish Hall

District Councillor’s report

District Councillor Murray Macmillan reported on the submission of a major Planning Application concerning Barton Farm by Carla Homes. Whilst this Planning Application is expected to be refused, it is envisaged that there will be subsequent re-submissions of the application together with the possibility of Appeals. As a consequence of this, it is it is hoped for a reduction in pressure for high density housing in existing residential areas such as Compton and Shawford.

Otterbourne Recycling Facility

Councillor George Beckett reported upon the meeting with Integra he attended in conjunction with Otterbourne Parish Council, concerning the recycling site at Poles Lane. The meeting centred upon the obtaining of retrospective Planning Permissions for the site and it was noted that as Hampshire County Council owns the site, such planning permissions can be given by Hampshire County Council to themselves with only nominal reference to the Planning Authority of Winchester City Council. In general, it was considered to be an acrimonious meeting in that Integra appeared dismissive of the Parish Council’s and local residents’ concerns. It was also suggested by Integra that resulting from a snapshot survey of lorries entering and exiting the site, a 20% reduction in traffic volumes had been realised. However, it should be noted that this snapshot survey had been undertaken during the recent bad weather conditions during which refuse collection was suspended in some areas due to snow.

Finance and Administration committee

Councillor Nick Campbell-White reported on the progress of completing the outstanding issues in respect of the Jubilee Pavilion. Work continues with various outstanding items being attended to. However, several new issues have arisen which are being addressed. Councillor Campbell-White advised the meeting that whilst a contingency fund to cover such matters had been budgeted for, that contingency fund had now been consumed. Unexpected issues such as the asbestos removal in the old Pavilion had placed unexpected burdens upon the limited funds available. The matter of landscaping around the Jubilee Pavilion has yet to be undertaken, but it is being left until better weather and drier conditions prevail. The planned demolition of the old Pavilion has been thrown into doubt in that previously agreed plans for Integra to undertake this work by way of a donation to the overall project are now understood to be less certain. Mr. Paul Murray is pursuing this on behalf of the Parish Council.


Councillor Jean Millar reported upon several planning issues including the planned Site Viewing Sub Committee on the 19th April at The Merries/Ballakitch, Highways Road, the rejection of the Longacre Appeal, the retrospective Planning Application at Highlands which was refused and the outline Planning Application at Shepherds Grove, Shepherds Lane. Councillor Millar also reported on her visit to the Twyford Parish Council open day in respect of developments and proposed developments at Humphries Holdings. Apparently there have been numerous developments on the site, which have not conformed with usual Planning procedures. This Parish Council will maintain a watching brief and provide support to Twyford Parish Council if requested and considered appropriate.

Memorial Playing Field

Councillor Mary Shaw reported upon plans to obtain signs to be put up on the Memorial Playing Field prohibiting Golf practice. Such signs will also incorporate various other activities such as dog fouling, the riding of motorcycles across the playing field and other anti social activities. Whilst it is accepted that such signs do not absolve the Parish Council from its responsibilities, it is considered appropriate that the public’s attention be drawn to what is acceptable behaviour.

Highways and Byways

During discussions concerning Highways and Byways, there was significant consideration given to the question of Street Lighting in Bridge Lane. This was an issue that had been raised by Mrs. Gillian Webster who had requested the installation of such Street Lighting. It was advocated that Compton and Shawford was essentially a rural area and as such Street Lighting on the scale of urban areas, was not to be expected. However, in order to fully consider this matter, the Clerk was tasked with finding out the appropriate Standards applicable to an area such as Bridge Lane, together with potential costs of installation and ongoing maintenance.

Annual Parish Assembly

Plans for the Annual Parish Assembly on Wednesday 28th April 2004 at Shawford Parish Hall were finalised. The Parish Newsletter had been compiled by Councillor Adrian Walmsley and will be distributed to every household within the Parish, together with copies of the Agenda for the meeting. It is hoped to complete the distribution some two weeks before the 28th April, this to give Parishioners ample notice of this important meeting. A good turnout as in previous years is anticipated.

Council Elections

Parish Councillors were reminded that in June 2004, the Parish Council Elections are due to take place when the new Parish Council will be elected. Notes on the procedure for these elections were circulated to all Councillors, and a hope was expressed that further residents will put themselves forward for election.